The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1640: Alien in the new era

Shenjing City, outside the Mingde Hall of the Baidi Palace, the moonlight is like water and the green trees are long.

Mingde Hall, as the place where the Zhao family of the Great Xia Emperor held a banquet, naturally occupies a large area. There are also many pavilions around, and there are also elegant palaces and side halls to communicate with each other. use.

At the top of the moon, not far from the brightly lit and lively Mingde main hall at this time, there is a side hall, in which the lighted lights completely illuminate the whole not too big hall.

Then, at the center of the temple, he replaced the rouge in the robe of the luxurious Emperor Yongrong, lifted the teapot, gently moved Zhao Yu, who was looking down at something, and continued a cup of bitter tea.

"Are these two little guys asleep?"

After the soft question of the young emperor fell, he sat down again, leaning against the rouge beside Zhao Yu, putting away a trace of fatigue in his eyes, and replied:

"Nine-tailed fox cornel brought her daughter over this afternoon, and the young princess fry was tired from playing together, so she went to bed early."

"Weiyang, this girl has become more and more naughty recently, I have to wonder if I want to find a husband for these two little guys."

Zhao Yu's faint words came out, and Rouge lifted his head slightly against the former shoulder, a smile flashed in his eyes, and a soft voice came out:

"Your Majesty, the concubines feel that it would be good for them to go to the school to experience the experience."

"With Weiyang's temper, he still doesn't make the whole school of study go crazy."

After Zhao Yu came down with a petting voice, he put down the zipper in his hand, raised his eyes, and the voice continued:

"Rouge, there is something quite interesting in the booklet I just read. Would you like to listen to it?"

"The concubine would like to hear the details."

Rouge's exquisite face also showed a hint of curiosity, but she, who was thoughtful, first raised the tea cup on the desk and handed it to the young emperor in front of her.

After Zhao Yu took the teacup and took a sip, the voice continued:

"This matter has to be talked about since two years ago. After the **** battle in Beihai, Daxia was officially born in Beihai, the land of Taixuan, and then a brand-new era came completely.

"In this new era, everyone's mentality has changed to varying degrees, and in Qiushui City, Chuzhou, there was an heir from a family who made a very unexpected move."

"Your Majesty, are you talking about the eldest young master who escaped from the Qiushui Li family?"

Rouge's words fell, and Zhao Yu's black eyes revealed a hint of surprise, and he smiled and said:

"It turns out that you even know Rouge about this. Isn't that the entire Shenjing city is known to everyone?"

"That's not true, Your Majesty, the concubine knows this news because the girl Ruyue heard it from Mrs. Li Yi a few days ago.

"The girl Yanqing's hometown is in Qiushui City, and Ruyue is also to relieve her concubine's boredom, so she told her concubine about it. It sounded quite surprising at the time, but she didn't expect it to be passed to your ears."

After Rouge's voice fell, Zhao Yu leaned back and said in a steady voice:

"It's not the ancestor of the Qiu Shui Li family. He couldn't find his precious heir for several years. He was afraid of something unexpected, and there was nothing wrong, so he asked the Chuzhou prefect.

"In terms of speaking, this Chuzhou prefect, and Qiushui Li family were also related to each other. He had always kept away from the family in the city because of the case of the Qiao family in Qiushui City.

"But I can't stop this ancestor of the Li family from visiting in person over and over again. Finally, taking advantage of today's private banquet, he secretly handed me a paper, meaning that I would help me find it, at least to confirm his life and death."

After Zhao Yu's words sounded, Rouge's dark green pupils turned, and a smiling voice came out:

"Let the concubine guess, is this Young Master Li alive and well, and is in the capital of God?"

As soon as he said this, the corner of Zhao Yu's mouth became more smiling, putting down the cup in his hand, and the young emperor's voice continued to sound:

"That's the case. I asked Si Tianjian to check the transmission records, and finally found out that Young Master Li had indeed come to Shenjing City first, and he also became a relative, and joined our household as an official.

"What's more interesting is that he immediately went to the outer two states on the banks of the North Sea to reclaim farmland, and he also made a lot of achievements, and was on the list of awards and promotions in my hand."

"That is indeed a very interesting young man."

After Rouge fell with a smiling voice, he seemed to have thought of something, his red lips lightly opened, and he continued to speak:

"For this year's Tianjia Private Banquet, the concubines invited all the officials on this list, so in other words, this young man is now in the White Emperor Palace, not far from here.

"On the other hand, the aristocratic families in Chuzhou are also invited to attend tonight. This can be said to be truly far in the sky, close in front of you."

"This son of Li has a good thousand-year-old family and does not inherit. He is going to be in the wind and sun by the North Sea. He is indeed a wonderful person. I just asked Xue Beichuan to meet him. I will listen to what he says later."

As soon as Zhao Yu's voice fell, outside the hall, Liang Po's burly figure slowly walked in, and at the same time a deep voice came out:

"Your Majesty, the prefect of Chuzhou, together with the ancestors of the Li family in Qiushuicheng, are asking to see you outside the hall."

After finishing the sentence, Liang Po's bald head also showed a little weird color, and continued to speak:

"At the same time, Xue Beichuan is back."

"Then let them all in."

After Emperor Huanghuang's voice was passed down, Liang Po nodded in response, turned and walked out of the side hall. After a while, the prefect of Chuzhou, who was over half a hundred years old, walked into the hall with a gray-haired old woman.

After the two entered the hall, they hurriedly knelt on the ground, and after respectfully bowing down and saluting, the loud voice came out:

"Chen, Chuzhou prefect Li Dang, thank Your Majesty Longen."

"Get up, Liang Po, give the old lady a seat. As for what you are asking for, you already have an eye for it, so let's sit next to it."

As soon as the emperor's voice passed down by Zhao Yugun, Chuzhou prefect Li Dang's eyes suddenly lit up, and the hand hidden under the robe also clenched.

At the next breath, a steady sound of footsteps came from outside the temple door behind, making the old lady tremble even more, but she held back her head and did not look back.

"Da, da, da!"

Every soft sound that rang in the partial hall was like a hammer hit in the heart of the ancestor of the Li family in Chuzhou, making the former tremble.

However, when this young figure knelt down in front of Zhao Yu, the old woman's eyes suddenly became a lot darker after the voice of asking for peace came out.

She is not the one who enters the hall.

At the same time, Xue Beichuan's young voice resounded in the hall:

"Chen, Xue Beichuan, see your Majesty!"

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