The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1601: Hidden Sword

In the depths of the imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace, after the Baiguan retreats, the silence that can be heard by the needle fell under the Xuantianmu once again, and then the silence was broken by the divine voice of Zhao Yu:

"Liang Po, ask Sitian Supervisor to sort out the information about the recently broken Yecheng and Changming County in the Central Plains, and bring it here."

At the next breath, Liang Po, a burly figure like a little giant, stepped into the lawn, saluted, and said:

"Your Majesty, it's getting late. It's the New Year's Eve. The Empress of Summer Palace is waiting for you to have a meal. If it's late, the little princess will lose her temper."

When Liang Po's reminder sounded, Zhao Yu paused slightly while holding the memorial hand, and then the young emperor raised his head and leaned back, and the voice came out:

"It's time for this moment, so prepare to go back to the summer palace. By the way, Yanzhi told me before that, let Sima Annan follow along. Have you arranged it?"

When the question fell, Liang Po stepped forward to clean up the things on the table in front of Zhao Yu one by one, and the never disappointing response sounded immediately:

"Young Master Sima has been waiting outside the Royal Garden for a long time."

Over the years, the tacit understanding between Zhao Yu and Liang Po can be said to be deeply ingrained, and Liang Po is incredibly careful in his burly body like a giant.

He is not only the strongest defense in the world, but also the most delicate person!

"Broken, I found that you have gone to the small world of Floating Island a lot more recently than before, but the soul of the Snowman girl has changed?"

As soon as Zhao Yu's voice came out, the movements in Liang Po's hands stopped for a moment, and then the latter's mellow response sounded:

"Her soul power has decayed drastically in the past six months. Weichen is thinking whether she should follow the advice of the white girl and let her soul return to the ruins, maybe she can be reincarnated."

"The matter of reincarnation is too illusory. The secret of the reincarnation of life and death in the entire Taixuan land has always been the mystery of the mystery, and there are very few people who can understand it."

After the emperor's voice came out, Zhao Yujiang finished the last bitter tea in the cup in his hand, then stood up, and the voice continued:

"However, Bai Zhining is a death prophet who possesses the ancient taboo Dao Soul, and may be able to imprint it in the soul. After he is reincarnated, he can use the imprint to retrieve it. This is also a way for you to refer to."

When Di Yin fell, Liang Po did not continue to speak, and the unprecedented ups and downs in his black eyes indicated that he was not calm.

For so many years, only the life and death of this Snowman girl can make his heart stir the stormy sea!

"The connection between the soul and the body is one of the most complex relationships in the world, and even between the two is unique. Therefore, it is not easy to reshape a body that matches exactly.

"But I think you can sink it into the Lake of Life in the White Emperor Palace first, and then take a look at it after a while, maybe someday in the future, there will be a turning point!"

As soon as the word "turning opportunity" came out, the depths of the originally quiet and peaceful imperial garden suddenly became particularly heavy, as if there were thousands of weights, and it was suppressed with great might.

Then Liang Po stood upright, looking at the tall and straight emperor's shadow ahead of the Yuhuayuan, and fell into a trance. At this moment, Liang Po suddenly felt that Zhao Yu's turning point was not only to him, but also It is for the young emperor himself.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the large carriage parked outside the Imperial Garden, with a soft drink, started in the wind and snow, and drove along the avenue that had been completely covered by snow towards the depths of the Baidi Palace.

Snow flew outside the carriage and the temperature was cold, while inside the carriage, it was warm like spring.

In the wide carriage, apart from Liang Po sitting by the door, Zhao Yu and Sima Annan sat opposite each other.

On the desk in front of the two of them, a lamp was lit, exuding a pleasant faint fragrance.

Although he was on the carriage, but under the smooth driving, the flame on this lamp did not tremble.

Then Sima Annan raised his hands and folded his hands, respectfully respecting Zhao Yu in front of him, and shouted:

"Sima Annan, the criminal minister, have seen your Majesty!"

After Sima Annan greeted him, he pressed his head tightly on the carriage deck and did not want to get up for a long time. After that, Zhao Yu's expression remained unchanged. He raised his drooping eyes and stared at the young man in white who was kneeling on the ground in front of him. Out:

"Sima Annan, for more than a year, do you want to understand?"

"Back to your Majesty, the guilty minister wants to understand."

After the solemn response came out, Sima Annan continued to prostrate himself, and his voice continued:

"In the land of the profound mystery, don't despise anyone, even the most insignificant ant!"

After he finished speaking, Sima Annan raised his body slightly, and his voice rang out in the carriage again:

"In the eyes of the criminal officials, these elders of Wuxianshan descendants who fled south must die because they insulted your Majesty."

"Just because you said a few bad things behind your back, you will let the Black Dragon Guard kill all these people in front of everyone, or in such a shocking way?"

Zhao Yu's response sounded with a hint of jokes, especially the shocking words in the words, which are even more important.

It is true that Sima Annan's disturbance on the bank of Yuanchuan a year ago was truly magnificent. The ancient dragon, coupled with the violent flame meteorite that pierced the void and fell violently, not only scared the original Beihai aborigines on the bank of Yuanchuan. The bravery caused infinite waves in the hearts of the descendants of Wuxianshan who remained in Daxia.

The consequences of this are also obvious. The descendants of Wuxianshan who have been trapped under Ao Jia for tens of thousands of years are scared birds with extremely fragile hearts. When Sima Annan was so stimulated, many people directly fell into madness. Becoming a madman has caused a lot of conflicts, and made Daxia's process of reunifying the two states with one another and the two states not as easy as imagined.

However, for Daxia of the Nine Heavens Phoenix, the conflict on the shores of the North Sea is not critical, and it can even be completely suppressed by the wild army. However, Sima Annan’s move made Zhao Yu once promised the Sect Master of the Five Immortals. Lan's promise fell through.

As the saying goes, Jun has no jokes, so Sima Annan needs to be punished. This is the rule.

There are no rules, no radius, strict laws, this is Daxia!

"The minister is convicted!"

Inside the carriage that was moving forward, Sima Annan's second confession sounded, but at the next breath, he continued to open his mouth and the voice came out:

"The death of your majesty is the insistence of all the people of Daxia. Even if the minister chooses again, the minister still wants to kill, and they will kill them with fear, and kill the northern survivors who chewed their tongues in the abyss Even hearing my Daxia's name makes my heart break, dare not show any respect!"

Sima Annan continued to make a sound in the carriage, and then he raised his head, his sharp eyes, staring at the young emperor who also looked in front of him, unrelentingly.

This year and a half of leisure, not only did not let the young man's determination in white clothes have the slightest reduction, but let it be like a sword with a hidden scabbard, suppressed infinitely in one place, waiting for the day when it is fully revealed in the world!

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