The Liuye Alley in the capital city, the courtyard of the Zhenyu Gongfu, the atmosphere was almost frozen, and with Lin Xiao’s awkward and gentle movements, all those who watched stood on the spot, as if they had been subjected to a fixation technique. like a statue.

The scene in front of you was really shocking, and it exceeded everyone's expectations.

Although Lin Xiao's movements were still extremely slow, he revealed caution, and at the same time, the voice that came out of his mouth was also gentle.

Lin Xiao’s fingers crossed the girl’s pretty face, and at the next breath, Tielan’s pretty face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like two Fei Xia flying directly on her cheeks, her body temperature rose rapidly, and her body was slightly Trembling.

At the same time, almost everyone's thoughts were down on the spot, and even his lips were open and dumbfounded.

The atmosphere is subtle, and even the cold wind blowing in it seems to hit a barrier, spreading outwards, unable to bear to disturb.

"Kang Dang!"

After a few breaths, an exclamation of falling down directly broke the weird atmosphere of the entire side hall.

Then he fell down because of being too surprised, and Mr. Wu, who rolled around on the ground, got up from the ground, while holding his waist, said:

"Go on, don't worry about my old man, Lin Xiao, keep wiping the little girl's face."

After the words fell, Tie Lan, who had just reacted, suddenly turned ruddy, and hurriedly backed away, speaking in a flustered manner:

"Lin Xiao, this Hundred Flower Honey Cream was specially rewarded by the Queen Empress, don't waste it, put it away quickly."

After finishing her words, the girl hurriedly closed the bottle, ignoring the emerald green nectar still on her face, her voice continued:

"I'll put this bottle away first, and give it to my sister-in-law. Oh, the sun is so big today, why is it so hot!"

Obviously, under Lin Xiao's sudden behavior, the girl had already begun to be at a loss, her pretty face flushed, and there was almost no heat coming out of her head.

After that, Qing Niantong, who walked in from outside the door of the Piandian, came out of her mouth to relieve the girl:

"If Sister Tielan likes this Hundred Flower Honey Cream, I will send someone some more. The empress has a kind heart, and she will be given a lot every time she visits the palace."

After Qing Niantong walked into the courtyard, Lin Xiao behind him also showed his figure, and then the latter lowered his head, looking at Lin Xiao who was sitting quietly again, and sighed imperceptibly.

A few years ago, when Lin Xiao slowly had his own reaction, everyone including Lin Xiao believed that this young man who had locked his mind firmly would completely open the shackles and then return to his normal appearance. .

But this is not the case. Although Lin Xiao has recovered a lot compared to before, he is still far from a normal person.

In other words, at this time, Lin Xiao's mind is like a two-year-old child, who can say some simple sentences to express the most basic ideas, and most of the time, it is just like now, sitting quietly , Do not say a word.

"I have seen Young Master Lin."

After Lin Xiao, who was restrained and not angry, entered the courtyard, the girl Tielan and Old Man Mo stood up together, saluted and said hello.

Then Lin Xiao nodded and turned to Tie Lan, whose face was still like a red apple, with a smile on his face, and a steady voice came out:

"Iron girl, my brother is ignorant and offended you, I hope to forgive me."

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way."

Tie Lan hurriedly raised her hand and waved it. Then she felt that the place where the nectar was applied on her face, there was a hint of coolness directly integrated into it. This feeling was extremely subtle, just like a chilly spring, with a reminder. The refreshing floral scent, gently tapping on the face.

Then a strong breath of life turned into a jelly, flowing between every cell on the face, and shot outwards, nourishing the entire face, causing Tielan to subconsciously cover her cheeks and muttered:

"It's so cool."

"The effect of this Hundred Flower Honey Cream is actually a bit more powerful than what people say. It is not only for permanent appearance, but more importantly, for those who have burns on the face and other bodies, just apply it. Then the scab will slowly form and fall off, and then it will return to normal."

After Qing Niantong's explanation fell, a very gentle smile appeared on her face, she reached out and took out two red envelopes, gently placed them on the table in front of them, and the voice continued:

"This year's New Year's Eve, this red envelope must not be less, come, sister Tielan, and Lin Xiao."

As soon as the voice fell, Tie Lan was about to refuse, the voice in Qing Niantong's mouth continued:

"Take it, in our eyes, both of you are not grown up children, and you have taken care of Lin Xiao very hard this year. If you don't accept it, you will be out of sight."

Although Qing Niantong's voice was still gentle, it gave people a sense of being hard to refuse. Then Tie Lan showed a smile, no longer twitching, picked it up, and swayed with the old man Wu who was approaching, with a smug look Little emoji.

Compared with Tie Lan, who is still a child, Mr. Wu, who has put on brand new clothes today, is much more stable. Then he bowed to Lin Xiao, and the old voice came out:

"My little grandpa came here early in the morning, is there something important?"

"Father, today there will be people from the Dao Sect of the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land, come to my Zhenyu Palace for a visit. The Taixuan Dao Sect has a profound background and a long heritage, and may be helpful to Xiao'er's condition, so I took Lin Xiao to see Look."

As soon as this remark came out, it was not only Elder Wu, but also Tie Lan on the side. His eyes suddenly lit up and he opened his mouth and said:

"Okay, so good!"

At the same time, the main hall of Zhenyu Gongfu was filled with tea fragrance, and the bright sunshine shone into the main hall through the open windows and doors, making the hall extremely bright.

Compared with other official residences, the main hall of Zhenyu Gong's Mansion is undoubtedly extremely empty, because both the former Zhenyu Hou Linlang and Lin Xiao, who is now the official admiration of the deputy marshal of Daxia Frontline Soldiers and Horses, pursue minimalism.

Therefore, the various facilities in the mansion are extremely simple. There are only two main seats, two rows of seats, and several desks with tea sets in the main hall. Then a young voice sounded in the main hall:

"Dao Master, do you think the little father-in-law in this mansion can force the immovable king fire in your body?"

Hearing the words of the little Taoist Chuan, he glanced at the side secretly. A figure standing like an iron tower heard the magnetic response of Taoist Guan Yun resounding in his ears:

"Originally, I was just going north to try my luck, but after seeing Da Xia's true appearance, this Taoist can say that.

"If Daxia can't remove the fire poison in my body, then no one will be able to get rid of this poison, not even the Yushu Fire Mansion."

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