Shenjing City is actually very young, worth a century.

When Great Xia opened the dynasty, the emperor Zao Wuji, the emperor, kept the gate of the country and directly moved the capital away from Gwangju in the central area of ​​the vast land of Shenzhou, and set the capital to the bitter cold northwest.

Time has passed, and over a hundred years, everything has begun to undergo earth-shaking changes. The once powerful enemy has turned into a cloud of smoke, and the city of God has become the most prosperous place in the entire Daxia.

The most powerful city in China!

If you take a bird’s eye view of the entire Shenjing City from the sky, you will find that this Xiongcheng that was built exactly a hundred years ago, all the buildings are built around these two horizontal and vertical cross axes, and Baihufang, located in the west area, has an axis of Tai The palace is located.

It was mid-day, and the falling snow on the sky gradually disappeared, and the time and the place were favorable, which was the busiest time in Baihufang Alley in the West District.

A child from the west of Shenjing city who had not eaten breakfast shortly took his family and walked out of the house. The adult was followed by a little baby with a smile on his face, who was about to go out to buy some new year goods.

"The head of the house, this year's harvest is good. How about buying one animal leg for your family and my family?"

There was a little pride in the hostess’s voice. At the end of the past few years, they all took things home from their parents’ home. This year they could finally buy some gifts, which is considered proud.

"I have wronged you all these years, and I will listen to you this year."

After the man's voice fell, he squatted down, just about to pick up his baby, and a loud bang came, resounding in his ears, making his entire head buzzing.

Under the loud noise, the entire Baihufang fell into a familiar silence for an instant, and then a violent riot broke out with a cry of a little baby.


After the little baby in her arms was frightened, her tears rushed outwards, and then one of the subjects who reacted, angrily appeared on his face, and they shouted:

"It's just been a few days, and there are fights in the Taihang Palace again, which prevents people from living well!"

"Didn't Si Tianjian mobilize the map of mountains and seas to strengthen the suppression of the Taihang Palace? Why is there still a loud noise roaring into the sky?"

Accompanied by voices of anger or confusion, the crescent moon in the center of Baihufang was in the second-floor box of the restaurant. The king scroll with his eyes flashing, the solemn voice came out:

"Brother Fu, this sacred city is at the foot of the sky. Why is there such a loud noise? Is it because someone ignores this big summer law and openly fights on the void?"

After Wang Juan finished speaking, his eyes became more curious, and then the voice continued to sound in the box:

"I'm really curious. Who can't think about it so much and wants to die?"

As soon as the words came out, Fu Xin stood up next to Wang Juan, raised his hand and pushed when he came to the window, and suddenly a chill came in from outside.

Then Fu Xin raised his gaze and stared at the end of the front line of sight, and the response came out:

"Brother Wang, during this period of time, we in Baihufang, especially the people not far from the center of the lanes, have a hard time. There are often loud noises like before, sometimes even in the middle of the night, which is not very disturbing. ."

After the voice fell, Fu Xin continued to lift up his right hand, pointing forward, and the voice continued:

"Hey, the source of this loud noise just came from there."

After speaking, Wang Juan's figure also appeared by the window, watching the direction Fu Xin was pointing beside him, and his voice blurted out:

"This is the Taihang Palace?"

"Exactly, as you just said, Brother Wang, apart from the few people in the Taihang Palace in Daxia, who would dare to fight each other in the nine heavens without life."

After Fu Xin's response sounded, he retracted his right hand and continued to sigh slightly:

"Although the detainees in the Taihang Palace are all war criminals captured in the **** battle in the North Sea, they are all those who have cultivated to reach the sky, and even the legendary land gods have been imprisoned.

"And among them, there is one who is particularly hot-tempered, and the one who is alive is a flammable and explosive volcano!"

"What Brother Fu is talking about is the Holy Court Nantian King who was blasted down to earth by Master Liang Poliang during the Battle of Beihai?"

"There will be anyone besides her. Don't look at the beauty of the gods. This temper is very aggressive. According to the soldiers in the Taihang Palace, the Southern Heavenly King would punch him if he didn't close it.

"A punch shocks the sky, even if there is barrier protection outside the Taihang Palace, this sound like thunder and bursting still makes the entire Baihufang people clearly visible. It can be seen that the burst of power is beyond our imagination."

Fu Xin continued to speak with an inexplicable color, and this inexplicable carried a particularly complex emotion.

It stands to reason that the people of Baihufang, who are often harassed, should be extremely angry with the Nantian King Xiliu who is the initiator.

But every time I think of the latter's identity and realm strength, it is difficult to generate much anger in my heart.

The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu is a powerful and incomparable existence in the Central Plains of the entire Taixuan Land, but in this way it has an intersection with ordinary people like them.

Although I sometimes feel frightened by being frightened, but more often, I lament the magic of fate.

The mystery of the infinitely intertwined fate weaving thread is that everything is possible.

On one side is the Heavenly King Taixuan who once sat high above the clouds, and on the other side are the people living and working in peace in the Baihufang Alley of the Great Xia God.

No matter what aspect it is, in the eyes of anyone, there will not be too many connections between the two, but they are connected by chance and coincidence.

And it is the relationship between complaint and complaint.

Thinking of this, these disciples of the White Tiger Palace standing on the second floor of the Crescent Restaurant, watching the majestic and majestic Taihang Palace in front of them, are more complex in their hearts.

"In fact, even though the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu is the enemy of the Holy Court, he was captured by the warriors of my country in the Taihang Palace, but I still feel a little admiration for her."

After a moment of silence, a disciple in the box slowly spoke, and then the others around him nodded and responded:

"This Nantian King Xiliu is a man of love, love and hatred, even in the Taihang Palace, he is confident and free, maybe this is the innocent heart in the mouth of brother Wang Juan?"

"This is not the heart of a child."

After speaking, Wang Juan shook his head, and the voice came out again:

"This is absolute strength, the absolute confidence it brings!"

As soon as this remark came out, the disciples felt a little bitter in their hearts. The word absolute represents the lifelong pursuit of countless practitioners.

"Look at it, everyone, this map of mountains and seas has taken action!"

Just as the brothers fell into some thoughts, one person suddenly spoke, and then everyone looked up.

I saw the sky above the sky where Xiaoxue was flying, and suddenly the colorful rays of light were released, and then a scroll that occupies the entire half of the sky slowly spread out, with endless majesty, covering the entire world!

At the next breath, a majestic female shout rolled down from above:

"Xiliu, stop!"

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