The Taihang Palace is currently the highest-ranking prison in Daxia. There is only one type of person in prison, and that is the war criminals who invaded the Beihai from the Central Plains forces in the Taixuan Land.

Although the prison was imprisoned in the world's top-level overhaul like the Shengting Nantian King Xiliu, but the existence of Taihang Palace did not cause the surrounding people to panic too much.

On the contrary, because of the particularity of the Taihang Palace, the economy of Baihufang Alley in the west of Shenjing City has developed rapidly in recent years. It has become the central core area where Taiping Ruins is located, and the third place after Qinglongfang Alley, a traditional business district. A place of great prosperity.

Many tourists even rushed to the west of the Shenjing City specifically to see with their own eyes what the Taihang Palace, which holds the Landing Land Shenxianjing Shangjing, looks like.

After all, such a top-level overhaul, most people may never see it in their lifetime. Although today's Daxia, under the will of the young emperor, there is not only one way to practice, but to travel the world is always the eternal pursuit of the Taixuan creatures. .

At noon, outside the Taihang Palace, on a street outside Baihufang Alley, there was a rush of bells, an over-ground shuttle bus that was winding like a centipede appeared from the entrance of the street and drove in quickly.

After an instant, the lights on the entire street instantly turned into an extremely dazzling red. At the same time, all the people who were going to cross the street stopped, stood up straight, and stopped walking.

On both sides of the street, the light of runes suddenly lit up, and the two wind enchantments rushed toward the sky, just extending along the street.

Then the wind flowing to both sides blows the people on the street who have not had time to escape to both sides of the street. In just a short breath, the whole street has been completely emptied.

At the next breath, the shuttle bus radiating silver-white light in the sun officially drove into the empty street. Then, among the people watching all this on both sides of the street, the voice of a young woman came out:

"It's so fast. I just bought the vegetables. This first bus arrived. I still want to take my little baby to the official restaurant by the way. It seems that I can't make it."

After the words fell, another older woman beside her, also carrying a basket full of vegetables, responded:

"It's okay if I can't make it to this trip. After lunch, there will be another trip. I will go to the official restaurant just in the afternoon.

"It's mainly because the little baby in the family is in a hurry. This little boy has exactly the same temper as his father. He is a stubborn donkey who can't pull ten cows back."

When the voice fell, the shuttle bus screamed directly above the barrier-shrouded street, and then the light blue wind barrier gradually dissipated, like the crowds on both sides of Baihufang Street where the river was cut off, and continued to flow in the blink of an eye Fully restored the bustling appearance.

At the same time, among the crowd, some people who could not catch the shuttle bus, saw the centipede-like shuttle bus disappear in sight, carrying large bags and small bags, began to run with their legs, the howling from their mouths came out:

"Mother, I won't be able to make it!"

The shuttle bus that runs through the whole city of Baihufang Alley goes back and forth three times in the morning, at night, and in the evening. As the fastest and most convenient way for the public to go to the rest of Shenjing City, such a scene will be repeated almost every time.

The land in the west of Shenjing City is not like the three rivers and six banks in the south. The scenery is beautiful, and the flat ground is filled with neatly arranged houses. Its population is the largest in the five major blocks of Shenjing City. .

Afterwards, outside a platform building built outside the Taihang Palace, the shuttle bus that passed through the row upon row of buildings sent out a whistle that resounded through the void, and it sounded clearly in the ears of everyone around it.

The whistle sounded, indicating that the shuttle bus was about to arrive, and then the light of the enchantment on the huge platform began to shine again, clearing a large open space between the surging wind.

After more than a hundred breaths, the shuttle bus officially stopped at the side of the platform. A door opened at the same time. A large number of Daxia citizens emerged from it, either alone or in groups, talking and laughing. , A busy and orderly scene.

In many cases, whether it is the people of Daxia Human Race or the rest of the creatures, the speed of accepting new things will be faster than imagined.

This is especially true for the new modes of transportation that have appeared in various places in Daxia. Anyone who has experienced the convenience brought by these changes will be deeply involved in it.

After all, the convenience and the shortening of time are really visible to the naked eye and personal experience.

After a while, the people who emerged from the shuttle bus scattered on the platform, and the entire building platform became empty again, but the flash of rune light did not dissipate directly, the knot of wind The world continues to rise to the sky, isolating the inside and outside.

At the next breath, the door of the shuttle bus that has not been opened in a certain section of the shuttle bus opened to both sides with a slight sound. Then one after another, wearing Anjiangsi robes, walked out of the shuttle bus and walked on the platform Lined up in two lines, with a rolling momentum and a sense of consciousness, spread out to alert the Quartet.

After the secretary of Anjiang came out, several old monks from the Sitianjian came out. The aura within these monks' bodies is undoubtedly heavier and stronger. The divine consciousness that scans outwards creates fluctuations that even make the void. There have been some waves.

Then a young and tall figure stepped out of the shuttle bus. Wearing a large black robe of the Radiant Army, with sword eyebrows soaring to the sky, the face was as handsome as a knife, the corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and the voice came out:

"Here, come out."

After the voice fell, a pretty girl with golden red hair walked out of the car door, followed by two Taoist priests, one big and one small, wearing Taoist robes.

After the three of them stood on this platform, their expressions were surprisingly consistent, that is, trance and confusion beyond the scope of their own understanding.

Then he stared at the gale enchantment rising to the sky in front, and the little Taoist Tingchuan who flashed runes above the enchantment. His eyes were out of focus. After a long time, he slowly recovered and his voice murmured. :

"Tao, Master Dao, I'm still in a daze, I just feel that I'm still in a dream and it's hard to get out of it."

The voice fell, the Taoist Guanyun beside him, the horror in his eyes remained undiminished, his fists were clenched, and the response came out:

"Ting Chuan, not only you, but even the Taoist people feel the shock of the soul, and it will be difficult to recover for a long time.

"On weekdays, I ride the clouds and fog, and I visit Taixuan a lot. It's not that I haven't seen the so-called strange places, but this time, it was a real shock.

Taoist Guanyun’s words contained a strong expression of astonishment. In fact, for a person of his state, his happiness and anger were no longer obvious, but at this time, he looked at his appearance and listened to the little Taoist beside him. Chuan and Yushu Huofu Yuliu are the same.

When surpassing one's own ability to understand, everyone reacts the same.


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