At the corner of Baihushixu No.1 [August One Chinese Website], the little snow is like torn pieces of paper, floating and flying above the void.

In fact, to a certain extent, these little snow, like hailstones, give people the feeling that it is a bit colder than the heavy snow in the sky.

Daxia was originally located in the northwest of the vast land of Shenzhou, with a cold climate, but when the vast land of Shenzhou was born in the North Sea, the temperature of the entire Shenzhou land became even colder.

If it weren't for the mountains and seas to incarnate the way of heaven, bless hundreds of millions of people, and isolate the bitter cold from the cold, this continent floating on the North Sea can actually be described as an extinction of living things.

It is worth mentioning that, in the Sun Empire separated by the entire Kunlun Mountains from Daxia of China, countless alien races first died in the Void Abyss, and the rest of the rest also fell in batches under this extreme cold.

The prosperity and destruction of the two countries that once had each other's victory and defeat were in one day. Such an outcome is embarrassing.

This is the cruelty of the heavens, the rolling trend will not give anyone any chance of respite or fluke, and too often, the building collapses in a flash.

"The third child, hurry up and wake up. On weekdays, you don't need to tell the story, but now you really can't be so depressed."

The more and more solemn low voice rang out among the fine snow dancing in the corner of Baihu City Ruins, and then the middle-aged storyteller who put everything into the bag, the movement in his hand was slightly stopped, and a gentle response sounded. :

"Second brother, don't underestimate the skill of storytelling. There are a lot of knowledge in it, and it can't be practiced in just one or two days. You should know my character. If you want to do it, you must do it best. ."

After these words fell, beside the middle-aged storyteller, the face under the hood of the second prince appeared a little anxious, and the rough voice continued:

"The third child, I know that you usually have a calm temper and pay attention to the beginning and the end of your work, but in today's situation, you can no longer help you slow down. My central government has really reached the point of life and death."

"Second brother, the world is so vast, how can you and I alone be able to reverse it? Anxiety is really useless."

"But you are the third prince of my central government!"

Within the strong and burly body of the second prince, the aura rose up, and then the voice continued:

"Boss, this trash was executed on the spot by Da Xia, and the remaining princes, except for the surrendered traitor, Lao Ba, died dead, imprisoned, and could walk outside, just a few people."

After the harsh voice continued to come from Yin Lie's burly mouth, he directly stretched out his extraordinarily large right hand and pressed the storytelling desk in front of him, and the words came out again:

"When I first came to Beihai in a mighty manner, the so-called Jiulong seized the prince, unexpectedly became a joke.

"But what is before us now is an even more embarrassing situation, the emperor father actually went to war directly against the holy court!"

"This matter has spread to the north over a year ago, Brother Erhuang, why have you become so anxious recently."

After he finished speaking, the middle-aged storyteller lifted the cloth bag in his hand and walked out of the market first. Then the burly man strode to follow, and his voice came out:

"That's because I have suddenly felt extremely upset recently, the more I think about it, the more something is wrong, brother, you know I am a martial artist, and I always use my fist to speak.

"But I know that once even I feel something wrong, then the seriousness of the situation is beyond imagination."

As soon as he said this, he walked along the smooth city road under his feet to the three princes of Shangguo in the center. A smile appeared on his face, and the response came out:

"Unexpectedly, this year and more in Daxia, the second brother recognized himself."

"The third child, you still have the thought of joking. Now Tangdu is in war, and if Shangguo's soldiers can't resist the edge of the holy court, if Tangdu loses his hand, then the entire Central Plains Shangguo will immediately fall apart."

At this point, Yin Lie, the second prince of Central Shangguo, frowned tightly, and his deep voice sounded again:

"The old man was old, but I understand. This time he drove all his sons under his knees to Beihai to decide on the so-called successor to the throne, which itself is very strange.

"The distance in the North Sea is so far, it takes a long time to come and go, and the rush of this game, even failed to formulate the so-called rules of victory, and it also stipulates that only the younger generation can participate. , So all these, undoubtedly point to one thing."

After the voice fell, the second prince Yin Lie did not continue to speak, but both of them already understood the meaning behind this.

Central Shangguo made a shot at the holy court this time, not to mention whether it was a long-term plan, but it was definitely not an accident!

After a brief exchange, the two stepped out of the Baihu City Ruins, and turned to a courtyard not far from the Taihang Palace.

Along the way, the two people, the bustling Daxia people shuttled back and forth, laughing and laughing, and every building along the road was hung with red couplets, which was completely a lively scene during the New Year.

"Everyone, happy New Year."

Smiling blessings sounded one after another, and then these two people who had been in the capital city for a long time had an inexplicable look on the faces of the prince of Central Shangguo.

Compared with the reunion scene of the surrounding Chen Qun, the two are undoubtedly extraordinarily lonely, especially during the reunion festival, which highlights the strangeness of the strangers.

They are one of the few strangers in the capital city!

"Brother Erhuang, although this holy court is extremely powerful, it is not a persimmon kneading arbitrarily in the middle of my country. If it is killed in one blow, there will be no bones left after being eaten for so many years.

"According to the original intention of the father, we people come to Beihai to keep the inheritance fire, so even if we are in a hurry, there is not much we can do."

After the unhurried voice of Yin Wen, the third prince of Central Shangguo, fell, the second prince next to him responded immediately:

"The situation I'm most afraid of is that once the old man can't hold on to fall, then the whole soup is left with the bloodline of the direct line, only those little babies whose hairs are not all grown, the third child, you have to watch this supreme man In the hands of foreign relatives?"

"Those foreign relatives have always been weak. If there is a decline in the war, it is estimated that the entire Central Kingdom will be handed over to the holy court the next day, and we will retreat ten thousand steps, even if we go back and inherit it, with your slow nature of telling stories every day, That traitor, Lao Ba, has already taken the lead!"

When the voice fell, the face under Yin Lie's robe suddenly became full of sullen aura, his figure paused slightly, and an increasingly cold voice came out:

"If that time is really reached, Lao Tzu must unscrew Old Ba's head, how can I fall into the hands of someone who is bullying and afraid of hardship!

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