The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1646: True and false immovable Ming Wang Yan

"Bang, bang, bang!"

One after another, deafening fireworks display sounded in the middle of Shenjing City, which is one of the customs of Daxia in the New Year.

On the 30th day of the New Year, every hour, there will be officials from Gyeonggi Prefecture who will be responsible for releasing splendid fireworks towards the depths of the sky, symbolizing the celebration of the whole world.

At the same time, today, not only the major market ruins of Shenjing City, almost every city and every village in Daxia will hold a very grand celebration to celebrate the second new year after entering the new era.

In fact, compared to last year when it had just gained a foothold, after a year of full-speed development in Great Xia, the mentality of every citizen has undergone earth-shaking changes.

They are more confident, fearless, and calmer!

"Tie Si official, this Dao Master hears this every other hour, the roar that lingers in his ears will sound, is it meaningful?"

In the main hall of Yugong Mansion in Liuyexiang Town, the voice of inquiry from Taoist Guanyun came out.

Then the two of them were not far away, holding the iron pillars standing like an iron tower with their fists, raised their lowered eyes, and responded:

"Master Guanyun, today is the New Year of My Great Summer, so the celebration fireworks will bloom in the sky every hour. This is your Majesty’s expression of New Year’s blessings to every citizen."

After Tie Zhu's vigorous voice fell, Taoist Guanyun stroked his sleeves, and sighed, saying:

"This Dao can be regarded as traveling all over the place of the Supreme Profound Realm, but I have never felt the cohesion like yours in any force, as if everyone is a soldier charging forward, turning into a torrent of iron and blood, no one. Back down.

"At the same time, every novelty in your country makes Ji Xia breathtaking and unheard of."

"My Daxia human race does not worship so-called gods or ghosts. We only believe in ourselves. Therefore, all our festivals are to remember our ancestors and celebrate reunion and harvest. This is our own way!"

The words of Tie Zhu fell, and Taoist Guanyun immediately showed a sincere admiration on his face. He raised his hand to hold the tea cup beside him, and turned to the former to show respect.

At this time, it has been several days since the Taoist Taoist Guanyun and the little Taoist Tingchuan came to the north. In the past few days, although the two of them simply wandered around in the Shenjing City, the light of this has already made these two Visitors from the Dao Men linger forever.

In particular, the young Taoist Taoist listening to Sichuan, who was originally a curious age, looked left and right, and stopped and watched everything. And the calm Taoist Guanyun was not much better. The young and the young often looked at something carefully. Study for a long time, and then amazed.

As a result, the purpose of the middle-aged Taoist priest coming to the north was delayed for a few days. Only then, under the guidance, accompanied by Tie Zhu, the Secretary of Night Dire, came to Zhenyu Palace to look for Lin Xiao.

As everyone knows, Lin Lang, the town of Yuhou, used the Fudo Ming Wanghuo who burned the sky and melted the earth to move the world as his son, Lin Xiao, and inherited this divine flame.

Just as Taoist Guanyun just said, if there is no one who can absorb the flame poison in his body in the northern realm of the Great Xia, then in the entire Taixuan Land, apart from Buddhism, no one can control Ming Wang Yan.

After about a quarter of an hour, the brighter sun light outside the window continued to shine into the slightly empty main hall of Zhenyu Gong's residence.

Afterwards, the Guanyun Taoists who were communicating with each other slightly moved their faces, and directly stood up slowly, looking outside the main hall door, and then rolling their eyes and thinking, the little Taoist Tingchuan, who also stood up suddenly.

At the next breath, a steady sound of footsteps came from outside the door, and Lin Xiao's tall and pine figure stepped into the main hall, and then Master Guanyun saluted the front and said loudly:

"Da Yan Guan Guanyun Taoist, met General Da Xia Lin."

After the words fell, a deep admiration appeared in the eyes of Taoist Taoist Guanyun, and the voice continued:

"Seeing the appearance of General Lin so young, I was once again deeply frightened by your country's strength. I really can't understand why such a young man has such terrifying strength."

"The Dao is longer than the reputation, and the next one is just one of the ordinary generals of Great Sharp."

After speaking, Lin Xiao saluted the Guanyundao people, and the young voice continued:

"Daxia Lin Xiao, I have seen Taoist Guanyun, please sit down."

After he finished speaking, Lin Xiao strode forward, and then sat down on the main seat, showing a calmness that was incompatible with his age.

It is said that the father's influence on the children is extremely far-reaching, even if Lin Lang used to guard Yulong Pass for many years, he still let Lin Xiao, who took this as an example, faintly carry the shadow of the former in his behavior.

Then today, wearing only black casual clothes, Lin Xiao, who was even more upright and handsome, slowly raised his hand and turned to the middle-aged Taoist priest to the side. The voice came out again:

"Taoist Guanyun, Jiang Yue has already explained to me your intentions. For today's New Year's Day, some kind words will be avoided, so you and I will start directly?"

"It's so good."

Master Guanyun nodded his head, then stopped speaking, and directly raised his hand to hold the Taoist robe on his body, and yanked it outwards, exposing the entire upper body completely.


At the next breath, a gasp sounded directly from the main hall, and then heard the exclamation of the little Taoist priest in Sichuan, and then came out:

"Master, you!"

After taking off his robe, Taoist Guanyun didn't have any intact skin on his upper body. It was completely the kind of necrotic muscle that had been burned out by the skin.

At the same time, the blood and water on the body surface of the middle-aged Taoist priests have been completely evaporated because they are being roasted and burned by the Fudo Mingwang flame all the time.

So what was shown to everyone was an extremely terrifying look.

It's like a dry corpse!

"This so-called Buddhism Fudo Ming Wang Yan is so weird!"

Lin Xiao resounded in the voice in the main hall with solemnity, and then the middle-aged Taoist nodded and said in response:

"Although this Dao has used most of the cultivation base to suppress this Fudo Ming Wang Yan, this flame is extremely difficult to entangle. Every time I think it can be completely extinguished, it rekindles, and it is more tyrannical."

After speaking, Master Guanyun stretched out **** and closed them together, pointed at the center of his eyebrows, and let out a low drink:

"Guanyun, town!"

Before the shout, a milky white cloud appeared directly above the head of the middle-aged Taoist priest, then turned into a streamer and crashed down, covering the entire body of Taoist Guanyun.

In the next instant, a loud blast like a volcano suddenly came from the middle-aged Taoist's body. On the former's body like a dry corpse, strands of golden-red flames suddenly rushed out, directly opposing the sky falling white clouds.

After a breath, the violent and hot breath swept outwards, even completely evaporating the entire void water vapor.

After that, Lin Xiao's more solemn voice sounded between the roars:

"No, this is not Fudo Ming Wang Yan in the traditional sense!"

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