Iron-blooded fighting intent, unlimited killing intent, soaring into the sky.

In the Taihang Palace, the atmosphere suddenly changed. Together with the increasingly powerful power of the mountain and sea artifacts, every inch of the void in the entire Taihang Palace was completely filled, and the void was solidified.

At the same time, the revealing black dragon guards the ancient black dragon swooping down, and the figures of the three Radiant Army taboos descend from the sky against the dazzling armor of the Imperial City Guards.

Three figures flying in the Tianhui robe, like three gods and demons descending from the sky, crashed in front of all the imprisoned monks in the Supreme Profound Land, with a taboo aura and rushing forward.

The Radiant Army is the immediate guardian of the pilgrim. The three Radiant Army taboos, together with the Black Dragon Guard, and the Imperial City Guards, came to the Taihang Palace at the same time. What they represent behind it is self-evident.

Thinking of this, the Central Plains monks, including the Central Shangguo Lao Zun, suddenly became extremely dignified, and there were even a few unsatisfied people whose heads shrank back subconsciously, revealing their fear of fear.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, are now in the land of the Supreme Profound, not to mention the entire Central Plains, as long as the monks of the land of the Supreme Profound that have participated in the battle of the Great Xia birth, hear the name of Emperor Fuyao, all are afraid.

Especially at this time these people imprisoned in the Taihang Palace, because this time the arrival of the Great Xia Master may be their final judgment.


The subconscious question came from the mouth of a certain emperor, and this voice was filled with horror, and then the old man of Central Shangguo showed a deep disappointment, and finally he was extremely helpless. He scolded:

"Why panic? This is the end of the matter. What's the use of panic?"

After finishing the sentence, the old senior took a step to the side, and directly moved his body a lot in the direction of Nantian King Xiliu and Daze Zun.

Although during this period of time, the relationship between the Lao Zun Shang of the Central Kingdom and the Nantian King Xiliu was like water and fire, but when this life and death comes to life, the land gods and fairyland zuns rely on the upper and lower consciousness, or the strong in the same realm.

"Waste is waste after all."

Although the eyes of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu no longer had the disdain before, he still showed no mercy in his words.

When the voice fell, the Nantian King Xiliu suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, his smile grew thicker, and finally he lifted his foot, and the flame-like hair rose up and took a step forward.

One step forward, the flaming red hair exploded outward.

With the next breath, Li Yi, who fell on the ground of the Taihang Palace, watched the Nantian King Xiliu stepping forward, frowned slightly, and opened his mouth directly and let out an angry shout:

"Chang Xiliu, stop!"

As soon as the shout came out, it seemed to have completely detonated the terrifying breath of the Taihang Palace, and the extremely violent iron-blooded spirit, like a completely erupting volcano, directly overturned from all directions towards the location of the Nantian King Xiliu.

After an instant, all the soldiers in the Taihang Palace screamed forward together:

"Prisoner, stop!"

The word stop is even louder than the thunder of the world. At the same time, in the Radiant Army formation, Li Yi grabbed his right hand from the void and directly drew out a blood crystal sword flowing with scarlet blood and pointed it forward. .

Li Yi and all the Daxia soldiers around him had used the most violent posture to clearly show the most iron-blooded will.

One step forward, death, and not only kill one person, but wipe out all!

Infinite murder, shrouded the front.

The hearts of the emperors behind the Nantian King Xiliu were even more frightened.

In the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land, countless monks can cultivate almost everyone, so the whole life of these monks is accompanied by the sea of ​​consciousness that transforms the vitality of the world in their minds.

But now these prisoners in the Taihang Palace, Shihai is completely sealed, as if they have lost their hands and feet. At the same time as their combat power is drastically reduced, their own confidence seems to have been directly taken away, and they have completely become frightened birds, feeling anxious.

Then, under the gaze of horrified gazes from the rear, the slender figure of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu rushed forward like a tsunami, but after all he did not take another step.

At the next breath, Xiliu, who was standing still, raised his head and looked at Li Yi in front of him, his red lips lightly opened, and the voice continued:

"The king wants to see your king."

"Chang Xiliu, in Daxia, your majesty is not a king, but an emperor!"

Words by words came from the mouth of the blood demon Li Yi, and then he inserted the blood crystal sword in his hand on the ground in front of him, and his dark eyes seemed to float up and down like a boundless sea of ​​blood.

Li Yi is no stranger to Chang Xiliu, the Southern Heavenly King. In the Battle of the North Sea more than a year ago, the two fought desperately, dedicating the highest confrontation in the world.

But now that we meet again, everything has changed. The Nantian King Xiliu is already a prisoner, and Li Yi, who rules the blood sea, has become even stronger.

But many things have not changed, because the look in the eyes of the Nantian King Xiliu is still so hot and confident.

Under the world, most people have skin and no bones. There is a so-called proud skin, but there is no real pride, but there are still people who have real self-confidence in their bones.

"Although you don't know what your support is, you should understand that your majesty is not incapable of killing you."

In Li Yi's opening voice, there was a heavier majesty than ever before. As time went by, the elder of the Radiant Army unknowingly brought on him a decisive and domineering spirit.

"Since I have become a prisoner of the ranks, I still understand the truth that life and death are involuntary."

The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu's clear response fell, and he paused for a while, staring closely at the battle in front of him that was enough to destroy a great power in the Taixuan Land, and the voice continued:

"You are so invigorating and mobilizing the crowd to come, it means that Emperor Fuyao has come to the Taihang Palace, since it is not to kill, then there is still hope of survival, right?"

Shengting Nantian King Chang Xiliu's face was close to perfect, and there was only peace in his words. Then Li Yi did not respond, but just scanned the front circle with his eyes rolling in a sea of ​​blood.

At the next breath, Li Yi raised his right hand and flicked it forward, and a rope radiating golden light appeared directly in his hand. It rolled towards the Nantian King in front of him, and then pulled it forward.

"Spirit binding!"

After a low drink, the golden light cut through the void, and directly accompanied by a harsh whistling, tied the Nantian King Xiliu into rice dumplings and pulled it forward.

"Your Majesty has ordered that Zhao Jia and other war criminals are often seen by Xiliu."

When the words fell, the Taihang Palace was imprisoned and there was a commotion against the Central Plains monks in the Taixuan Land, and the Daze Zun suddenly raised his head and wanted to speak.

But before his words were spoken, Peng Mu, who was beside Li Yi, directly raised his gun and pointed at him, with iron-blooded killing intent running forward, leaving the words directly in his mouth.

Then Peng Mu raised his hand and waved, and a barrier fell from above, directly separating the prisoners. At the same time, the soldiers from the Taihang Palace in the rear stepped forward.

Murder broke out!

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