The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1622: Fall in love with a city

On the shuttle platform next to the Taihang Palace in the west of Shenjing, a few people stood blankly like wooden chickens.

In fact, after dozens of rigorous inspections, the application letter for entry was circulated several times in the hands of the major departments of the imperial court and the major officials, and even went straight to the cabinet for approval before being sent to Shenjing Station this morning. In terms of Guanyun Taoist and others.

From the moment he stepped into the vast land of Great Xia Shenzhou, he was almost in a shocking state of being out of his body.

In fact, this kind of shock is extremely mysterious, difficult to be careful and precise, but it points directly to the deepest part of the human heart, and even makes the soul tremble slightly.

"Tingchuan, do you know where this Taoist shocked the most?"

On the platform, after taking a deep breath, Master Guanyun finally recovered his balance. Then he did not wait for the little Taoist priest listening to Sichuan to speak. Instead, he raised his hand and pointed to the magnificent city west of the capital. scene.

Following the hands of Taoist Guanyun, the houses lined up, like the square seals printed on the scroll of heaven and earth, neat and perfect, and the center of these buildings is guarding the magnificent and extraordinary Taihang Palace.

At the same time, if you look farther, the Sitian Pagoda that penetrates the sky, the Shenjing Station that goes straight into the sky, and the center of the Shenjing City, the Xuantianmu that completely connects the sky and the earth in the Baidi Palace. , Directly transformed into three heavenly pillars, with great strength, propped up the grandeur and greatness of this most majestic city in China.

The skyline represents the appearance of the entire city, and the huge buildings that go straight into the sky will give sentient beings a sense of extremely smallness, and then the voices from the Taoist people of Guanyun continue to speak:

"The entire Taixuan area is vast and vast, and there are many so-called ingenious workmanship. For example, the Dongji Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion where Miss Chang is, the sacred tree of Fusang connects the world, and even the big day inhabits on it.

"But although it is majestic and magnificent, it is not a world, but the shock that it brings to this Taoist is far less than that at this time. Tingchuan, the reason is only one thing."

At this point, Taoist Guanyun narrowed his eyes and was silent for a while, and his voice came out again:

"That's because everything that is presented in front of us rises from the ground, is a masterpiece of life, and is built by all beings on the earth, using their own hands, brick by brick.

"Before you came to Shenjing City, you should feel that our Dayan Xiongguan is already the top city in the world, but compared with the city in front of you, it is a world of difference."

After finishing speaking, Taoist Guanyun slowly raised his right hand, spread his five fingers forward, and the muttering sound rang in the ears of the people around him:

"The most shocking thing about this city is that the builders of this city are creatures, not heaven and earth!

"The heavens and the earth are vast, and it is reasonable to create a scene of the heavens and the earth to the extreme. No matter how magnificent it is, we monks can accept it, but the creatures are not. Compared with the whole world, the power of the creatures is so small, like in the sea. The most inconspicuous drop.

"However, even if this is the case, the people of Daxia can still create such an incredible city, which convinces the Taoist people."

The words of the Taoist Guanyun came out, and the hearts of the surrounding people were infinite waves. It is true that the words of the Taoist Guanyun explained the greatness of the entire Shenjing city.

The greatness of a thing lies in the meaning of its existence and its origin!

Then Taoist Guanyun raised his hands, facing the magnificent capital city in front of the sun, bending over to salute, and a loud voice came out:

"As one of the struggling creatures under the heaven and the earth, it is a lifetime honor to be able to see such a powerful city that shook the heaven and the earth today.

"My Dao Sect always believes that everything has an aura, even a city may have its own will, Lord Jiang, I would like to call this sacred city Guan Jue Tai Xuan.

"The city of the gods, the city on the earth, is comparable to the fairy palace, and this city deserves to be worshipped next."

After bowing for the first time, Taoist Guanyun got up and bowed to the front again, and his voice came out loudly:

"Daxia, with the power of a mortal, doing the work of the gods, this country should also be worshipped next!"

After the two worships of Taoist Guanyun, the little Taoist priest listening to Sichuan, also learning the appearance of his parents, bent down and respectfully saluted the Xiongcheng in front of him.

The two Taoist priests Guanyun and Tingchuan practice Taoism, and Taoism emphasizes the naturalness of Taoism without too many red tapes. At this time, the act of worshipping is also sentimentally and rashly. for.

Therefore, this action did not arouse the dissatisfaction of the surrounding officials of Daxia Anjiangsi and Sitianjian, and even Jiang Yue, who had no expression on his face, stopped in place and waited for a few people around him to calm down a little.

It is worth mentioning that Daxia is currently extremely cautious regarding matters concerning foreigners entering the vast land of China.

Therefore, a large number of Central Plains monks in the Taixuan Land on the Crescent Treasure Ship, including the Taiqingzong elder, were left in Bafengguan without permission to go to the island. There were only three people including Taoist Guanyun. Able to appear in Shenjing City.

"Everyone, let me go. If you delay here for too long, it will delay the people who are preparing to take the shuttle bus."

After a few breaths, when the minds of the Taoist people in Guanyun recovered a little, the cold voice from Jiang Yue immediately sounded, and then the former, whose robes of the Tianhui Army flew and fluttered, took the lead in raising his foot forward and walking under the platform. go with.

After three more breaths of time, as the figures of the officials in the front of Anjiang dispersed, the wind barrier on the outside of the platform dissipated after a flash.

Afterwards, the people who had been waiting below, rushed upwards with a look of confusion, and at the same time they communicated with each other and said:

"Strange, today this bus seems to be opened later than usual. I waited for a long time, I wonder if it is an illusion."

"You didn't feel wrong, it was later than before."

After the people beside him fell with an affirmative voice, a seated citizen and Jiang Yue and others who came by directly passed by.

Later, several middle-aged women, seeing the exquisite and beautiful face of the girl San Yuliu, and the extremely conspicuous red hair, sounded with praise one after another:

"What a pretty girl, especially this red hair, is really rare in our capital city, is it a foreigner?"

"It should be a foreigner, but the girl from this foreigner is really handsome, and her fiery red hair makes me extremely envious."

After this path fell with a little envious voice, the middle-aged woman in Baihufang Lane frowned as if thinking of something, her voice directly blurted out:


As soon as these two words came out, the girl Chang Yuliu's heart suddenly pulled, her fists clenched subconsciously, and her complexion changed.

Then the sound that continued to ring in her ear made the young girl of Yushu Fire Palace suddenly loose her expression, and her footsteps became much lighter.

"If these foreign girls are so beautiful, then my girl won't find Ruyi Langjun!"

With these words in her ears, the girl felt that she liked this kind of warm and inclusive city.

Sometimes it only takes a word to fall in love with a city.

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