White as jade, round and perfect bergamot, hideous and terrifying, devilish, bloodless skull.

When these two extremely contrasting body parts appear in front of you at the same time, people have to feel shocked.

What made the Taoist priests of Tingchuan and the others even more frightened was that the appearance of the intertwining of the Buddha and the demons in front of them was perhaps the spiritual core of the Buddhist monastery in the Western Region of the Taixuan Land.

This Western Region Buddhism is no longer pure, and even at the core of the brain, it is the first to embrace the Demon Abyss.

"How can it be like this, Buddhism is in the dark, this, how is this possible?"

There was a strong unbelievable color in the voice that came out of the little Taoist priest in Tingchuan. It is true that the Taoist priest where the little Taoist resides has an incomparably long life and death grievance with Buddhism.

The cause and effect and blood debts in this are so many that it is difficult to say even for a few days and nights, but even when the last drop of blood has been fought and almost destroyed, this Buddhism has not appeared in front of this enchanting move.

It was a betrayal of my countless years of faith!

"Interesting, so interesting, Buddhism has become enchanted, and in this land of profound mystery, as expected, anything can happen."

After the harsh voice came from Jiang Yue's mouth, he stood up straight, with iron-blooded eyes turning, watching the strange monk who was pulled out by Lin Xiao in front of him, his words continued to resound through the hall. within:

"It seems that you are hiding in the flames in Taoist Master Guanyun, and you should have come prepared for it to enter the Great Summer of the North Realm. Such a method can be called concealing the sky and crossing the sea."

As soon as Jiang Yue said this, Da Xia's complexion beside him remained unchanged, but the frightened expression on the face of the little Taoist Ting Chuan became even more intense, his fists clenched, and his breath fluctuated violently.

This trip to the north gave this young Taoist priest a wave of shocks stronger than one wave. Then, under his ears, under the flames of King Ming, Lin Xiao's domineering edict of King Ming. :

"The Buddhism of the Western Regions dare to get involved in the Northern Territory again and again, so I am really not afraid of my great Xia Bingfeng, and level down the broken temples that you are lingering on?"

This edict of King Ming enshrined the might of the billowing demon, and together with the pure golden flame of demon, turned into a golden torrent and rushed forward. Then the skeleton Buddha lifted up another Buddha hand, which was close to perfection, and faced it. The front is shaped like a flower, one pointing out.

In the next instant, the misty Buddha light shone out all over the world. At the same time, along with the sound of the Buddha, the swallowing and breaking power of the four empty magical powers reappeared, and at the same time a female and male voice came out from the skeleton Buddha's head:

"Amitabha, poor monks have seen you all!"

"Pretending to be a **** and fooling a ghost, your Buddhism actually left divine consciousness in the poisonous fire in your own Dao's body, like gangrene attached to bones, and you have been following your own Dao for so long.

"But today, all this must be ended, even if I die today, I will surely be destroyed here."

After the Taoist Guanyun finished speaking, more and more frenzied aura spread from the inside and out of his body, and in this breath, there was a resolute will to die.

Then the weird monk who was dragged out of half of his body by Lin Xiao, bright light appeared in the eyes of the skull, and a will suddenly rose, and at the same time, what was beating in his eyes was not the light of Buddha, but the burning black magic flame.

At the next breath, the skeleton monk continued to gather his left hands into fingers, ignoring the large array of white clouds spreading outside the body of Taoist Guanyun, stretched out backwards, and instantly appeared in front of the latter's eyebrows with a single tap.

"An unbearable peace is like the earth."

The indistinguishable voice of the weird skeleton monk resounded through the void, and the entire body of Taoist Guanyun was pointed and flew without resistance, smashing the entire void backwards, and countless dense space cracks like spider webs extended outwards. .

At the same time, the whole body of the skeleton monk was completely separated from the body of the middle-aged Taoist priest, and his lower body, like his head, was the dead bones of the black **** flames.

After a breath, a pair of creepy bone feet stepped on the ground of Zhenyu Gong's main hall.

Then a muffled hum came out from Taoist Guanyun's mouth, and then the latter was bombarded with his shriveled body on the ground, and began to fall down like a broken bark.


Seeing the precarious appearance of the middle-aged Taoist priest, the eyes of the little Taoist Taoist Tingchuan suddenly turned red. He took a few steps forward and wanted to release his magical powers, but was pulled back by a big hand.

Then Tie Zhu, the Treant Guardian, raised his hand and slapped a palm at the Taoist Guanyun lying on the ground. The seeds suddenly emerged from the body of the latter, lingering outward, suddenly forming a piece. Green armor.

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Living tree armor."

The forbidden tree armor is added to the body to isolate all the powers of the Buddha and the magic that trembles around the Taoist Guanyun. At the same time, with the flickering of the ancient tree species on the armor, it releases the pure vitality and injects it into the middle-aged Taoist to be almost broken. In the body.


A soft whisper came from the skull head of the strange monk, and then he lowered his head slightly, watching the broken tree armour that was used to counteract the power of the Buddha and the demon. The sound was not serious or serious, and the male and female voice was inherited:

"This power of the desolate ancient forest does not belong to the same source as Qinghua guy. That guy is in vain as one of the four princes that dominate all spirits. It's really interesting, really interesting!"

Before this loud laughter fell, a loud noise caused by the air being completely exploded directly blasted into the ears, and the faster than this sound was the sixth arm of the Ming King blasted by Lin Xiao.

The six-armed heavy fist burning with billowing golden flames, with the ultimate burning power, instantly appeared in front of the skeleton monk. The entire main hall of the large Zhenyu Gongfu was completely dazzling among the Xumi Golden light flooded.

The scorching hot waves, together with the tremendous energy fluctuations, impacted outwards one after another, and then within the golden light, the skeleton monk's androgynous voice suddenly sounded:

"Silent consideration is as deep as a secret!"

The sound fell, and the point like the abyss of a black hole once again appeared in the void, and then the endless suction continued to sweep outward, swallowing everything.

"An unbearable state is like the earth, and calmness is as deep as a secret."

The muttering voice came from Taoist Guanyun's mouth, then he propped himself up from the ground and looked at the looming skeleton monk among King Fudo Ming Yan. The voice continued to speak:

"This is the origin of the Buddhism Ksitigarbha Dharma name. You demon monk can still regain the ancient Buddhism law. It seems that you must be killed today?"

In the voice of Taoist Guanyun, there was a full killing intent. After the voice fell, the strange monk under the flames of King Ming lightly shook his head, and a faint response came out:

"This Taoist person is so bad that he does not need to regain the ancient Dharma.

"Because I am Jizo!"

As soon as the words came out, an unparalleled ancient will blasted upward towards the sky, and all the golden flames around the skeleton monk disappeared without a trace.


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