The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1647: Double flames


The violent flames erupted, together with the harsh sound after the air was evaporated, resounding through the main hall of the Zhenyu Palace.

Afterwards, the strange flames within Guanyun Taoist's body and the suppressed white clouds completely confronted each other, the two extreme forces in the world extinguished each other, and even produced a dazzling thunder that was visible to the naked eye.

In a short while, the originally relatively empty main hall of Zhenyu Gong's Mansion has directly become a fierce battlefield. The void shakes and turns into waves of shock waves sweeping outward, tearing the original seats to pieces. Chengfen.


A loud bell-like sound rang in the ears of the Taoist priest in Tingchuan, then Tie Zhu raised his foot and stepped forward, blocking the former behind him with his burly body, raising his right hand like a fan, and opening it forward again. grip.

With the next breath, the billowing greenery spread out from the inside of Tie Zhu's body, forming a light mask shaped like a canopy, covering the center of the main hall of Zhenyu Gong's mansion.

Above this mask, there are green seeds floating, shining a faint green light, extending outward, forming a vein node, forming a green screen iron wall, isolating all the violent leaks inside.

"Why is this Buddhist Fudo Ming Wang Yan different from what we saw in Lin Xiao before?"

After Tie Zhu’s vigorous voice came out, inside the mask, Lin Xiao, who was grinning in his black robes from the strong wind, inside the originally pitch-black left eye, a golden flame burst out, staring forward. Suddenly, there was a sense of infinite heat in his eyes.

Then Lin Xiao took a step forward, and the response rolled out:

"Naturally different, this Fudo Ming Wang Yankong has the skin of the evil spirits, but the heart of the evil spirits, and the taste has already changed."

When the words fell, Lin Xiao raised his right hand, and strands of golden flames began to burn from his arm and spread upward. It only took a breath to completely cover Lin Xiao's entire right arm.

At the same time, a majestic, majestic aura of uprightness began to descend between heaven and earth.

This breath is very similar to the red-gold flames burning inside the body of the middle-aged Taoist priest. At first glance, it feels very similar, but if someone with a high level of cultivation carefully senses it, they will find that the core it represents is completely different.

One is the pure true meaning of Huang Huang Fu Demon, while the other contains extremely weak hostility in the deepest part.

"It's really interesting. It turns out that the so-called Fudo Ming Wang Yan from Buddhism in the Taixuan Land is actually a fake."

Lights and shadows intertwined, and inside the main hall of the Zhenyu Gong’s mansion, a voice with coldness and disdain suddenly sounded, and then a **** thunder jumped through the void, appeared in the room, and burst outward. , Revealing a very young figure.

It is Jiang Yue, the commander of the Radiant Legion!

Then Jiang Yue, who stood on the ground, leaned forward slightly, watching the two divine flames in front of him, and his voice came out again:

"There is skin but no bones, and a hostile spirit. This Buddhism firework should not be called Fudo Mingwang Yan, but a tyrannical Demon Flame.

As soon as he said this, Tie Zhu, who was one head higher than Jiang Yue, nodded, and a response came out:

"It is often heard that this Taixuan Buddhist school takes the task of defying demons as its own responsibility. I thought that this supernatural power should take an upright and bright path, but I didn't expect it to be so insidious, but I have to say that this flame is extremely difficult."

After Tie Zhu's words came out, the Buddhism poison flame in Guanyun Taoist's body might have been stimulated by the real Ming Wang Yan, and suddenly became more tyrannical.

The crimson flames doubled outward, and even a sharp, creepy scream!

The howling sound was like a devil and ghost, making everyone who heard it horrified. At the same time, the suppressed white clouds released by Taoist Guanyun with all their strength began to evaporate at a speed visible to the naked eye, causing the middle-aged Taoist to subconsciously let out a muffled grunt.

Taoist Guanyun's body, which had been burnt as dry and withered, was once again burned crazily under this sudden eruption of flame, and made a crackling burning sound.

Although this crackling sound is not serious, but after it reaches the ears of the people around, it makes people frown subconsciously, and the little Taoist priest in Tingchuan is even more pale, if he does not press his lips firmly, he is afraid it will fall directly. Tears come.

Only he knew that the middle-aged Taoist priest, who was going northward along the way, seemed to be quiet and chatting and laughing with himself, was experiencing such painful flames all the time.

The skin was completely burned, and even the blood had been roasted dry. The pain in this can be imagined, and it is no less than the cruel punishment in the world.

But even if this is the case, the Taoist Guanyun after putting on the robes is still like an ordinary person, his face is indifferent, and the perseverance, even the iron pillar on the side, is in awe, and said with a little moved:

"This Taoist Guanyun has endured the pain of burning his body day and night, but he is still as calm and calm as an ordinary person. This perseverance is really admirable."

After Tie Zhu's voice fell, Jiang Yueshen nodded his head with approval, and the response came out:

"Although this flame uses the name of Fudo Ming Wang Yan to sell dog meat as a sheep's head, but with the fluctuations that radiate outward at this time, it is really not to be underestimated. Lin Xiao wants to take his self-viewing Taoist person out of his body, afraid It is not as easy as imagined."

Before Jiang Yue's words fell, his and Tie Zhu's brows wrinkled slightly, because a harsher howling hissing sound rolled out in the next breath, rushing into the eardrum.

This voice is like the most painful wailing of a population who is constantly undergoing purgatory burning at the same time, with infinite pain and despair.

In the next moment, a sound of majestic scolding came from Taoist Yun:

"The evil spirit sprite, in the body of this Dao, dare to be so presumptuous!"

The humming sound fell, the middle-aged Taoist turned his fingers into his palms, and he slapped his forehead directly. Suddenly countless clouds of mist like white clouds rose from the bottom of his body and contracted inward. , Trying to suppress the red gold flame within the whole body.


Inside the main hall of Zhenyu Gong's mansion, a more violent evaporating sound came out, and then the water vapor rushed into the sky from the body of Taoist Guan Yun, filling the entire void.

At the same time, the real immovable Ming Wang Yan in Lin Xiao's hands also spontaneously skyrocketed outwards, and a deafening sound of demons came out.

"Town, town, town!"

With the sound of Fu Mo lingering in his ears, Lin Xiao's tall and straight body stepped forward, and the whole figure disappeared directly into the place, and the golden light suddenly appeared in the main hall.

After an instant, Lin Xiao's figure reappeared, and he directly tore the thick fog outside of Guanyun Taoist's body and rushed into it. Then Lin Xiao lifted the burning right hand of Ming Wang Yan, and slapped it on Taoist Guanyun. On the shriveled shoulders.

At the next interest, the two very similar but completely different flames officially blasted together.

The false king meets the true king.

The void within the entire main hall was instantly divided into two parts!

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