The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1607: Before the sea trial

The sun and the moon alternate, the big sun rises from the east, and then the light of the morning sun shines in all directions, illuminating the vast land of China.

After several days of continuous heavy snow, it gradually weakened in the early morning hours of today, and then the Shenjing City, which had been silent for a night, completed its recovery in a short period of time, and suddenly became extremely lively.

Taiping Ruins in the central part of Shenjing City, the giant arch at Shenjing Station, was slowly pulled upwards under the shouts of a group of sergeants, indicating that the largest city in the summer, began to open to the entire vast country. Embraced.

In a majestic city, tolerance is great!

In fact, at this time, Daiyu Xianshan where Daxia was located, almost no one knew the location of the North Sea. The vast land of Shenzhou was like a giant whale of heaven and earth, drifting around the turbulent North Sea.

Daxia is not the Wuxian Mountain that once needed to communicate with each other, and for the trillions of people living on this great country, it doesn't matter where they drifted.

Because they understood that Emperor Fuyao, the king of the North, and the powerful kingdom standing under their feet, can completely protect their own safety under any circumstances.

In this turbulent era of disputes and precariousness, inner stability and security are one of the most precious things.

After the arched gate of the Shenjing Station of Taiping Ruins was opened, only a short quarter of an hour later, the first citizen who was transported from the rest of the city of Daxia quickly walked out of the gate.

I saw this person wearing the official robes of the households of the two states of expatriate self-accompaniment and the sea. After stepping on the snow and reaching the gradually resurgent Taiping Ruins, he opened his hands outward, opened his arms uncontrollably, and let out a long scream. :


However, this person's rather excited and unbearable performance did not make people around him cast too surprised eyes, because other people's performances that are more excited than him on weekdays are everywhere.

This person's long howling has not yet ended, and the next breath, within the huge arch of the site behind him, a torrent of people gushes out, and the entire Taiping Ruins suddenly begins to boil violently.

Once the Shenjing Station in the Ruins of Taixuan was opened for teleportation, the entire Shenjing City was completely awakened.

At the same time, just as the grounds of the Taixuan Ruins began to be noisy, the grounds of the Taiping Ruins were also extremely lively, and a large number of people walked back and forth to gather around the originally wide underground platform.

"Ministry of Engineering, where are the craftsmen in the Ministry of Engineering, come alone, the energy injection of the puppet here is a bit too slow, come and see what's going on?"

An extremely rough voice sounded from the ground, and then among the dense crowds, a young man with a greasy face dressed in an official robes drilled out from behind, wiping a handful of sweat from his forehead regardless of his dirty hands. , Responded loudly:

"I'm coming."

After the words fell, this slightly fat disciple, panting heavily, ran along the puppet car that stretched far away like a dragon, all the way to the shouting spot.

After a while, the young disciple came to the entrance of the energy street surrounded by traffic officials, separated the crowd in front, and squatted down to investigate carefully.

Drops of sweat slid down the forehead of this organ sect disciple. At this time, the temperature in the northwest of Daxia was extremely low and it was icy cold, but the young man was sweating, enough to show the moment before the trial of this puppet. , How busy the whole underground is.

A pair of eyes stared closely at the actions of the organ sect disciple, and beside the puppet among the crowd, a two-story metal barrel was erected, and a pipe extended from the barrel, leading to the inside of the puppet. Enter the blue and white purification potion.

The billowing vitality turned into fog and generally gushes out, and at the same time, a light blue formation is flashing on top of the puppet, representing the amount of energy in the puppet.

There are two energy interfaces like this in the entire puppet, one on the left and one on the right. At the same time, the evolving potion is refilled, but a secretary from the Department of Transportation found something unusual.

"My lord, when I waited to replenish the purification potion for the puppet, it was done at the same time, including the flow rate. However, I found that the display of the two sides was different. We have to slow down a little bit."

This person's voice fell, and the organ school disciple squatting in front of the ashamed car, then turned his gaze to the side of the blue and white circle, frowned and fell into thought.

At the next breath, the young disciple of the Organ Sect stretched out his right hand, grasped the conveying pipe on the side and felt it carefully, and then a voice came out:

"There is no problem with the flow speed of this tube, and the amount of evolution potion entering the puppet is not different from the original setting. Is it a problem with the magic circle."

After finishing the sentence, the young man from the Ministry of Engineering directly made a seal with his left hand, and once again lightly printed it against the wall of the ashamed car in front of him, directly releasing an identical mark.

After an instant, I saw that the scale above the twinkling mark was no different from the scale above the original mark, and then the color of thought in the eyes of the young Institution Sect monk became thicker, and he muttered:

"There is no problem with this mark. Why are the scales displayed on both sides different?"

When the voice fell, the traffic officials gathered around them directly kept silent, not to disturb the thinking of the monk disciples in front of them.

After a few breaths of time, the monk opened his right hand and gently pressed it on the puppet car in front of him, his eyes lit up, and he blurted out:

"I know the reason. The puppet has a slight tilt, which means that it is not that the speed of adding the purification potion on this side is slow, but the speed on the other side is faster. Under the body tilt, the internal liquid level is uneven, which leads to the law. The display of the array is not accurate."

After finishing the words, the round-faced monk took a long sigh, clapped his hands and stood up, and continued to speak in a relieved voice:

"Don’t worry, everyone. After the purified water on both sides is completely injected, the body of the ashamed car will be fully balanced without any impact on the navigation. I will ask the craftsmen of the Ministry of Engineering to redesign the display array to ensure the correct display. ."

"So it's good, I have the troubles of Mrs. Labor. This trial of the puppet car is really too important and we have to be cautious. If we are on a business trip, we people have no intention of going there this year."

After speaking, the head of the Secretary of Transportation, leading the people behind, gave a salute to the Monk of the Institution Sect in front of him, and then the latter wiped the sweat bead on his forehead again and said in return:

"My colleagues have worked so hard. I and the Ministry of Engineering are like you, and we all look forward to this big guy being able to ride steadily, like a dragon!"

The monk's voice just fell, and it sounded directly after a cry not far away:

"Come and three puppet craftsmen, with our staff to carry out the final inspection before the start of the car!"

"Received, here comes it!"

The young organist disciple hurriedly opened his mouth and let out a shout. After the response fell, he smiled at the people in front of him, and turned and ran forward.

Don't look at this monk's slightly fat figure, but his movements through the crowd in front of him are extremely flexible, like a cunning rabbit.

During the dodge, a figure flashed on both sides of him, and after a breath, a drop of sweat suddenly slipped from his forehead, and fell directly into the eyes of the cultivator of the Institution Sect, making the latter's eyes a trance. It directly ran into a figure walking from the side.


With a cry of exclamation, the figure in front of him was directly hit and flew outwards, rolling a few times on the ground.

"Sorry, sorry."

The young cleric clerk hurriedly apologized, looked up, his complexion changed drastically, and then the many officials gathered in front of him changed their colors. There was a fierce commotion, and he exclaimed:

"Yuan Sicheng, Yuan Sicheng, are you okay!"

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