The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1634: Storyteller in the market


The harsh whistling sound produced by the ashamed car breaking through the air rang from the tunnel under the capital of God, and faster than this whistling sound was the flashing silver light of the puppet car.

The silver light is like lightning, piercing the void, magnificent and silent.

The tranquility under Shenjing City for countless years is destined to be completely broken after the opening of the puppets, while the Shenjing City above the ground at this time becomes more and more lively in the festive atmosphere of the approaching New Year.

The endless stream of people flows in all directions along the streets and lanes like a river, and these people with heartfelt smiles on their faces are not only the residents of Shenjing City, but a large proportion of them are arrogant. Sent from each city.

In fact, for many people, it is one of the dreams of every Daxia person to personally set foot on the imperial capital of the heart of Daxia.

The carriages and horses used to be very slow, and Daxia was too large. Therefore, for the people of the remote big cities and cities, the dream of going to the capital city is sometimes as far away as the clouds in the sky.

But sometimes the change happens overnight. After entering a new era, Daxia has too many miracles that cannot be turned into possibilities. Even the thousands of waters and mountains between regions rise to the sky and bloom slowly. In front of the blue and white teleportation flower, it directly became a small threshold, which can be crossed in one step.

After the start of the New Year’s holiday in Daxia, the flow of people in Shenjing City has reached its peak in recent days. Afterwards, these people who came to Shenjing City to play along with different styles, between the ancient and modern buildings. The road came to the square filled with chambers of commerce and shops all over the city.

In recent years, under Zhao Yu’s will, Shenjing City, while expanding outwards, has also integrated the trading locations in the city. The imperial court has set up a large number of market squares, such as the Taiping Ruins, throughout the city. .

Obviously, the market, which is densely populated with restaurants and shops, has become one of the busiest areas in Shenjing City in just a few days.

At the market of Baihufang Lane, the little snow drifted down with the breeze, and then outside the market, the desk of a storyteller was surrounded by a bustling crowd.

At the next breath, the middle-aged storyteller raised the wooden board in his hand and patted it gently on the table in front of him. After a snap, a clear voice rang out in everyone's ears:

"Everyone, today's **** battle in the North Sea captured the Southern Heavenly King and that's it. If you want to know what is going on, please listen to the next breakdown."

Next time, when these four words were broken down, a voice of unwillingness erupted from the enthusiastic crowd who had originally listened to it. Then, those who hadn't made it out, stood up and said loudly:

"Mr., you have just talked about the most exciting thing, and you stopped abruptly. This makes us people really feel like a cat scratching in our hearts. You can just talk about it."

The voice fell, and the other listeners beside him also spoke loudly, and continued to agree:

"Yeah, sir, we have a lot of storytellers telling the **** battles in the North Sea in the city of God. Except for Mr. Yu in the ruins of Taixuan, you are the most passionate, which makes people sound excited."

"Yes, and you actually know that the artifact in the hands of the Southern Heavenly King is called the Five Fire and Seven Bird Fans, and the approximate moves used. This alone is far more than the rest of the storyteller."

The continuous sound of this sound indicates that the middle-aged man who tells the story is indeed strong.

In fact, in the original **** battle in the North Sea, all the scenes of the confrontation between the Daxia frontline army and the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu and the entire Nanxing Palace were clearly revealed to all the people of Daxia, and under the circumstances that everyone witnessed, It will even test the knowledge of the storyteller.

Therefore, this middle-aged storyteller in the white tiger market in the western part of the capital city has real skills. In recent days, with his outstanding eloquence, he has attracted more and more people from this unremarkable corner. Listen.

However, this storyteller seems to be not for wealth. After the day is reached, he closes the stall directly and never stays for a while. This makes the listeners who are listening around with relish often beat their chests, but they are helpless.

Snow flakes from the sky fell sparsely and fell on the storyteller. Then he stood up, reached out and patted his white shoulder, staring straight ahead, and a gentle voice came out:

"Everyone, the time is almost here, and that's all for today's books, but if anyone still has some books in their collection, they can borrow it for the next look, and I will thank them again."

As soon as this statement came out, the following loyal listeners who listened to the book directly looked bitter and responded:

"Mr., during this period of time, all the books in our hands have been lent out by you to read. Even the books my little doll used to cushion the table are taken out, but there is really no stock."

After the words fell, the middle-aged man who told the story was not annoyed, and smiled very gently, and the voice continued to spread:

"That's really a pity, then I will be here today, you guys don't pass this, we have the chance to see you again."

The unchanging farewell of the storyteller fell, and then the listeners who knew their habit stood up one after another, and after saluting to the front, they said goodbye to each other and dispersed.

After about fifty breaths, a corner of the market that was still extremely lively gradually became deserted, and then the middle-aged man's face became calm, and he lowered his head and began to carefully clean up the few items on the table in front of him.

The fine snow is flying, the daylight is dim, and if you look closely at this storyteller's appearance, you will find that this person is actually extremely long-lasting.

At first glance, it may not be impressive, but if you look at the second and third glance, you will find more and more full of charm on his face.

It feels like the first spring breeze after the cold winter. It is the faint warmth after the bitterness. Although it is not hot, it is unforgettable and can be remembered for a long time.

The middle-aged man's actions are not hurried or slow, and every move is natural, giving people a very heavy feeling.

After a while, when he had cleaned up everything on the table, a figure in a large robe stepped towards this corner of the market from the side.

I saw that this person was extraordinarily burly and tall, and there was a strong wind between the steps, and even pushed the flying snowflakes all over his body outwards. It took only three or two steps to directly cross most of the distance between the market and appear in the middle-aged storyteller. Behind.

After the next breath, an extremely solemn voice came out directly from the mouth of the burly figure:

"The third child, when is it? You are still telling the story here, don't you want the throne of my central empire?"

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