When Li Kui meets Li Gui and Wang Yan meets Demon Flame, they are destined to be extraordinary, and they will burst out wild and incomparable power fluctuations, sweeping across the world.

Since the Beihai Qingtian Battle tens of thousands of years ago, the real Fudo Ming Wang Yan has sunk under the endless void along with Daiyu Immortal Mountain, and in the long years that followed, the Buddhist monks of the Western Regions were sporadicly revealed to the world. , Then displayed a new kind of Fudo Ming Wang Yan.

In fact, for the vast number of creatures on the Taixuan Land, it doesn't matter who is the real Fudo Ming Wang Yan.

But everything has an aura, especially for the two divine flames facing each other at this time. The encounter at this time may be a sign of fate.

Therefore, in the main hall where the Zhenyu Gongfu was covered by the iron pillars with the tree spirit forest barrier, the brilliance and domineering roar of the town demon and the terrifying roar of pain became more and more loud, even as if the two sides were charging each other. , Carrying on the most tragic fight.

At the same time, when Lin Xiao's right hand pressed Guanyun Taoist's body, the blazing flames above the former arm directly condensed a big golden hand inward.

Immediately this big golden hand bends inward, twists its fingers to form a seal, and points to the lower one.

"Fu Moyin!"

A scream came from Lin Xiao's mouth, and the Fumoyin that was flying down from the sky crashed down.

Then the void below this seal was completely solidified, and even the crazily golden flames above the middle-aged Taoist's body were suppressed on the spot, motionless.

"Lin Xiao's cultivation base has risen so fast in the past few years!"

The demon-suppressing force was overwhelming the Quartet, and as soon as the eager voice of the Tianhui Army commanded Jun Jiangyue fell, Tie Zhu's still extremely solemn voice followed:

"No, this mysterious flame is still changing, so fierce devilish energy."

After speaking, Tie Zhu did not hesitate anymore, raised his hands, and the whole person pressed directly against the ground in front of him. On top of the tower-like body, vines stretched out, instantly strengthening the enchantment mask in front of him. .

After an instant, Taoist Guanyun's complexion changed suddenly, because within his body, there was a roar that was unprecedentedly harsh.


Before the roar fell, Taoist Guanyun's seven orifices began to flow out black blood, raised his hand to make a fist, and hit his heart with a heavy hammer while roaring outward:

"Turn around and trick the ghost, get out of the way!"

The heavy fist hammered on the chest, and there was a thunderous sound, and then the vast cloud energy gushed out from the eyebrows of Taoist Guan Yun, together with Lin Xiao's Demon Seal, facing this weird Buddhist flame, Pinching inside and outside.

The next breath, accompanied by the unabated screaming sound, the scarlet golden Buddha flame burning on Taoist Taoist Guanyun's upper body split directly outward, and then a jade-white Buddha hand stretched out from it.

This bergamot hand is so eye-catching, like the most white and flawless jade in the world, even the curvature of each finger is so perfect.

A second later, the hand of Buddhism, under the gaze of several gazes, suddenly shook it inward, and then formed an extremely mysterious mark, and pushed forward.

"No, this is the seal of Buddhism, the four are all empty!"

The exclamation in the mouth of the little Taoist priest in Tingchuan had just fallen, and the four major Buddhist seals suddenly began to explode, and a dark spot visible to the naked eye began to appear from the center of the Buddha's hand.

This little black spot seemed so insignificant, but everything around it collapsed completely in an instant, and was then directly swallowed by this black hole-like little black spot.

This includes the supernatural white clouds blasted by Taoist Guanyun, and the imprint of the immovable King Fumo that Lin Xiao pressed!

The four are all empty magical powers, worthy of being one of the strongest supreme magical powers of Buddhism. The force of the Buddha Yuan that is rolling outwards ripped and swallowed all things, especially for Taoist Guanyun, even the whole body and face began to twist.

The perseverance of the middle-aged Taoist priest is obvious to all. Even if he is scorched by the demon flame every day, he still doesn't change his face. At this time, his face is distorted, which is enough to show the strength of this devouring force.

"So strong!"

After a low whisper, more and more intense fighting intent began to emerge from Jiang Yue's eyes, and then strands of scarlet fighting intent began to emerge from his body, raising his hand and releasing a forbidden magical power to Lin Xiao in front.

"Ancient taboo magical powers, storm!"

At the next breath, a sound of golden ge and iron horse sounded everywhere, and all the imprisoning power of Lin Xiao's body instantly dissipated, and then the golden fireworks in his eyes also rapidly condensed inward, forming a golden core.

Unmoving King Ming Jinhe turned, Lin Xiao did not retreat, but took a step directly at the four empty magic powers in front of him, and his cold and stern voice rolled outward:

"In Daxia in the north of my country, I dare to turn around and make ghosts to show this general!"

Supernatural power. Wrath of King Ming!


The roar of Fudo Myoshi was like a roar of thunder, with the majestic majesty that made the demons and demons fearful, and then Lin Xiao's whole body was completely wrapped in golden flames, and directly turned into a Fudo Myoshi who suppressed the demons.

"Suppress demons, punish evil, the universe is bright!"

Words and words were spit out from the unmoving King Ming, and then the golden flame-wrapped right hand of the former passed through the swallowing airspace created by the four great magical powers, and directly grasped the Buddha's hand that stretched out from the body of the self-viewing Yundao person. .

"Hey hey hey!"

After the two divine flames collided with each other, the harsh sound produced by the Annihilation Void burst again.

Then Lin Xiao raised his brows and burst into anger, indicating that King Fudo Ming’s anger had reached its peak. At the same time, the golden flames exploded several times, stepping on the ground, leaning back, and dragging the bergamot back. Pull hard.


A harsh scream came out from the bergamot, and then under the gaze of the surrounding gaze, this white and flawless bergamot was pulled out inch by inch by Lin Xiao.

At the same time, Fudo Mingwang roared loudly:

"The Buddhism in the Taixuan Land turned out to be a demon in a Buddha's robes. It really disappointed this general!"

Before the roar fell, King Fudo Ming Jin Yan poured out again, and even formed four other arms outside of Lin Xiao's arms.

Ming Wang's six arms!

After a breath, King Fudo Ming's six arms simultaneously imprisoned the blazing bergamot in front of him, and the pulling force released out instantly reached its peak.

"The things in the strange fireworks of Buddhism will be pulled out!"

With the falling of this exclamation, the bergamot was pulled out inch by inch, and then the appearance behind it began to show up in front of everyone.

After the jade-white bergamot arm, what Lin Xiao pulled out was an equally white jade-like shoulder, and it exuded a faint Buddha light.

Behind the shoulders is the head!

But when this head appeared in front of everyone, it made all the faces of those around him changed.

Then the pupils in the little Taoist priest's eyes rose and shrank, and he murmured:

"Is this thing a Buddha or a demon?"

When the voice fell, the head under the bergamot was completely pulled out, and what was pulled out was a skull with no flesh and blood, rolling in the air!

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