The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1636: The end of the journey (Happy New Year!)

Baihufang Alley, the gathering area not far from the Taihang Palace, are quite large courtyards, scattered in a regular manner, and quieter than ordinary places.

This place belongs to the west of Shenjing City, a relatively wealthy residential area. Therefore, except for the quite large carriages, there are few pedestrians walking along the street.

As a result, the two foreigners from the Central Shangguo stepping forward under Xiaoxue's flying seemed a little abrupt.

At the same time, between the white snow, a killing intent that was even more icy than the north wind, exploded from the inside of Yin Lie's burly body, and blasted the whole body of snowflakes, even making a hissing whistle. sound.

The evil spirit erupted, and the snow-rolling waves were stunned. Almost at the same time, several wills from above the sky swept across directly, and then the three princes beside Ao Lie stretched out his right hand and pressed the shoulder of the former, and the solemn voice was directly transmitted. Out:

"Second emperor brother, be cautious, otherwise this Anjiang secretary will appear immediately."

The voice fell, and in the golden eyes under the hood of Ao Lie's robe, the evil intention gradually weakened, and even the breath of the whole body fell silently, and then faintly uttered:

"The third brother, I still said that, the entire shore of the North Sea can go back to inherit the throne, besides you and me, there are also the old eight and the old nineteen who have been by your side.

"If you feel relieved that the entire Central Government will be handed over to us people, I will immediately return to the Central Plains."

As soon as he said this, the gentle and elegant third prince Ao Wen retracted his right hand, turned and continued to look at the street with red lanterns in front of him, and sighed slightly:

"Brother Erhuang, you keep saying that the eighth brother is a cowardly traitor. Actually speaking, what is the difference between you and me?"

"Naturally different, you and I are invited by this great summer!"

After Yin Lie raised a lot of voices, the three princes of the Central Government shook his head, did not continue to explain, but stepped forward along the street.

After Mo Yuebaixi, at the end of the street in front of the two of them, there was a huge courtyard with a half-open courtyard gate, and a younger figure standing.

The young man saw the two princes of Central Shangguo coming with the wind and snow. His eyes lit up and he waved his hand quickly, looking a little eager, but he did not dare to take a step beyond the threshold.

"Nineteen, you look so worried, but something important happens?"

After a while, the third prince Yin Wen, who had stepped up the steps, showed a trace of doubt on his face, and the sound of questioning came out. Then he heard the urgent response of the nineteen princes in front of him, and it sounded again:

"Brother Second Emperor, Brother Third Emperor, there is indeed a major event, and it is related to the entire Central Plains situation in the Taixuan Land."

After speaking, the 19th prince turned sideways and let the two people beside him enter the courtyard. The young voice continued to sound:

"The latest news circulated in Shenjing City is that the elders of the Taiqing Zongmen personally went to the Beihai border yesterday and specially invited the Lord of Great Xia to participate in the World Dao Association in Fufeng County after the opening of the spring."

The four words Tianxia Daohui fell, and the two people directly stopped in front of them. Then the nineteenth prince paused, and a louder voice followed:

"The purpose of this Taoist meeting is to discuss the chaotic disputes of the entire Taixuan land. Therefore, almost all the forces named by Quan Taixuan were invited. The key point of this is that our central government and the The life and death conflict between the holy courts!"

As soon as the words came out, whether it was the second prince or the originally mild-tempered third prince Ao Wen, there was a bright light in the golden eyes, and the momentum first shrank inward, then rose fiercely.

"This is a variable!"

The second prince Ao Lie's voice was already embellished, and at the same time, the eyes of the third prince Ao Wen were pierced.

Then the three princes, after concentrating on the spot, took the lead to walk into the courtyard of the courtyard, and the voice resounded:

"Let me think about it, go to the house, nineteen, gather all of us in Shenjing City."

"Yes, Brother Three Emperors."

After speaking, the young and handsome 19th prince nodded heavily and strode towards the side courtyard.

It is worth mentioning that since the three princes of Central Shangguo came to Daxia a year ago, they have settled in Shenjing City for an unprecedented time. During their residence, the three princes have gradually integrated into the entire Shenjing City like an ordinary person. His life later became a popular storyteller in Baihu Market.

For the foreigners living in the capital city, especially as the emperor of Shangguo, the Daxia court naturally had extremely strict measures.

This includes the fact that no more than two people can walk out of the small courtyard at the same time, secondly, they are not allowed to teleport, are not allowed to buy anything in official houses, and are not allowed to enter important places.

The restrictions can not be said to be unstrict, and once violated, in accordance with the Daxia law, the offender will be directly deported.

Therefore, the officials of the entire court believed that those who were spoiled and accustomed to the central government would find it hard to bear such constraints.

But what is unexpected is that, without mentioning the originally gentle three princes, even the second prince Yin Lie, who is known for his violent temperament, and the emperors who came to Shenjing City together, they all followed Daxia's plan very well. All the boundaries below.

At the same time, among these foreigners from the Central Committee, the principal who has the right to speak is also the three princes who seem to have no power to bind the chicken, and are full of bookishness.

As the saying goes, before coming to Beihai, this third prince, who was despised by everyone in Tangdu, who valued literature and despised martial arts, used his unique personality charm to firmly surround the people around him.

In the courtyard, the number of the three emperors plus entourage was not large, and after Mo Yuebaixi, everyone gathered in front of the nave, quietly watching the three emperors who were on the main seat in front of them, contemplating.

I saw the third prince Yin Wen's brows furrowed tightly, and his fingers subconsciously tapped on the armrest of the chair, making a rhythmic sound after another. At the same time, a heavy breath came from the former's body. Disseminated inside and out, and even produced a kind of kingly air that controls the situation.

When the third prince Yin Wen was thinking about it, there was no sound in the entire lobby, and all the emperors and entourages who came from the Central Shangguo held their breath and waited for the decision of the three princes.

Time passed by, and the atmosphere became more dignified. Finally, in the silent wait, Ao Wen, the third prince of Shangguo, whose face was covered with stubble, raised his head and looked around the crowd in front of him. A line of voice came out:

"Nineteen, let everyone pack their bags first. It is estimated that our journey in this northern realm will be over."

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly looked up, their faces in shock.

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