The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1638: Where are people in the world?

In the very center of the Wei State Palace, the huge and magnificent main hall connects the whole main road that runs through from the main gate. On the main hall plaque, the four big characters are shining brightly.

At the same time, a large road is opened on both sides of the main hall, spreading outward, and together with the front and back, forming a four-way transparent artistic conception.

Although Mr. Wei Guogong Xu has spent most of his life leading soldiers outside, the main hall, as the facade of the Guogong Mansion, is naturally magnificent.

A beautiful scroll embroidered with the Great Xia Mountains and Rivers is hung in the middle of the hall. Below the scroll are two rows of seats extending outwards. At the same time, in a corner of the hall, the heat from the burning of Xuantian charcoal dissipates the surrounding chill. Makes the temperature suitable, neither cold nor hot, appropriate benefits.

"The two of you wait a minute, because there is a royal private banquet in the White Emperor Palace at night, so it takes some time for the master to bathe and change clothes. I hope to forgive me.

In the main hall, after the voice of the old housekeeper fell, he filled the cup next to him with tea, and the old but full of breath continued to be heard:

"As soon as it is nearly a year away, Young Master Yin Wen's aura is already restrained, but now he is even more gentle and moist, which is impressive."

"Old Gu is really disappointed. I look after the old to grow stronger. The more I live, the younger I am. And I also want to thank you for the books you gave before, which really fascinates me."

After the gentle voice of the third prince Yin Wen fell, butler Gu opened his mouth and let out a hearty laugh, and responded:

"I was also instructed by Lord Guo. If you thank the third prince, thank Lord Guo later."

After finishing the sentence, the steward Gu stood up, nodded to the second prince on the side, and then walked out of the main hall slowly.

The tea smoke was curling up, the fragrance of tea was permeating, and in the quiet main hall, two strangers with different looks were sitting.

The face of the third prince Yin Wen was still plain, and then he raised his hand and picked up the teacup on the desk at his hand, took a sip, and sighed:

"I have been in Daxia for so many years, and there are a few things that fascinate me and are hard to leave. One of them is this tea.

"The entrance is bitter, followed by all kinds of tastes flowing in the heart, and finally turned into a mellow fragrance, like a willow dark flower in another village, this sip of tea is like drinking the whole life."

At this time, the three princes of the Central Shangguo had shaved off their original beards, and put on the golden feather coat that represented the identity of the emperor of the Central Shangguo. His entire popularity changed drastically.

It is no longer a Mr. Funny who is surrounded by many listeners in the Baihu Market, but a direct prince who is now the most likely inheritor of the Central Shangguo.

Just as the old butler Gu said when he was just pouring tea, the temperament is restrained and contains luxury, and it can be said to be the perfect representative of the royal nobles in the land of Taixuan.

In contrast, the second burly prince sitting on the side had a lot of hostility between his very similar eyebrows. He didn't have too much Yaxing drinking tea. He made tea as wine and poured his head up. The brow frowned, and the voice came out:

"Because of Daxia's rules, he can't make a move, so it's a pity that he didn't appreciate the power of the high-ranking monks in this northern country.

"Especially the Lord Liang who blasted the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu all the way down to the mortal dust. He is recognized as invincible of the same rank. I really want to see how strong he is!"

After the voice of the second prince Yin Lie came out, the third prince Yin Wen shook his head and responded with a sound:

"Even the Southern Heavenly King was captured alive, and Brother Erhuang must be invincible, but once we leave the Northern Territory, Brother Erhuang will certainly have a lot of opportunities to take action.

"Now the status of our central government has undergone a drastic change. The forces that used to be afraid and fearful will take away the fear in their hearts one by one."

Speaking of this, the third prince slowly got up, walked towards the window, staring at the pavilions and pavilions covered with snow in front of him, the voice continued:

"The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind is not stopping. When will this world be unified?"

As soon as the voice of the third prince Yin Wen fell, a vigorous questioning sound immediately followed:

"Three princes, the world of the Great Profound Land has been disintegrated for tens of thousands of years, but it is still difficult to complete the unified unification. In your opinion, do you think the possibility of true unity is too great?"

When this statement fell, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng's body a little more burly than the second prince Yin Lie walked into the main hall from the outside. At the same time, a heavy and domineering breath suddenly began to emerge from the void.

Even the air that is no longer nowhere is because of this gray-haired old man, and has brought the sharp edge after being locked by countless arrows.

After stepping into the main hall, Xu Sheng did not sit directly on the main seat, but came to the side of the second prince, also watching the wind and snow in front of him.

"The general trend of the world must be united after a long period of time. This is the demand of heaven. Therefore, no matter how many years of chaos, the world will be unified like the fairy palace era."

The response from Yin Wen's mouth was neither humble nor overbearing. Then he turned around and bowed to Xu Sheng in front of him, speaking with a grateful voice:

"I would like to thank Mr. Xu again for his help next time. Without Mr. Xu's endorsement, the magic and prosperous city of this sacred city may never be seen in the next lifetime.

"Although the days in the capital city are short, they let Yin Wen remember his life. I have lived in Tang for so many years, but it is the first time I have witnessed with my own eyes, whether it is a country, a creature, or a race, when it reaches its peak, it will be What a look."

After finishing the sentence, Yin Wen, the third prince of the Central Kingdom, got up, with golden pupils, staring at Xu Sheng, who was not angry and prestigious in front of him, and the voice continued:

"It is said that if you want to reach that mountain, you must first see that mountain. This summer trip has made Yin Wen see that mountain. I am very grateful."

When the words fell, the third prince bowed to Xu Sheng again, and an increasingly grateful voice sounded in the main hall:

"If you are lucky to survive in the future, you will definitely remember the kindness of the old man."

After the three prince Yin Wen's words of gratitude lingered in the hall, Xu Sheng's expression remained unchanged, his mouth opened, and an old voice came out:

"It seems that you already know the news of the World Daohui."

"I just learned, so I also understand that the journey in Daxia is coming to an end."

"Because of different status and status, people have different things to do in this world, so the old man will not hinder you."

After the voice fell, Xu Sheng stretched out his hand and patted the shoulder of the third prince Yin Wen. The voice continued:

"I won't say anything extra. You and Da Xia are always in love, but the old man is very curious, besides tea, what is the second thing that makes you reluctant.

As soon as this question came out, Yin Wen's face was slightly stagnant, and then raised his finger to the front, a gentle response came out:

"Master, it's Xue Xue that is reluctant to give up this second order."

"What's the solution?"

After Xu Sheng's voice fell, Yin Wen smiled and explained:

"If the white head can be replaced by snow, how can the world take pains."

"Hahaha, interesting."

Xu Sheng Yangtian let out a hearty laugh, and then he turned around and looked at the three princes Yin Wen in front of him, and his words followed:

"Your Majesty has an order. If Yin Wen, the third prince of the Central Government, leaves the country, he can take the old man detained in the Taihang Palace with him.

"Remember your promise, and hope that in the future, you and I will not meet on the battlefield!"

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