To the west of the Shenjing City, outside of the huge bowl-shaped building outside the Taihang Palace, the atmosphere suddenly became particularly solemn as the voices of the Taoist Guanyun sounded.

At this time, if the words spoken by the people of Guanyundao were heard by the rest of the people, there would be endless waves in their hearts, because this directly pointed to the core reason for the endless conquests in the Taixuan Land for so many years.

The area is too wide!

As Master Guanyun just said, the land of the primordial mystery is really too big, too big for a piece of news, if it is passed in from outside and then sent back, it will take years or even decades.

Regardless of whether there will be accidents or not, the manpower and material resources spent on the road are unimaginable, and there will be an extremely obvious phenomenon, which is to spend several years on the road, waiting for the destination. At that time, everything was already done.

The news is time-sensitive, and the vast area of ​​the Supreme Profound Land is destined to be extremely bloated if the ruler has no special methods.

As far as a country is concerned, its transportation network is its own hot blood, and once the blood flows slowly, it means that the force is not far from extinction.

The air transport between the heaven and the earth is tumbling, and the forces change impermanently, but they still follow the most basic rules. It is precisely because the land of the Supreme Profound Land is so huge, it also makes the so-called four great kingdoms of the Central Plains and the radiation of the Holy Court. The sphere of influence is no more than a few counties at most.

"Whether it’s going to the kingdom or hiding the Sejong gate, the scope of control cannot be controlled too far. It is because the transmission of information is too slow, which leads to the bloated and slow implementation of the decree. This is undoubtedly rebellious and two-hearted The best hotbed for it."

After the continued sound of the Taoist Guanyun fell, the group of people, under the gaze of sharp eyes, passed the inspection of the silver armor soldiers, and completely entered the building in front of them.

Then the bright sunlight around it slowly dimmed, and the scene inside the building appeared in front of everyone. Inside it was still a huge platform, and the center of the platform was a stepped entrance to the ground.

"This ladder leads to the ground?"

A soft grunt came from the mouth of the little Taoist Tingchuan, but his voice had not yet fallen, and the Taoist Guanyun, who looked solemn and had no time to take care of the vision, sounded immediately:

"Since the sudden collapse of the holy court, the large number of teleportation formations originally erected in every county in the Taixuan Land, for some reason, before a large number of forces rushed to explore.

"Since then, this undisturbed law has completely disappeared on the Taixuan earth, allowing countless people and forces to spend countless time and energy searching and exploring, but no more discovery."

Perhaps it was because of too much thought in his heart, so not only did the Taoist Guanyun speak with eagerness, but also did not carefully observe the surrounding environment, but followed Jiang Yue step by step and followed the stairs to the underground.

Then the little Taoist Chuan shrank his head, rolled his eyes and looked around, the voice of Taoist Guanyun in his ear immediately sounded:

"Limited to such a huge area of ​​the Taixuan Land, countless great forces in various places are hibernating to accumulate strength while frantically looking for the most critical link in the world.

"And this link is the law of no distance. In other words, if the people in the land of the profound mystery know that your country has this law, then it is completely foreseeable that the number of forces that will impact the north in the future will be Hundreds of times the chance of Beihai before!"

The particularly solemn words of Taoist Guanyun indicated that he was not alarmist, and then Jiang Yue beside him finally reacted, slowing down his steps a little, and turning his head slightly, the response came out:

"Guanyun Daoist, what you said just now is extremely reasonable, and it also allows you to know the reason why the forces in this super profound land have been dormant for so many years because they are waiting for this method of transmission."

As soon as the words came out, the middle-aged Taoist gentleman's handsome face was slightly loosened, and he nodded. He just wanted to continue speaking, and Jiang Yue directly sounded with a cold voice beside him:

"But I really don't understand these, Master Dao, you have to know, I am a soldier belonging to the Radiant Army, and the mission of a soldier is to kill the enemy.

"No matter how many powers and cultivators will invade the Northern Realm in the future, there is only one thing I need to do, which is to cut off their heads!"

As soon as Jiang Yue said this, although he did not release too strong evil intentions outward, it made everyone around him feel that his whole body was standing upright, and there was even a feeling of entering a superfluous ice cellar.

At the next breath, Jiang Yue continued to step forward, his voice continued:

"My Daxia, under the will of the sage, what I pay attention to is that there are specializations in the art industry, and the professionals do professional things. You just said that there are already complete records of the monks of the Sitian Supervisor, and they will be sent directly to the military aircraft office. , So someone will discuss it with you soon."

The voice that continued to sound from Jiang Yue's mouth was not light or heavy, but it had an unquestionable meaning, and then another voice continued to be heard from the former's mouth:

"I know that Taoist Guanyun is deeply puzzled by the popularization of teleportation in our Daxia. Although our staff can't explain to you in detail, he can tell you a word from your majesty, which may be able to solve your confusion. "

After he finished speaking, the fierce color on Jiang Yue's face dissipated, the corners of his mouth raised, a smile appeared, and he continued to speak:

"Your Majesty once said, take it from the people and use it for the people.

"If you hide all these things, what is the meaning of this method of teleportation?

"The real rule is not to put things that are beneficial to the people on the shelf, but to promote and popularize. Once the entire country is elevated to a completely different level, by then, how afraid of my country, which is already in a different dimension. These so-called pretenders in the Taixuan Land.

"If you want to swallow the world, you must have the mind to accommodate the world. This is your majesty's emperor's way, and it is also the way of my Daxia people!"

Jiang Yue's words, like the most violent thunder in the world, burst into the depths of the Taoist Guanyun's sea of ​​consciousness.

Then this burst of thunder in the sea of ​​knowledge of the cloud, suddenly set off an overwhelming tsunami, sweeping outwards mightily, accompanied by a steady stream of loud noises.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the next breath, Guan Yun’s forward figure stayed in place, and the whole body began to tremble slightly, and one after another uncontrollable breath erupted, causing the former's Taoist robe to bulge outward, and the cloth began to spread on his face. Full of scarlet color.

That is the Fudo Mingwang fire that he has always restrained!

"Dao Master, are you okay?"

An extremely worried voice came from the mouth of the Taoist priest from Hearing Chuan, and then Taoist Guanyun raised his hand to signal that he was okay, and then he sighed:

"The life of a person is vitality, and the life of a country is in the heart. I finally understand the truth of the master said.

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