Time flies, day and night cycle, a few days in the blink of an eye, and leisurely, Daxia officially enters an extremely important day of the year.

New Year's Eve!

"New Year, New Year!"

Early this morning, a series of immature children's voices, accompanied by the continuous sound of fireworks and firecrackers, sounded continuously throughout the vast land of China.

At the same time, an adult who was very busy on weekdays completely put down the burden on his shoulders and sat in the yard early, knocking melon seeds and talking about the daily routine.

For the people of Daxia who have been busy for a year, the New Year not only means reunion and joy, but also the relaxation of body and mind.

During this time, the women in the family will be extra gentle, even if they wake up late in the morning, drink a little gluttonously, they will be treated more tenderly than usual.

During the festive season, the weather in Shenjing City is also exceptionally beautiful. The rain and snow are all gone, and the bright sun hangs for nine days in the sky, sprinkling bright brilliance on the whole land, even the originally cold temperature rises. A lot.

And more importantly, in such a good weather, both adults and children don't have to worry that the new clothes they just put on will get dirty all at once, and then feel extremely distressed.

Shenjing City, Liuye Alley, the big alley where Daxia Jiangmen's residence is located, the sound of firecrackers lingering over this alley is much smaller than the rest of the alleys in the city, and with the sun falling, a mumble sound comes from Liuye Alley From a mansion in the center:

"It turns out that this is the one-hundred-flower honey cream that was brewed by the queen and the empress herself in the legend, and even has the effect of rejuvenating the old. It grows like this. I seem to have seen countless beautiful flowers vying to bloom in it."

After the extremely clear voice fell, under the eaves of the courtyard of the Zhenyu Palace, he put on a new suit of fitted clothes, and the little girl's Tie Lan, whose hair was carefully woven, stared at the front of him. In the small green bottle, in addition to marveling in the dark eyes, there is also a color of eagerness to try.

Compared with when she was a little girl a few years ago, Tillandsia has been fully opened at this time, and the water is generous. At the same time, her black hair is draped back, drifting in the wind, full of youthful and beautiful breath. .

There is a girl next door who has grown up and is dotted with a beautiful picture of youth, which is always worth stopping and admiring.

However, in the small courtyard on the early morning of the New Year's Eve, there were not many people who could admire the scene, only a half-lying old man in a corner of the courtyard, and a blindfolded boy sitting quietly beside Tie Lan.

Little Tielan is at the age of being extremely ignorant and longing for beauty, so she licked her lips while watching the Hundred Flower Honey Cream in front of her, and continued to mumble:

"This honey cream is so amazing, why don't you try it first?"

After the mutter fell, Tie Lan no longer hesitated, raised her hand to unscrew the honey ointment bottle directly, and listened to the faint voice of the old man:

"Little girl, you are violent. These days, old man, I go out and wander around, and listen to all the women on the street talking about this hundred nectar ointment. For those elderly women, this is a fetish of rejuvenation. Girl Tielan, you are young, what do you use this for?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tie Lan's stretched out hand stopped in place, but in the end he still didn't open it, and said in an angry voice:

"Father, am I not curious? It is said that applying this balm will make you beautiful, and I don't know if it is true or not."

"Oh, I can't think of Tie Lan, you girl has begun to pay attention to beauty, she really has grown up."

After speaking, Mr. Mo, who was leaning on the door, put his hands behind his head and changed to a more comfortable posture. The old voice continued to speak:

"Since I've grown up, I have to curb my usual hot temper. If we still have such a loud voice outside, people will think that our dolls from Bingzhou like to yell."

After the old man's words rang in his ears, Tie Lan, who had been bickering on weekdays, rolled her eyes and continued to speak in a crisp voice:

"I said, sir, my yelling temper was not learned from you. Who told you to open your mouth and shout a few voices after drinking on weekdays. This voice can be heard from the snowy plains of Bingzhou. Far away, are you ashamed to say that I have a loud voice?"

As soon as the girl Tie Lan's voice came out, Old Man Wu's old face suddenly stagnated, and he couldn't speak for a long time. Fortunately, Lin Xiao, who was sitting next to Tie Lan, suddenly opened his mouth and opened his mouth.

"Yes, bottle."

"Lin Xiao, do you want this Hundred Flower Honey Cream?"

A hint of doubt appeared on Tie Lan's face, but she still picked up the bottle that had just been put down, shook her hand, and then heard Lin Xiao's voice continue to say:

"Yes, this bottle, open it."

Every word that came out of Lin Xiao’s mouth was extremely slow, just like a child who had just learned to speak, but Tie Lan’s face was not impatient, nor did he hesitate because of the preciousness of this bottle of Hundred Flower Honey Cream. , Gently unscrew the cap of the bottle.

The next breath, a faint floral scent with a very good smell, directly permeates the void, giving a feeling of being in the depths of a hundred flowers, and even dissipating the surrounding cold, as if being in the warmth of spring Under the sun.

"This Hundred Flower Honey Cream smells so good."

A big smile appeared on Tie Lan's face, then raised her hand and gently placed the opened bottle on the table in front of Lin Xiao, and continued to speak:

"Lin Xiao, here you are."

"Good, good."

The still extremely slow voice came from Lin Xiao's mouth, and then he lowered his head and tried to use the cloth-covered eyes to stare at the green bottle in front of him. Although he could not see it, he could hear the message from the bottom of the road. The fragrance of flowers.

At the next breath, Lin Xiao fell into a little silence, as if thinking.

Then several gazes came from all directions, looking at Lin Xiao who quietly sat on the seat and bowed his head, with curiosity in his eyes, quietly waiting for the latter's next action.

Among these few eyes, two came from the door of the Piandian Hall, and the masters of these two eyes were Lin Xiao, the principal of Lord Zhenyu’s Mansion, and Mrs. Lin Xiao with a gentle face, Qing Niantong. .

"Husband, Xiaoer, what do you want this Hundred Flower Honey Cream?"

After Qing Niantong's voice fell with a little doubt, Lin Xiao, who was standing tall and tall, remained unchanged, and the young voice came out:

"As long as something can cause him to react, I will satisfy him."

Before Lin Xiao's words fell, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank inward, and the slashed face was extremely horrified, and Qing Niantong beside him made a direct noise while covering his mouth. Exclaimed.

Under the eaves, Lin Xiao, who was staring at him, suddenly raised his hand, wiped it into the small bottle of Hundred Flower Honey Cream in front of him, and then carefully applied it to the little girl Tie Lan's face.

Then a slow voice came from Lin Xiao's mouth:

"Beautiful, beautiful!"

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