"Sima Annan, you have to understand that everything under the sun will not go smoothly. This is an extremely superficial truth.

"So I didn't expect the descendants of Wuxian Mountain by the North Sea to be able to do it overnight and directly integrate into the Great Summer."

On Baidi Palace Avenue, on the carriage driving towards the Summer Palace in the snow, the calm and indifferent voice from Zhao Yu rang, and then the young emperor took his gaze back from Sima Annan’s face and turned to the book in his hand. Di Yin continued Rumor:

"But it's not that we and Daxia didn't have time to let these descendants of the Wuxianshan race slowly blend in, without the urgency that you think.

"There is a saying that it is good, but not quick. This time it is because the original Five Immortal Sect Master Lan promoted it with his own prestige for many years, and the descendants of the Wuxian Mountain themselves are also human races, this can quickly pass. .

"But if you think about it from another angle, if Daxia travels south to the Central Plains in the future, I must experience a **** battle. At that time, I belong to the alien race of Daxia. You will also send the Black Dragon Guard to them to make some big moves. Forcing them to return?"

Zhao Yu's opening voice was not light or heavy, just like an extremely common question, but he let Sima Annan continue to kneel and bow his head, and let out a low cry:

"Criminal minister, dare not."

"When I traveled the world with Shigong, his old man said such a sentence, and I have always kept it in my heart."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yu Jiang raised his head, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his ebony black eyes, and Di Yin continued to speak:

"Master once said that to be an emperor, you must have two hearts, one heart is used for fighting and bleeding, and the other heart is used for tolerance.

"A big country with great Xia Yangyang, to be tolerant is big, and the horizon is limited to one race or a small area. That is a sect, and it does not deserve to be named after a country!"

Emperor Huanghuang's tone resounded through his ears, and then Sima Annan pressed his forehead against the back of his hand, and continued to shout:

"Your Majesty has a mind like a sea of ​​rivers and rivers, and the guilty ministers are far behind. The guilty ministers only hope that Daxia will be strong and unparalleled, no foreign enemies will invade, everyone is like a dragon, and can control their own destiny.

"Let you go to the Daxia Academy for more than a year. Although your temper is still the same, there is a lot more ink in your stomach. Get up first."

Zhao Yu's emperor's voice fell, Sima Annan smiled, stood up, and smiled confidently:

"Your Majesty has forgotten, but I was among the top three in the last Great Imperial Examination, and now the girls in Shenjing City have seen me and they still have to say something to me."

"Why did you come to explore the flowers, others don't know, will I still not know?"

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yu picked up the teacup on the table in front of him without raising his head, and his voice continued faintly:

"Due to my persecution, you guys searched for the imperial examination in the long river in advance, and you have found a lot of them. If you take the test again now, let alone explore the flowers, even the imperial examination will be choking."

After speaking, the young emperor turned a page of the book in his hand, and then said:

"Since I called you to the palace again, it means that you can go back to the military plane to work as an errand, go to Xuebancheng and familiarize yourself with the information of the recent Supreme Profound Land. For more than a year, the southern Central Plains Still very lively.

"One of the most important points, the battle between Central Shangguo and Shengting, almost destroyed most of the soup in ruins, and the old Central Central Shangguo moved out with a large number of sects and people.

"However, the sound of the third in the world Futing hasn't reappeared since it blasted open the heavenly gate. Similarly, the Lord has disappeared for more than a year.

"On the other hand, in addition to the Central Kingdom, the battle between Yan Jueguo and Qingzhi Kingdom is still going on. Yan Jueguo was beheaded by me in Beihai for a land **** and fairyland, but the Shangguo still concealed the charm of the green branch tree. It feels a little unusual."

When the emperor fell, Sima Annan put away the smile on his face, and turned to become extremely solemn. After a few breaths of concentration, the voice came out:

"Your Majesty, the news of the Central Government, if the emperors who were imprisoned in the Taihang Palace knew about it, it would be interesting.

"However, among the emperors of the Central Government, the second and third who can walk around in the capital city on weekdays must be aware of the news. The Weichen heard that these two have not returned to the Central Plains, and they are still living in peace. gas."

"These two people will not stay in Shenjing for long. This time I will go to Fufeng County and will take them with me. By the way, I will also take the Nantian King Xiliu."

As soon as Zhao Yu said this, Sima Annan’s pupils in front of him suddenly shrank severely. After the shock and thought flashed in his eyes, he saluted the young emperor and asked respectfully:

"Your Majesty, the Weichen has a question, I don't know whether to ask?"

"You guys want to ask me, why do you personally take the captives of the major forces to the Central Plains?"

"Exactly, after all, whether it is the emperors of the Central Kingdom, the Southern Heavenly King of the Holy Court, or the Taoists of Buddhism, these people are all extraordinary people in their respective forces, and I am afraid that they will cause huge waves. ."

When Sima Annan's words fell, Zhao Yu's reading movement paused, raised his head slightly, and asked in a rhetoric:

"Since it is to let the forces of the entire Taixuan Land experience the vast power of my great summer, and if there is no bargaining chip to take, this trip to the south is not in vain?"

This sound like a green mountain came out, but it was like an angry thunder in the void of the carriage.


At the same time, Sima Annan, who suddenly looked up, knew that this thunder was scarlet like a sea of ​​blood!

A quarter of an hour later, outside the brightly-lit Summer Palace on the New Year's Eve, several figures stood under the eaves, and then a crisp and tender voice sounded:

"Mother, father, did he forget to go back to the palace for dinner? Today is a young man, and my father promised Wei Young to come with us."

After Xiao Weiyang's crisp voice fell, she pursed her small mouth and looked aggrieved, and then Rouge next to her raised her hand and patted the shoulder of the former, and a soft response came out:

"Weiyang is not anxious, Jun has no joking, your father will be here soon."

After speaking, the large and small figure outside the Xia Palace, accompanied by the light of lights and the heavy snow falling from outside the eaves, looked forward to the faintly extending road ahead.

Time passed slowly forward, and the snowflakes falling from the sky became bigger and bigger. At this moment, although the three people outside the summer palace are in the emperor’s house, they are like ordinary people. They are wives looking forward to the return of their husbands and fathers. And children.

Suddenly, the three people under the eaves showed joyful smiles at the same time, because at the end of the wind and snow, a row of firelights slowly appeared. Between the firelights, a huge solemn carriage pressured the entire snowy world and arrived as expected. .

"Daddy, come, Daddy, come!"

Xiao Weiyang let out a cheer, plunged directly into the wind and snow, and the little figure ran quickly towards the carriage.

In the wind and snow, the emperor of the north also has the warmth of home.

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