"Pack up and prepare to leave."

Ao Wen, the third prince of the Central Government, dropped the command sound, which was tantamount to a thunder, which sounded directly in the ears of everyone in the courtyard.


In the next breath, under the tremor of the soul, a completely different look appeared on the face of every central member of the country.

Among them, the second prince Ao Lie, who is a martial artist, has long been unable to bear it, and there is a raging flame in his eyes, and he suddenly starts to burn, directly speaking with a long whistle:


In between the howling sounds, it was the extremely young 19th prince on the side, with a hesitant look on his face, a look of hesitant to speak, and then he still bowed forward and said:

"Brother Sanhuang, I will make arrangements."

"Clean up slowly, at least this is the traditional festival of the Great Summer reunion, you still have to appreciate it."

After the voice fell, the third prince Yin Wen put away the complex color on his face, turned and walked towards his house, his steps were heavy to steady, and it only took a few breaths.

"Youngest, what are you?"

The second prince’s fierce questioning sound came from behind, and then the figure and footsteps of the third prince in front of him remained unchanged, only a faint voice sounded backwards:

"I'm going to freshen up, I'm going to meet people, I have to be more energetic."

At the same time, Zizhu Alley in the Shenjing City, the Palace of the State of Wei, were full of lights and festoons, completely lively and busy.

The generals hung the red lanterns under the eaves of the buildings in the mansion very numbly. At the same time, a large number of maids, in groups of twos and threes, carried the fiery red silk and satin carefully to the treetops and adjusted their positions. The entire huge mansion adds a strong festive atmosphere

Then inside the mansion of Wei Guogong, a shout from the old housekeeper sounded extremely clearly:

"Come here, there is one less red lantern on the tree here. Hurry up."

After the words fell, this old man, who was born and died in the early years of Wei Guogong Xu Sheng, and was a steward of the government for a lifetime after retiring, retracted his sharp gaze, did not open an umbrella, and continued to move forward with Xiaoxue.

The old man’s gray hair is almost indistinguishable from the snow falling from the sky, but his burly figure is the same as Wei Guogong Xu Sheng, like a tiger. At the same time, on a cold winter night, he simply put on a single coat and strode. .

"Happy New Year, Old Gu."

As almost the oldest old man in the mansion, the old housekeeper is extremely prestigious, and all the people in the mansion he met along the way greeted him.

Then the old butler nodded, showing a smile, and the voice of inquiry came out:

"Your Majesty will set up a private royal banquet in the Mingde Hall of the White Emperor Palace this evening. Naturally, the grandfather and the young ladies and masters are going to go. It's not early at this time, and the clothes for the banquet are all ready. ?"

When the question fell, a middle-aged mother who was bowing to salute stood upright and responded:

"Old Gu, the clothes have been prepared early in the morning, and they have been placed in the rooms of the young ladies and masters, but until now, I haven't seen them come back."

"This year is different. In this year's festival, it is extremely rare for the grandpa to not guard the front line. I guess this will be in the martial arts field in the Huxin Pavilion."

After finishing the sentence, the old butler raised his head, and after looking at the sky above his head, he continued to mutter:

"It's getting late. If you don't hurry up to freshen up and change clothes, I'm afraid it will delay the time of entering the palace, so the old man should go to the Huxin Pavilion to remind him."

After the voice came out, the old butler continued to step forward, striding towards the Huxin Pavilion, and at the same time the old and strong voice continued:

"Go and see if the hot water for the bath is ready."

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu, it's always hot."

"Very well, let people park the carriage at the front entrance, and enter the palace to the banquet from the front entrance."

After the old housekeeper finished speaking, the figure flickered and disappeared directly in the corner. After about half an hour, the housekeeper Gu, who was walking faster and faster, appeared near the lake pavilion, but he was not too close. , I heard a very sharp arrow howling suddenly into the eardrum.

"Falling sun!"

At the next breath, over the lake center pavilion, a round of fiery red sun shining through the world, first rose like a scorching sun, went straight into nine days, and then turned into a flowing sun, crashing down directly below.

The dazzling fireball is mighty and mighty, and the violent aura engulfed the hot temperature, and after it exploded and opened, it directly evaporated the snowflakes in the void.

After an instant, the sun falling arrow completely blasted into the martial arts field above the lake center pavilion, and then the roaring red flames directly rose into the sky, and the entire martial arts field was directly enclosed in a sea of ​​flames.


The sound of high-temperature evaporating snowflakes and lake water resounded in my ears, and among the tumbling water mist and flames, Xu Sheng's tall figure in a single robe slowly appeared on the martial arts arena, and at the same time a majestic voice came out:

"Xu Jin, Xu Hao, the two of you can't catch the arrow that the old man arbitrarily pulled out. With this ability, you still want to compete for the Baidi Academy founded by your majesty himself?

"I Xu Sheng is not afraid of being ashamed, but you two little guys are not as thick as I am, so don't let your head down and complain."

After the voice fell, Xu Sheng raised his right hand and gently waved it toward the front. With a low dragon roar sounded from the depths of the void, a crimson void wave swept outward, sweeping the sea of ​​fire above the martial arts field in front of him. Fight directly.

In the next breath, two extremely young figures appeared on the ground in the martial arts field. It was Xu Jin and Xu Hao who had grown up a lot in these years.

However, the two of them looked quite embarrassed at this time, and most of their robes were burned, and their breath was also wilted.

Xu Jin is good, and can barely stand still with a bow, but Xu Hao, who has a weaker cultivation base, is already lying on the ground, unable to move, just spit out an angry word from his mouth:

"Grandpa unexpectedly summoned the Daoxun Void Dragon Bow, where is this a bow drawn at will?"

When the voice fell, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng lowered his head slightly, feeling the two unwilling gazes from the front, a smile appeared on the old face, and he laughed:

"The old man still said that, when you two can take my bow, grandpa, I will speak to your majesty in person, and give you the opportunity to participate in the trial of the Baidi Academy."

After he finished speaking, Wei Guogong waved the concealed Xulong bow, and continued to speak while walking towards the side of the martial arts court:

"It's getting late today. I will go to the White Emperor Palace later to attend the royal private banquet. You little guys go and change your clothes. Let's see you at the front door later."

After the sound came out, Xu Sheng's footsteps paused slightly, because not far in front, the burly body of the steward Gu appeared and hurriedly walked up against the snowflakes.

"Old Gu, what's the matter?"

"The father-in-law back home, just got news that someone came to visit."

After speaking, the old butler paused, and the old voice continued:

"Ao Wen, the third prince of the Central Government, and Ao Lie, the second prince, come together."

"Take them to the main hall, and the old man will wash up and come."

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