Under the mountain and sea map, there is no war. This is the rule of Daxia and the rule of the mountain and sea map.

On the vast land of China, the map of mountains and seas that protects trillions of people is the first artifact that deserves to be, and for every citizen who has the blood of Daxia, the map of mountains and seas is not just the sky above the head, but the heart. Among the faith.

Look at the mountains and seas, and see the sky and the earth!

Under the mountains and seas is a person's life.

From birth to old age, the people of Daxia will never be alone, because with the pictures of mountains and seas as their companions, it does not say a word, but silently watches.

Above the Taihang Palace, the phantom of the mountains and seas stretched out, and the lifelike scene of the vast land of Shenzhou on it, is like turning the entire Shenzhou land upside down, facing away, and echoing each other.

At the same time, the vast and magnificent power of mountains and seas, together with the milky white fireworks, formed the hands of mountains and seas, instantly transcending time and space, appearing in front of every prisoner in the Taihang Palace, and then snapped Out.

After an instant, the fiery red figure of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu was shot on the barrier without any fancy by the hand of the mountain and sea, and he let out a roar like a giant bell:


As soon as the chime sounded, one figure after another was severely slapped on the barrier by the hand of the mountain and sea. Accompanied by a painful grunt, a bell and drum were played in the Taihang Palace. Ming's movement.

"Dong dong Dangdang."

For these monks detained in the Taihang Palace, behind this extremely pleasing sound is the pain that the internal organs almost turn upside down.

At the next breath, the extraordinarily tall figure of Zun Daze was also photographed beside Nantian King Xiliu, and an uncontrollable grunt came from his mouth.

After taking a deep breath, the former slowly calmed down his violent tumbling blood, grinned, turned his head, and stared at the pretty-faced Nantian King Xiliu, his hoarse voice came out:

"This time the Sitian Supervisor, please Miss Xia seems to be angry. This hand of mountain and sea is so powerful that even the deity can't stand it, and the bones in her body are broken a lot."

Oze Zun said this, although it was still calm and calm, but behind it, the surrounding cultivators of the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land, who were also smashed above the enchantment, chilled in their heart, and were then enveloped by intense pain.

As the Lord Daze of the land gods and fairyland, he possessed the sacred body after being washed by the bridge of heaven and earth. This sacred body was powerful and beyond imagination.

But even so, many bones were cracked by the hand of the mountain and sea, not to mention the rest of the people with a lower cultivation level on the side, all of them cracked.

As a result, uncontrollable muffled hums sounded one after another, wisps of blood dripping from the corners of the mouth, followed by a wow of mouth open, a lot of blood spurted forward, and his face became extremely gloomy.

"Xiliu, this may be the last warning given by Daxia. If you continue to behave like this, all of us will follow you and suffer."

After the words of Lord Daze fell, the voice of the old Shangguo, who was not far away from the broken robes, immediately sounded:

"I have already suffered, maybe this time, we have to confess our lives here."

Compared with before, the appearance of the old man was more embarrassed at this time, and a lot of stains and blood were hung on the gray beard.

At the next breath, the old master strongly supported his body, and his voice continued to be heard:

"Little girl film, offended Daxia, offended the Emperor Fuyao in the north, what good is it for you, the old man has no grudges with you in the past, and has no grudges recently, why are you aiming at the old man everywhere?"

"My aunt's grandmother is simply looking at you people from the Central Government who are not happy, including you, a bad old man who is worse than a woman."

The color of disdain in the golden eyes of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu became stronger, his red lips continued to be slightly opened, and his voice sounded:

"Everyone knows that the king does things only by his preferences. If he feels unhappy in his heart, he will hit him if he is not happy. If it weren't for you to protect like a hen, the heads of those stinky mouths would have been broken by me. Up."

"To bully the weak with the strong, Chang Xiliu, you don't have the demeanor of a strong, and you even violate the rules of the land gods in this great land."

The old senior screamed, with anger, and then Xiliu on the side simply moved his eyes away, watching the guards of the Taihang Palace who lined up quickly not far in front of him, and the disdainful voice continued:

"They have all become prisoners of the lower ranks. What do you still tell the king about the rules of the Supreme Profound Land Exalting the Upper Realm, but you and I are sealed in the sea of ​​laws, this rule is just a fart."

"Extremely crude!"

After these tit-for-tat voices fell, Oze Zun on the side shook his head helplessly, and the voice came out:

"The two of you should just say a few words less. It will be even more sad for the two of you to engage in this way."

After he finished speaking, Dazezun raised his hands and twisted his body at the place where his bones were dislocated. With a click, his body returned to normal. Then he looked at Xiliu beside him, and after a breath of thought, he continued to faint. Open the mouth:

"Xiliu, I don't know why you must deliberately make these movements, but if it is to meet the Emperor Fuyao, this should be your last chance."

As soon as this statement came out, on the face of the Southern Heavenly King Xi **, the original color of disdain disappeared without a trace, and then Xi Liu did not speak any more, but within the golden eyes, there were sudden fluctuations up and down.

Because she found that the soldiers from the Taihang Palace who lined up from the turret this time were significantly different from the past.

A large number of monks in Sitianjian robes appeared behind the guards of the Taihang Palace who were wearing standard armor and fully armed.

At the same time, the power of the mountain and sea map that should have dissipated in the sky above the sky has not disappeared, but the power that is pouring down has become more vast, turning into a wave like a tsunami frenzy, and violently descending.

At the next breath, on the high walls of Taihang Palace in all directions, the silver armored figure of the Imperial City Guards appeared out of thin air like a ghost, accompanied by a roar:

"The blade is out of the sheath!"

After the roar, all the imperial city guards pulled out their sharp blades, pointed straight down, and suddenly murdered.

After a sharp blade shredded the air, it issued a uniform and sharp whistle, and then on the silver barrier outside the Taihang Palace, dense runes began to appear, even on top of the original foundation, once again covered with a layer Another layer.


At the next breath, a majestic and domineering dragon roar sounded directly within the barrier of the Taihang Palace, and then the violent figure of the ancient black dragon soaring with wings appeared above the sky of the Taihang Palace, and on the back of the black dragon, headed by Li Yi The three Radiant Army Taboos stepped forward at the same time, falling straight down.

Such a vision indicates the unusualness of the Taihang Palace today.

Therefore, the breathing of the monks imprisoned in the Taihang Palace suddenly became short.

After that, the flaming red figure stood on the ground of the Taihang Palace, the Nantian King Xiliu stretched out his hand to pull his red hair back like a flame, and the voice came out every word:

"he came!"

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