One hundred years of the Great Xia calendar, on the night of December 27th, at the Mingde Hall of the Baidi Palace, between the bells and drums and ritual music, the Tianjia private banquet officially kicked off with the sound of shaking the sky.

"God bless Daxia!"

This is the rouge of the Empress of Great Xia. It is the fourth time to organize the private banquet of the Mingde Hall. It is even more handy. On the basis of the original court officials, it also invited a large number of ordinary people in Great Xia. .

In other words, the annual Mingde Hall banquet has become something that the entire Daxia people are looking forward to and are proud of.

At the top of the moon, when Zhao Yu left with rouge and the princes and ministers, the entire banquet entered a white-hot stage.

Regardless of a great Xia official or a rising star in the academic palace, even ordinary people who were lucky enough to be invited here began to raise their wine glasses and stand up to communicate back and forth in the hall at will.

There are also old friends who have not seen me for a long time, chatting and laughing with each other, telling their changes over the past year, both good and bad, but these are all lives.

"Ding ding dong dong dong."

Beneath the brisk sound of rituals and music, in a corner of the Mingde Hall, two unremarkable young figures, a man and a woman, walked along the walls of the hall towards the gate.

The footsteps were hurried, and then the beautiful young woman among the two, with a trace of doubt in her eyes, looked at the young man who was pulling her in front of her, her red lips lightly opened, and she asked:

"Msang Gong, this day's banquet is only halfway through, where are we going?"

The question fell, and in front of the young woman, the young man in the official robes of the household secretary turned his head, showing a smile, and the response came:

"Lady, this hall is a little stuffy, I want to go out and get some air."

As soon as he said this, the doubts on the young woman's face became stronger, but she didn't ask any more, just added:

"The old lady and daddy are still in the seats, why don't you have a ward with them?"

"No, let's just go for a walk outside the temple, and we'll be back soon."

As the voice heard, the young man pulled his daughter-in-law and stepped out of a side door of the Mingde Hall. Suddenly, a biting wind blew his face from the front, blowing away the hot air in the temple.


The young man let out a breath, leaving a long white smoke in the air in front of him, and the expression on his face was relieved for a moment.

At the next breath, a voice with a little doubt came from the side:

"Li Xun?"

As soon as this voice sounded, the young man in the household who had just relaxed subconsciously shuddered, and hurriedly turned around. After seeing the person coming from the side, he breathed a sigh of relief. After saluting, the voice came out:

"It turned out that Brother Xue, don't have a few years, but met here, what a coincidence, Brother Xue, don't come here without any problems."

After Li Xun's young voice fell, Xue Beichuan, who also walked out of the Mingde Hall, had a strange color flashing in his black eyes, but he did not continue to ask deeply, just meticulously in return.

Although Xue Beichuan did not continue to speak, but then appeared in front of Li Xun in the former Chuzhou Qiushuicheng. The figure of Qiao Yue, the eldest of the Qiao family, made Li Xun's face completely miserable, but he bit his head and asked. Good shout:

"Miss Joe, New Year is well."

"Li Xun, it turns out that you are in Shenjing City. You don't know. I heard that Qiushui City is looking for you crazy, and this Mingde Palace banquet, your Qiushui Li family is also here."

Qiao Yue's interesting words hadn't fallen yet, and Li Xun, who looked a little flustered, hurried forward and changed the topic:

"Lady, let me introduce you. These two are my good friends. This is Xue Beichuan and this is Qiao Yue. Let's find another place to talk about it. This is not very good because it blocks the door of Mingde Hall. "

After the voice fell, the group nodded and walked down the stairs of Mingde Hall to the small garden on the side.

The snow of Shenjing City for a long time finally stopped tonight, and then a bright moon leaped out of the sky, shining down with a quiet and secluded silver light.

The moonlight was like water, and then Li Xun's young voice rang in the garden outside Mingde Hall:

"I heard that Brother Xue made great contributions in the **** battle in Beihai, and now he is entering the military plane. Congratulations."

"Li Xun, don't be sloppy here, just talk about your situation."

Before Li Xun's voice fell over there, Qiao Yue, who was already quite bold, sounded immediately, and then the questioning voice continued to be heard:

"I heard that you left without saying goodbye to your own home a few years ago. This has been a long time. Your family has searched almost the entire Chuzhou and even the vast land of Shenzhou. Even when I was in Shenjing City these years, I often received Enquiry from Li Mansion in Chuzhou.

"Good fellow, I didn't expect you to become a kiss silently. The girl gave birth to such a good spirit, so why did you fall in love with you."

After Qiao Yue's words fell, the young girl next to Li Xun was confused, but she still bowed to the front in an extremely generous and generous manner, and said softly:

"Shenjing Li, I have seen two of them."

"Hurry up, please."

A bright smile appeared on Qiao Yue's face, and then he stepped forward and took Li to the side to talk alone, leaving only Xue Beichuan and Li Xun, standing in the pavilion outside Mingde Hall.

At the next breath, a soft question from Xue Beichuan continued:

"Brother Li, over the years, you should have been dispatched to the Jiao and Hai states on the banks of the North Sea as an official of the Ministry of Households. you."

As soon as the words came out, Li Xun, whose complexion recovered as usual, nodded, turned and stared at the extremely quiet silver forest, shrouded in moonlight, and said in response:

"Yes, in the past few years, I wanted to get rid of the restrictions and shackles I had and live the life I really want to live.

"You know, Brother Xue, I don't have too much ambition. I don't want to be famous, nor do I want to shine. I just want a dull life.

"So I made the boldest decision in my life. Although I thought it was difficult, once I took that step, I would feel relaxed."

After the words fell, Li Xun's dark face showed a heartfelt smile, and then to show his wishes, he nodded his head again, and his voice continued to sound:

"I'm doing well now. Although it will be hard occasionally, it is worth it. I have my own home and my own things to do.

"Although I'm just an ordinary secretary sent outside the household, I'm not vigorous, although I can't change the so-called general trend of the world, nor can I leave a name like the old ancestors asked for.

"But I think this is enough, at least I make the people around me better, and I make myself better.

"From a heir to a small family official from Chuzhou's thousand-year scholarly family, perhaps many people will think this is self-willing and depraved, but Brother Xue, I really don't regret it."

At this point, the young man Li Xun suddenly took a step forward, and his voice continued to be heard:

"From beginning to end, I felt that the night a few years ago, when I tore open the teleporting scroll, I was the real me!"

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