The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1617: Bully old man

Taihang Palace, west of the Shenjing city, one of the landmark buildings of Baihufang.

Compared with the black, solemn and solemn body of the Baidi Palace in the Shenjing City, the Taihang Palace is undoubtedly more magnificent, with flying corners and double eaves, and its ancient charm.

At the beginning of the founding of Great Xia, the Taihang Palace was used to receive foreign envoys.

Later, Daxia ruled the vast land of China, and there were no so-called foreign envoys. Therefore, the Taihang Palace was put on hold. The gate of the soaring phoenix will not be opened for more than a decade.

Just as the status of the Taihang Palace became more and more awkward and marginal, the situation changed, and the Great Xia was born in the Taixuan Land. After the war that swept the entire North Sea ended, the Central Plains forces that came to the North Sea to invade, except In addition to the head landing, a small part was directly captured alive.

Some Central Plains monks with low cultivation bases are naturally easy to handle, and they are directly imprisoned in the Shenjing Prison. However, those top major repairs such as the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu have caused difficulties for both Sitian Prison and the Criminal Department.

After all, ordinary prisons, no matter in which aspect, can not contain these physical powers that have almost reached the realm of the land fairyland, and then the young emperor waved his hand and used these people to use the power of the law of suppression of the mountains and seas. [Wu Ai Novel], put into the Taihang Palace.

This level is a year and a half!

In order to detain these top prisoners in the Taixuan Land, the palace gate wall of the Taihang Palace was reinforced and raised by the Ministry of Industry. Therefore, in the sight of the surrounding people, the Taihang Palace appeared extraordinarily magnificent, together with the city gate. The fully armed and vigilant soldiers above, swept outwards with fierce anger, which is daunting.

However, at this time, the interior of the Taihang Palace was not as cold as imagined, but it seemed a little chaotic.

"Boom boom boom!"

One after another deafening noise, like the sound of countless bursting meteorites hitting the ground, the entire Taihang Palace trembles violently.

You must know that the Taihang Palace is in all directions, but it is full of airtight barriers. Outside the barriers, there is still thunder, and within this barrier is naturally even worse.

A loud noise, such as a tiger roar and a dragon chant, this loud noise in the Taihang Palace barrier almost directly ruptured the eardrums of ordinary people, followed by a cold shout, accompanied by a roar. :

"Old man, you are stumbling your aunt in the back. Believe it or not, the king burned all of your remaining white hairs, making people become bald like that hypocritical Buddhist monk."

This shout fell, a slender, fiery red figure stepped on the ground, clenched his fists with both hands, and slightly bent his knees, leaping directly from the ground of the Taihang Palace.


The entire ground of Taihang Palace, because of this violent power, seemed to tremble directly. After an instant, the flaming figure turned into a meteor-like blood-red flame, directly tore the void into pieces, and appeared in a golden robe after a short while. In front of the old man.

The scorching wind is accompanied by the hot temperature, rushing forward with the body of the Nantian King Xiliu as the center. The former's fiery red flame-like hair dances backwards due to the forward movement, bringing intoxicating power. beauty of.

In the next instant, Xiliu, who appeared in front of the Central Shangguo Lao Zun, raised his fists and slammed them out, and the cold voice continued to resound through the void:

"You bad old man, it's irritating to poke secretly!"

After he finished speaking, Xiliu's heavy fist appeared directly in front of the old man of Shangguo in the center. At the same time, the white snow-like beard and hair of the old man raised to the sides, raised his leg and took a step backward, trying to get out And retreat.

But then the eyes on the old respect changed suddenly, because the two fists that the Nantian King Xiliu quickly enlarged in his eyes, although not big, actually carried a force of suppression.

"Little girl film, deceive people too much!"

If according to the past, this veteran of the Central High Kingdom had already directly used the boundless realm, out of the envelope of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu's double fists.

But at this time, all the law inductions in his body have been completely sealed by the mountain and sea map, so in desperation, he can only raise his hands and overlap them in front of him to protect his face.


After an instant, the Nantian King Xiliu's right fist hit the ground directly, and a roar that was louder than before rolled out.

After that, the old man in the middle of the country let out an uncontrollable muffled hum, and his whole body shape suddenly turned into an arc, and was blasted directly against the ground.

After a while, under the convergence of the eyes, the somewhat thin body of the old senior slammed into the wall of the Taihang Palace, but was completely blocked by a barrier of heaven and earth.


There was another loud bang, and under this bang, all the people in the Taihang Palace who had witnessed all of this suddenly jumped fiercely, and at the same time looked at the elder who was unable to slip from the barrier, There was sympathy in his eyes.

Now in the eyes of the Central Plains monks who are jointly imprisoned in the Taihang Palace, the clothes are run-down and the white beard and shabby are unable to sit on the Central Shangguo Lao Zun above the barrier. They are no longer the land gods that once dominated the world. Top overhaul, but a bad old man being bullied.

"The old man of Central Shangguo, I met Nantian King Xiliu, an unreasonable stubborn man, and it's really a blood mold for eight lifetimes!"

Under the constant roar lingering in the ears, a sound of exclamation sounded from the crowd gathered in the Taihang Palace.

Then a group of people gathered in the corner spread out, revealing a figure squatting in the corner.

I saw that this person was not only slender, but also dark-skinned. At the same time, countless light blue runes were intertwined on his face, together with the dense green hair behind his head, it gave people a sense of not being too close.

However, although the middle-aged man's complexion was fierce, his dark green eyes were gentler, and then he raised his head and continued to look at the fiery red figure standing in front of him, his lips opened, and he said:

"This old man is really stubborn. Those of us who are locked in this Taihang Palace are not succumbed to the majesty of the West Stream. Only this old man has to fight against him, just to fight for the so-called breath. ."

After the voice fell, the person slowly stood up from the ground, but only when he stood up completely did he find that he was exceptionally tall, almost equivalent to twice the height of a normal creature.

At the next breath, the middle-aged man continued to speak with a slightly hoarse voice:

"They are all a lot of age, and they said that they shouldn't compete with steamed buns, and if there is anything to compete with a little girl's family, they have been fighting for a lifetime. I think this hot pot and spicy pot are also very good.

"The spicy flavor that hits my head even reminds me of the first bite of lizard meat my mother fed me when I was born in Daze!"

When the words fell, all the people around who heard the words shuddered and shivered.

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