The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1654: Great aspiration

The young master of Zhenyu Gongfu Lin Xiao, since his father Lin Langzhan died in the wasteland north of the capital city, has gradually fallen silent in the sight of the world.

He was once recognized by the entire Daxia as the proud son of heaven. Together with Guan Zhengqing, he was also called the double pride of Shenzhou, but in the new era, he silenced his name and almost completely disappeared in the magnificent era. .

But few people know that Lin Xiao is not completely silent, but with another identity, dominating the ups and downs in this new era.

Because of his identity, he is the secretary of the night dire!

The Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division, founded by Zhao Yu himself, although both are the personal guards of Emperor Fuyao, and each member is a taboo in the world, their functions are completely different.

As its name suggests, the Radiant Army takes the place of Tianxinghui, suppressing evil spirits in the daytime, and the Nightmare Division is the nightmare of fear that the enemy comes and goes without a trace in the night.

The Night Dire Division walked in the darkness, and the name of Lin Xiao was silent not because it was not strong enough, but because anyone marked by him had only one end.

That's death!

He is no longer the young man who once engulfed the blazing flames and attracted countless envious eyes. Under the precipitation of changes and time, the figure of the supreme demon in the darkness was his final destination.

And he finally got a new name.

Terror blade.

"General Lin, it's so scary!"

The exclamation that came from the mouth of the young girl Tie Lan indicated that even the people around him had never seen Lin Xiao condensing the Great Abyss Demon at this time, roaring the violent appearance between the world and the earth.

In a sense, for opponents like the Ksitigarbha, even the demons among the demons imprisoned in the Desolate Prison, began to rush to the heartfelt excitement.

Like Lin Xiao, it longed for a hearty battle, it was too long, too long!

Therefore, on the huge demon's body composed of the wild evil demon flames, sharp and incomparable barbs spread out, raising their hands to the six doors in front of them and slapped them.

This powerful and heavy claw not only tore the entire void in front of him, but also shook the entire gate of hell, which was depicting the most profound runes.


Accompanied by a loud noise that was louder than thunder, the half-buddha and half-devil Ksitigarbha Khiti also took a step back because of this terrifying claw.

At the next breath, the two Lin Xiaos in front of him raised their hands at the same time, and each condensed a moon wheel burning with flames from the void in front of him.

Two moon wheels, one gold and one purple.

The golden color is the flame of the immovable King Ming, and the purple color is the eerie flame that makes people feel no temperature, but is creepy!

After an instant, the two Lin Xiao disappeared in place at the same time, and their disappearance was so abrupt, that even the mind of the person they were looking at had a momentary trance, and the entire line of sight in front of them was pierced by two lines. The fire is completely flooded.

"Supernatural power. Zhanyue!"

One gold and one purple flames overlap each other, forming a fork, directly facing the body of the Ksitigarbha.

Before the magical power arrived, the void had been shattered, and the fire of the divine consciousness in the eyes of the skull of the Ksitigarbha Dharma King, also because of the coming moon wheel, trembling to an unprecedented degree.

Then this ancient king, standing at the top of the Supreme Profound Land, stepped forward without dodge or avoidance, making seals with both hands at the same time, gently pushing out.

"Eight Pagoda!"

In the next moment, with the sound of chanting lingering in the ears, the treasure of Buddhism, the Baji Buddha Pagoda, appeared directly from the body of the Ksitigarbha.

The eight-story pagoda is simple and vast, and between the vast Buddha light shining outwards, the strong defense force makes the Ksitigarbha Mahal completely ignore the golden purple moon wheel from the slaying, and step forward, directly smashing Lin Xiao and cutting out. Magical powers of the moon wheel.


The sky full of golden and purple flames continued to fly back and forth in the void, after which the Ksitigarbha Khmer made another seal, and the inseparable sound of the Buddha came out:

"The donor is a saint on the outside, but the demon of the abyss on the inside!"

After the words fell, the Ksitigarbha Khiti tore open the shackles of the space in front of him, and appeared directly in front of Lin Xiao who was surrounded by the golden flames of the immovable king, stretched out his white and flawless right hand and punched the front convenience.

This punch engulfed the former's great aspiration force of Yongzhen Hell, ignoring the constraints of space and time, and before Lin Xiao could react, the latter completely exploded in the surrounding exclamations.

Countless golden flames bloomed outward again like fireworks, and then the little Taoist priest from Sichuan let out a sigh of relief and said:

"Fortunately, it's a clone."

But before his words fell, he was facing the eight-pole Buddha statue, the Ksitigarbha Khiti, who had almost perfect defensive powers, continued to ignore the desolate evil demon flames that rushed from top to bottom, and slowly turned his head, staring at a distance to reveal his figure Lin Xiao's voice continued to speak:

"In front of the Buddhist King, all falsehoods can be seen through, benefactor, accept it."

After finishing the words, the Ksitigarbha Khiti repeated his old skills and continued to tear open the space in front of him, facing Lin Xiao, who was flying in purple flames, with another powerful fist.

His fist was like jade, the light of the Buddha was lingering, and he brought the great aspiration of the Ksitigarbha Dharma King, which was not empty and could not become a Buddha, and it was close to Lin Xiao's chest.

At the same time, this force of willingness confines everything in front of him, even if it is a strong person in the same realm, in addition to honestly receiving the punch, it takes a certain amount of time to get out of it.

But in the next moment, the Ksitigarbha Khmer King's movements paused slightly, and the fire of divine consciousness in his eyes trembled suddenly.

Because an insignificant force of space suddenly jumped out from the front, and then Lin Xiao's body abruptly escaped from the fist of this great wish.

After a breath, Lin Xiao, who used the flashing dagger to move outwards again, waved the blade of the moon wheel to stop the Ksitigarbha in front of him, and violently chopped out the monstrous purple flames.

"The end of the road is the road, and the sky above the sky is the sky. Similarly, under the hell, it is also hell."

After the word by word came out of Lin Xiao's mouth, inside the body of the great demon standing upright behind him, the extremely tyrannical and evil flame exploded outwards, especially the eyes that looked like a black hole in the abyss. The ultimate evil power.

At the next breath, the Terror Blade stretched out his right hand, drew a huge moon wheel from the void, and violently slashed the Ksitigarbha-King of the Earth below, exactly the same as Lin Xiao's actions.


An increasingly majestic voice came from the head of the Ksitigarbha Khmer King’s skull, and then he raised the Buddha's hand again, and this time, instead of punching, he folded his hands to protect him, the eighth-level Buddha pagoda was bright. Big release.

After an instant, the monstrous moon wheel slashed on the pagoda without any fancy, and the entire Zhenyu Palace was completely filled with a deafening bell.


Under the loud noise, the Ksitigarbha Khiti was slashed backwards against the ground. At the same time, Lin Xiao raised his foot and stepped forward, holding the moon wheel and rushing forward violently, his voice rolled out:

"I come from the **** in the hell, the abyss in the abyss, you can't clear the hell, you can't suppress Lin!"

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