The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1623: Law without distance

"Master Jiang, there is something, so I dare to ask the last sentence."

To the west of the Shenjing City, near the Taihang Palace, a constant stream of people walked on the roads dedicated to pedestrians on both sides of the street, and then the inquiries from the middle-aged Taoist Guan Yun sounded.

After speaking, Jiang Yue, who walked alone in the forefront, did not change the frequency of his footsteps, and the response came out:

"Dao Master, do you want to ask about transmission?"

After the words fell, the Taoist Guanyun behind him stepped to the side of Jiang Yue, and his deep voice continued to sound:

"It was the earlier transmission, Master Jiang."

After finishing the words, a thick look of horror flashed across the handsome face of the middle-aged Taoist. This horror remained for a long time. After a few breaths, the voice came out:

"Before going north and entering Daxia, not only the Daoists, but all the people in the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land knew very little about Daxia, the new ruler of the North, but some information is certain.

"Daxia's native place is one of the Wuxian Mountains that once sank in the Beihai, but now Daiyu Xianshan that was reborn from Beihai."

Speaking of this, the Taoist Guanyun looked around. The streets of Baihufang Alley, which were completely different from the rest of the cities in the Central Plains, opened their lips, and the voice continued:

"During the age of the Immortal Palace, Wuxian Mountain was extremely prosperous, and because of the characteristics of these five immortal mountains drifting freely above the North Sea, in order to ensure mutual exchanges with each other, the immortal emperor Qiu Xiangong sent the Beihai Daao one. Fifteen statues, using Shenao to resist the drifting island.

"The North Sea battle that shattered the sky was also triggered by the Longbo Kingdom’s monarch fishing away the Shenao. Although this is a digression, it also fully illustrates the turbulent North Sea. Therefore, I thought that your country was here. After the birth of the North Sea, it will also drift on the sea.

"In this way, communication with the outside world and the shores of the North Sea will definitely be extremely difficult obstacles. Both the upper and lower islands will be full of uncertainty. This is also the Central Plains forces in the Taixuan Land. They believe that the North is not enough to be feared. One of the reasons."

The words of Taoist Guanyun fell, Jiang Yue, who was flying in the celestial army robe beside him, raised the corners of his mouth and responded:

"You are right. The Daiyu Xianshan Mountain, where I live in Daxia, is indeed drifting above the North Sea. This does not violate your common sense."

"But you have all the forces in the entire Taixuan Land, including the holy court, the teleportation that they all dream of!"

Sending these two words, Taoist Guanyun bite extraordinarily heavy, and behind this accent, there is a thick unbelievable, the more the monk who has cultivated in the land of the profound, the more he can understand this infinite distance The horror of the realm.

Because that is exclusive to the upper realm monks of the land gods!

"Master Jiang, your country may not know that this transmission power was once the greatest support for the Xianting Sacred Palace to rule Taixuan, but after the collapse of Xianting, the method of transmission was also shattered in the dust of history. .

"For tens of thousands of years, almost all the forces on the entire continent are struggling to search for this former teleportation method, and the Central Shangguo, which claims to have inherited the main inheritance of the Xianting Sacred Palace, also did not obtain this one. Important core means.

"It is no exaggeration to say that the desire of the entire Taixuan Central Plains forces for the pursuit of this teleportation method has reached the point of madness. The highest level of rewards in the Shenji Pavilion will always be the establishment of this teleportation formation. the way."

Along with this sentence after sentence, the dignified color in Guanyundao's population grew stronger.

He is different from the two young people around him, Tingchuan and Yuliu, who have not really understood the Taixuan Land because of their young age. As one of the core figures of Taoism, they have entered the core of the entire Taixuan Land. Realm, so it is natural to know that the news that Daxia possesses the method of transmission, once known by the entire Taixuan people, what a violent storm will be caused.

The words in the Guanyundao population fell, and the complexion of Jiangyue beside him still did not change too much. Then, in the distance in front of the pedestrian, a very special building gradually appeared.

I saw this tall building that appeared at the end of the line of sight, like a large bowl that was magnified countless times, and a large silver dragon carving hovered above the bowl-shaped building, exuding a shining luster under the sun. .

This building not far from the Taihang Palace was just constructed and has not yet been opened to the whole people. Therefore, apart from a lot of warriors wearing armor, there are no other people gathering around, and it looks a bit empty.

After that, Jiang Yue's footsteps kept moving, leading people forward, and the young and cold response came out:

"This method of teleportation is also the core of the core of our Daxia, the foundation of the country, and the court of our Daxia, including the sage, all attaches great importance to it."

"But Mr. Jiang, the people of your country in this Taoist temple, everyone is accustomed to this teleportation, and at the same time everyone can use this to show the boundless realm and shuttle in the world.

"This method of teleportation is of the utmost importance. Even in the Xianting Sacred Palace era, it can only be used when the celestial being descends from the earth. If forces outside the celestial court want to get involved, they will be immediately annihilated by the massacre. How can it be used by all people without distinction?"

Speaking of this, perhaps this is too unbelievable for Taoist Guanyun, or the extremely indifferent appearance of Jiang Yue beside him makes this experienced Taoist Dayan Guan a little eager. , Adding a lot of supplementary sound, continue to spread:

"Master Jiang, perhaps your country still doesn't know what this undisturbed law means to every power above the Taixuan Land, because everyone knows why the Xianting Sacred Palace can rule the entire Taixuan For countless years, it was not the immortal emperor's once strong and invincible cultivation base, nor the heavenly immortals who moved mountains and reclaimed the sea in the fairy palace, but the distanceless means that could quickly suppress peaceful rebellion.

"The land of the Supreme Profound Realm is really too big, so big that even if it uses the fastest Youtian Weng, it will take countless time for the forces to send troops to various places. If this happens, the ruler will spend almost all of his energy on the road , Thus gradually losing control of remote places."

According to Taoist Guanyun, the core reason why the Taixuan Land has been chaotic for tens of thousands of years after the immortal palace collapsed directly after the words were incisive and precise.

"For so many years, it is not that there has been no role in the land of the Supreme Profound Profound Realm. Among them, the first force in the Central Plains is the Holy Court."

After the voices continued to be heard from the people on the cloud, he took a deep breath and continued to speak loudly:

"The Holy Venerable has been the number one person in the world for so many years, yet he has still dormant in the central place for so many years.

"It's not that he has no ambitions, but because he knows that there is no undisturbed law, even if it can really unify Tai Xuan, it will be useless in the end!"

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