The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1608: Let the world go

"Yuan Sicheng, the official named Zhou Can, is a rising star who has emerged from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Government in recent years. He is a puppet of an institution. This time he was in a hurry, and this time he knocked you down."

At the bottom of the Taiping Ruins, after Zhou Can, a young disciple of the Organ Sect, knocked the thin Yuan Bai into flight, the officials on the side suddenly made a big mess, and then several officials around him lifted Yuan Bai from the ground and spoke. Explanation.

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way."

Yuan Bai, who rolled a few times on the ground, stood up from the ground while supporting his hands, and continued to speak:

"Compared to these craftsmen who have made important contributions to the puppets, we people are actually blocking the way."

Compared to a few years ago, Yuan Bai's entire face has become more mature at this time, and even his original white face has become darker because of the installation of stone towers throughout Daxia.

Yuan Bai was originally extremely thin and weak, and most afraid of the cold, but now the muscles under the official robe, although not strong, have returned to the category of normal people anyway.

He is the champion man who is well-known throughout the city of Shenjing and even Daxia, and what makes the girls in Shenjing city talk about his love for his wife even more.

In other words, he is the second-best man in the minds of the women in the city of God.

As for the best one, it goes without saying!

"In Zhou Can of the Ministry of Labor, I saw Yuan Si Cheng and ran into Si Cheng, and I was terrified!"

In the chaos, Zhou Can came back to his senses, with even more sweat on his forehead. He hurriedly bowed to Yuan Bai in front of him and his voice came out.

Then Yuan Bai raised his hand and rubbed his neck and continued to wave his hand. A young voice came out:

"No problem, no problem. I have exercised a lot recently, and my body is very strong. If Zhou Secretary is in a hurry, then go quickly. After all, the puppet car is about to test the sea.

After the words fell, Yuan Bai opened his mouth with a hearty smile, and walked forward first, leaving Zhou Can, sweating, to salute the former back again.

In the entire Taiping Market, various inspections are in full swing due to the upcoming trial of the puppet car. Countless officials and craftsmen of the Department of Transportation are conducting the final debugging around the huge puppet.

After a quarter of an hour, Yuan Bai, who walked a long distance along the puppet, turned his head to the side and asked:

"This time the driver of the puppet is Lao Fan?"

As soon as this question came out, an older traffic secretary on the side nodded and said with a positive voice:

"Although Lao Fan doesn't have the slightest talent for cultivation, but for some reason, he can perfectly integrate with the power center of this puppet car.

"In order to find people who are integrated with the control center of the puppet, we searched for countless people throughout Daxia, and only two of them have the highest matching degree. One of them is Lao Fan."

This person had just fallen with an old voice. Yuan Bai, who was striding forward, reached out and touched his beard-grown chin. The voice sounded again:

"I heard that this other person is a student of Daxia Academy?"

"Exactly, this person is very talented, and he is excellent in academics in the academy. Many yamen have offered him an invitation to serve, but in the end he chose our Siya and came together today, Zheng and Lao Fan Together."

"That really happened. Where are they, I will meet you."

Yuan Bai's question fell, and then the old secretary next to him raised his hand and pointed forward, and the voice sounded:

"Sir Cheng, the two are in the top carriage at this time, waiting for everything to be ready, then they can control the puppet to start this inspection and voyage, please here."

As the voice fell, the group continued to move forward, past several carriages, and walked all the way to the forefront of the puppet. Then Yuan Bai's eyes lowered and his unhurried voice came out again:

"According to the masters of the Ministry of Industry, the control method of this puppet is very close to that of the Weiyang Army's puppet chariot, and because of the underground track, there is no need to control the direction, but only the speed.

"The only thing that needs to be considered is the utilization of the energy of the magic circle. After all, this big guy around us is a behemoth that swallows purification potions."

"Generally speaking, this puppet has two energy methods, one is purified water, and the second is the spirit gathering formation. If the controller and the formation have a high degree of compatibility, the general speed can be driven by the gathering spirit formation. , You only need to use the purification potion when accelerating. In this way, the energy consumption is not much."

After the old secretary's voice fell, he stroked the sleeves of his robe, and came out with a little sigh:

"It's just that it's not easy to find this driver. If there is, the younger ones will be recruited into the Weiyang army first."

"Then we will discuss with Wang Jing. Those retired veterans in the Weiyang Army can come to me. This is the best of both worlds!"

As soon as Wang Jing said this, the officials on the side nodded, and then someone continued to speak:

"Wait for the successful trial of the puppet car and popularize the entire Shenjing City, and even the entire Daxia, then there will definitely be vacancies for this driver. What Yuan Shicheng said is undoubtedly a good solution."

"The soldiers of the Weiyang Army, the puppet slinging lane soul gifted by your majesty is fused. If there is a vacancy, I will ask your majesty. Anyway, every time I go to your majesty in these years, I always ask for something."

As soon as Yuan Bai said with a helpless voice, everyone around him showed a faint smile.

In fact, if you look at Yuan Bai and the Department of Transmission, Department of Guanyou, or Department of Transportation at this time, you will know that Daxia's incredible transportation network is almost all built from scratch.

You must know that the main way of traveling in Shenzhou Haotu was carriage and two feet.

Whether it is the teleportation site rising from the cities of Daxia, or the puppet car like a long dragon at this time, in the history of the entire Supreme Profound Land, it has never appeared.

This shows that everything that Yuan Bai did was not easy, but extremely difficult.

The world is lamented by the convenience of travel today, but often overlooks the exhaustion of the people behind it.

Yuan Bai and the staff under him are like countless gears hidden under the silver wall of the puppet car beside them. Although they are invisible, when they are combined in one place, they burst out with unimaginable power. Carrying countless people throughout Daxia, galloping between heaven and earth.

Then Yuan Bai, with a handsome face, put away the smile on his face, slowed down a bit, and said a very emotional voice:

"In the past few years, we have been in the wind and rain, and you all have worked hard."

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of the transportation officials and officials in Yuanbai's body showed full emotion.

At the next breath, Yuan Bai raised his right hand to make a fist, his eyes pierced, and he opened his mouth and let out a low drink:

"We take the original goal as our duty!"

After the words were finished, all the officials of the traffic department looked upright and shouted loudly:

"I want to come from all directions, and the world will go!"

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