The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1652: Wu Nai, Terror Blade


Along with the scream of fear and pain from the evil ghost Shura, the flames of the Buddha and the demon in the eyes of the Ksitigarbha King's skull beat more violently, which indicates that his heart is not peaceful.

After an instant, in the mouth of the evil spirit of reincarnation, the body of Lin Xiao who was chewing on it suddenly burst outwards, and then a billowing golden and purple fire, like an erupting volcano, soared into the sky, directly and completely Swallow.

After that, the Fudo King Fumo's true meaning in the void instantly reached its peak, and he began to burn and roast this reincarnation evil spirit, and a burst of black flames roared through his ears with painful roars.

But what is more trembling than the true meaning of Fu Mo is the will of the abyss that is awakening and is becoming more and more vast.

At the same time, there was nothing in front of the Ksitigarbha Dharma King, a flying golden purple flame spread out after beating, out of Lin Xiao's upright and pine body.

After that, Lin Xiao held a virtual right palm, and once again condensed an immovable Ming Wang sword from the void, pointed straight ahead, with a mighty murderous, piercing forward, shaking the earth.

"The Dharma King is worthy of being the Dharma King. He can completely connect Buddhism and the power of **** reincarnation. The two kinds of romantic styles come together alone. Lin admires him."

A young and steady voice came from Lin Xiao's mouth, and then his golden unmoving Ming Wang Yan's burning eyes gradually weakened, returning to the ebony black color, and the voice continued:

"The projection of the will left behind countless years ago has such strength. The overhaul of the ancient Taixuan ruining the heavens and the earth is fascinating, but today, even if you return to the body, I will swear to stop you."

After the resolute voice fell, the Ksitigarbha Khiti in front of Lin Xiao raised his right hand and gently waved, the six doors of reincarnation behind him suddenly closed, and the wailing ghost of reincarnation was swallowed back into the six doors. .

After that, the main hall of the suppressed government gradually returned to silence. Only Lin Xiao and the Ksitigarbha Dharma King, eyes that shouldn't be encountered in this time and space, blasted each other.

In these two eyes, they found the common ground between the other party and oneself.

After sinking for a few breaths, the Ksitigarbha Master raised his skull and looked at Lin Xiao, who once again revealed his real body in front of him, and his voice sounded:

"The Dharma King sacrificed himself to the **** town demon, and used the power of six hells to penetrate his body. After ten deaths and no life, he was lucky enough to get this way of integration under the blessing of the Buddha.

"I thought that the inner Buddha and the outer demons were alone in the realm of Taixuan, but I didn't expect that today, countless years later, they would see fellow men.

"But the benefactor is not a buddhist who inherited my inheritance. I don't know if it should be regretted or fortunate!"

There was a sigh in the words of the Lord Ksitigarbha, and when he reached his state, there was no need to say any slurs.

In fact, for the Ksitigarbha Khiti, who had fallen asleep in the endless darkness, Lin Xiao's appearance caused ripples in his heart.

In him, he saw himself when he was young!

"The Dharma King once issued a great aspiration to heaven and earth, that **** is not empty, and he swears that he will not become a Buddha. With this vision, he can fully integrate the power of the Buddha and the magic.

"But the reason why the ambition is a ambition is that it is almost impossible to accomplish. Therefore, this means that the Lord has been cut off the road to Buddhahood. Even after death, the soul needs to stay in **** forever, and the young man you practice It's the same path, what else is lost?"

After the voice of Ksitigarbha His Holiness continued to sound, a feeling of compassion spread out, and this Buddhist word of compassion carried a strong emotion of compassion and compassion. If ordinary people were present to hear this, they would shed tears and tears of gratitude.

However, in the main hall at this time, there are people who are as hard as iron in their minds. Therefore, Lin Xiao's resolute complexion did not change, and his scorching eyes looked straight ahead, and a word by word response came out:

"Everyone will lose, but there is also gain. Ben will not be worried about this so-called gain or loss, because behind the general, standing is Yang Yang Daxia, an unbeatable majesty.

"My Daxia people, even if they are ups and downs in troubled times, they never fear. This is confidence!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Xiao held the Immovable King Sword and gently tossed it towards the front. With the next breath, the golden giant sword began to spread and burn out of the void, and another figure gradually appeared, which was almost exactly the same. Lin Xiao.

This statue of Lin Xiao, formed by the Fudo Ming Wanghuo, was full of golden flames burning with unprecedented heat.

Then the young Daxia frontline deputy marshal stretched out his hand to hold his black casual clothes collar, closed his eyes slightly, and continued to sound more and more majestic and domineering:

"Ksitigarbha, and there is one other thing you said wrong. There is still a fundamental difference between Ben and you. You are an inner Buddha and an outer demon, but I am different.

Speaking of this, Lin Xiao paused, that strange and vast abyss breath was completely released from his body, and rose to the sky. At the same time, the deafening roar continued to roll out of Lin Xiao's mouth:

"The general is the inner demon and the outer saint, that is to say, between you and me, we are enemies!"

When the howling sound fell, Lin Xiao opened his eyes, and within his jet-black eyes, the flames continued to burn, but this time, what was burning was purple flames, pure purple flames.

Desolate Flame!


After an instant, a violent and unparalleled roar with the ancient evil roar clearly spread to everyone's ears. At the same time, the taboos, including Jiang Yue and Tie Zhu, withdrew one step outside, and all spoke together. :


Here came the word, and above Lin Xiao's body, the first wisp of wild evil flames began to burn, and there was a sudden crackling sound in the void when it was burned.

At the same time, the desolate flame above Lin Xiao's body burned more and more vigorously, and finally a huge and stalwart figure was outlined behind his back. This figure was taller than the six gates of reincarnation behind the Ksitigarbha. cut.

Although the face of this figure surrounded by the flames of desolation is still blurred, the horns of the demon that pierced the sky, and the wings of the demon composed of a sharp and protruding barb, still clearly reveal its supreme abyss. The identity of the great devil.

Then this wave of abyssal demon energy pouring outward, with a suffocating evil force, filled the entire void.

Even if it is surrounded by enchantments, it still turns into a monster of purple light and rises into the sky, forming a purple pillar that penetrates between the heaven and the earth directly over the entire Shenjing city.

At the next breath, the shadow of the demon behind Lin Xiao slowly condensed inward, taking the lead in condensing a pair of eyes with boiling and burning magic flames.

At the same time, the extremely cold will, together with the gaze, the demon roaring enough to tear everything, rolled out:

"My Nai, Terror Blade!"

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