The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1653: Fate showdown

"Boom boom!"

One after another, the deafening fireworks burst, resounding from all sides of Shenjing City, resounding through the entire Shenzhou Majestic City.

At the same time, the sky above the city of God, blooming under the scorching sun, sprinkled with the power of vitality, which represents the festive atmosphere of the Great Summer Festival and is even more enthusiastic.

From midday to noon, according to Zhao Yu's will, from noon, the entire Daxia city will set up a royal flowing water banquet in the market. All Daxia citizens can taste it for free.

Therefore, today's Great Xia country, there is even a wonder that hundreds of millions of people do not cook!

"It's delicious, so sweet, so delicious!"

In the Taiping Ruins, a small baby sounded with a contented voice, and then the cute child who was eating candied haws, turned around contentedly, glanced at the sky in the distance, suddenly revealed a color of doubt, and pulled. The adult on the side, the voice came out:

"Mother, I saw a light flashing over there, a purple beam of light, very strange."

After the voice fell, the young woman next to Xiaowa looked in the direction of her child's finger, but did not see any abnormalities, and the response came out:

"Where, A-niang, I didn't see it?"

"Strange, I just saw it, how come it disappeared in the blink of an eye."

After Xiaowa's mutter fell, he was carefree, and in a blink of an eye he was attracted by the more fragrant food on the side, and the position of his finger just now was officially in the middle of the capital city, where Liuye Alley was.

Accompanied by the extremely hot noise of the entire Shenjing City, I don’t know when, in Liuye Alley, Shenjing City, one after another in the robes of Sitian monk, walked out like a ghost in the void. The use of magical power barrier directly sealed all the boundaries of this lane within ten miles.

At the same time, above the nine heavens, several taboos of the Radiant Army Night Dire Division, together with the Black Dragon Guard, cut through the void and fell from top to bottom, and then Xu Qing's steady voice sounded in everyone's ears:

"Your Majesty has an order. The soldiers will be divided into two groups, one is the Zhenyu Gongfu below, and the other is to the Taihang Palace, watching the Western Region Buddhism, that young monk named Jianhuai!"


After the vigorous response came out, another voice rang from the void:

"Master Li Yi has rushed to Taihang Palace first."

"It is said that this time Buddhism brought in an incredible guy, the so-called Buddhism Dharma King. I have never seen it before."

After speaking, Xu Qing's celestial army robe was flying, and Xu Qing, who fell rapidly downwards, lowered her head slightly, staring at the Zhenyu Palace below, which was constantly magnifying in her eyes, and her black eyes surged with evil intentions.

Although the huge mansion below this taboo does not seem to have any abnormalities, in the induction of Xu Qing the windrunner, within the enchantment of the tree guardian below, there are two fierce and brutal worlds. Hedging.

Wild evil demon **** and six hells!

Outside the main hall of Lord Zhenyu’s mansion, there are several people from the mansion, under the guard of the house general, waiting from a distance. These include Qing Niantong holding the child, and blindfolded, standing blankly. Lin Xiao et al.

The child in Qing Niantong's arms fell asleep with his eyes closed. Although the former's delicate face was as usual, there was a trace of worry in his eyes, and then the red lips lightly opened, and the voice came out:

"Vice-General Wang, my husband has been in the main hall for so long, why is there no movement for so long?"

As soon as this question came out, a middle-aged general in the front of the crowd in the Great Summer's armor turned his head slightly, and a respectful response came out:

"Mrs. Hui, the general has ordered that no one is allowed to enter the main hall before he comes out. I hope to wait a while."

Before the lieutenant's voice fell, a very crisp cracking sound suddenly came from the front:

"Kacha, Kacha."

This sound was not loud at first, but it became louder and denser.

"It's the sound of the broken barrier, retreat, the guards quickly escorted the lady and the others back, and the rest followed me forward, erecting shields, erecting shields!"

The middle-aged lieutenant's complexion changed suddenly, and he uttered a loud roar to the sky, and then the former figure straight forward, along with the rest of the shield-bearing armor, rushing towards the main hall of the Zhenyu Palace.

In the next instant, a particularly loud glass shattering sound suddenly sounded between the sky and the earth, and the green screen enchantment placed by the iron pillars shattered every inch under the violent impact of the terror blade and the gate of the six paths.


The endless energy fluctuations generated by the **** of the two abysses rushed out, instantly blasting the entire huge hall into dust, and turned into a visible purple wave that swept outwards, easily rushing the middle-aged forward. The lieutenant and others flew directly back.

Then the middle-aged lieutenant who slammed heavily on the ground let out a muffled snort, ignoring the injuries on his body, suddenly turned his head and looked at where Qing Niantong and others were.

I saw the purple-black vigor fluctuation continue to sweep outwards mightily, and it was about to be shot directly on the heads of Qing Niantong and others like a tsunami.

"Damn it, protect madam!"

Under the roar, the well-trained guards of the Zhenyu Palace directly closed the vertical shields, but they were also blown away by the violent aftermath.

Just before this moment of death, several figures descended directly like the gods.

At the next breath, the tall figure of the windrunner Xu Qing landed steadily, and then stretched out his hands and severely tore at the purple ripples that were shot in front of him.

Void gusts are rising!

The cyan wind with infinite sharpness gushes out from Xu Qing's hands, directly tearing the purple wave sweeping down the entire front into a huge gap.

At the same time, the force of the hurricane spread outward along this gap, and it was completely suppressed in an instant, causing the emptiness in front of the boil of Qi to suddenly restore clarity.

Then Xu Qing took a step forward, her majestic and cold voice resounding through the void:

"Set up a large array of ten square barriers!"

When the command sound fell, a large robe flew, the Sitian monk who descended from the sky directly raised his hand and pressed the ground in front of him. Then a large array of golden barriers with dense runes rose to the sky, like an extremely strong cage, The extremely violent breath, clearing the customs within it.

Daxia's current cultivator troops are all elites among the elite, extremely efficient, and such a complex and incomparably large array of barriers can be completely deployed in just one breath.

"Protect the formation in situ, today's New Year, make sure not to disturb the people of Shenjing City."


After the uniform response sound came out, Xu Qing took the lead step by step forward. In front of him, the main hall of Zhenyu Gong's mansion was originally located. The abyss demon's terror blade snarled up to the sky and stretched out its barbed claws. , Slapped on the Six Doors behind the Ksitigarbha King, making a deafening roar.

At the same time, below, two Lin Xiaos, one gold and one purple, who were almost exactly the same, leaned forward slightly, and the increasingly bold voice, together with the murderous intent, came out word by word:

"Since this is a fateful duel arranged by the Dao of Heaven, then let you and me fight a happy battle!"

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