He was irritable, aroused anger, gradually changed his body, and turned into the body of a great demon.

This is the blade of terror, and also the scariest aspect of Lin Xiao!

Since Lin Xiao was in the Wild Evil Demon Prison and obtained the approval of the Great Demon Terror Blade, in the following years, even if the Great Demon in his heart roared and throbbed, Lin Xiao never opened the shackles in his heart, The demon among this demon is released.

This is the first time let it roar the world!

The Ksitigarbha His Holiness swore a vow to restrain the prison with his body, and Lin Xiao at this time was transformed into a prison with his body. Direct incarnation.


The unprecedented tyrannical roar, together with the horrible form of the barbed demon, stood proudly between the heavens and the earth, and then under the eyes of a pair of incredible eyes, Lin Xiao's demonized demon's body changed drastically again. .

Lin Xiao's entire figure continued to skyrocket outward, and all the sharp blade barbs on the demon's wings began to melt, and dripped countless purple fluids produced by the manifestation of the pure evil law.

Then these fluids spread outward, covering the entire body of Lin Xiao's demon, giving people a sense of fear and fear in their hearts.

In the next breath, two extremely sharp demon horns rose into the sky from above Lin Xiao's head, and the extreme purple meaning, like two heaven-tearing blades, even caused countless cracks in the void of the whole body.

"What an abyss demon!"

The indistinguishable male and female voice of the Ksitigarbha Khanna continued to sound between the Buddha's light, and between Ksitigarbha Khanna and Lin Xiao, the six Buddha-light enchantments, with six-handed magic golden wands as the array eyes, shining through the world, and accompanied by richness. The extremely strong aspiration formed a golden bowl, which fell down.

This is Ksitigarbha Khiti's strongest magical power, six golden bowls.

But at this time, the demon suppressed in the golden bowl is not an ordinary demon, but a terror blade, a demon within a demon!

Lin Xiao’s breath of desolation and evil at this time had unprecedented horror. After that, Lin Xiao, who was in the most peak demon form, quietly stared at the Ksitigarbha-King in front of him, and the response came out:

"My horror blade is not in the Three Realms, nor is it in the Five Elements. You so-called six ways, can't stop me!"

Lin Xiao’s roar was full of strong confidence, and then he raised his sharp hands, on top of the sharp devil’s claws, suddenly dazzled the strong and extremely ridiculous law, even in everyone’s eyes, directly emitting There are very dazzling purple awns.

The next breath, accompanied by a deafening roar, the demon claws of the terrifying sharp blade Lin Xiao directly pierced the six golden bowls that were shining with golden light in front of them.


Under the ear-piercing neighing, Void only persisted for a breath before being completely torn apart, and then the devil's claws directly pierced into the six barriers in front of him, and a more piercing tearing sound penetrated everyone's eardrums.

In this blasting sound, in addition to the violent chime of a bell, there is also the crisp sound of the glass after being completely smashed. At the same time, the more deafening sound is the sound of the Buddha. Sound and magic roar.

The roar of the Buddha's sound and magic indicates that the two top laws in this world are the most deadly fights that are going on.

As for the top powerful monks of high realm, the shots are the most violent state, and the victory or defeat may be within a few breaths.

After three more breaths of time, under the gaze of the closely watched lines, the dazzling purple light directly pierced into the six golden bowls in front.

It is true that the strongest part of the six golden bowls lies in the six imprisoning powers contained within this enchantment. All creatures within these six paths can be completely suppressed inside and cannot escape.

But just as Lin Xiao said, it and the terror blade in his body are not within the six ways, which means that the strongest point of this type of six golden bowls is of no use to Lin Xiao.

"To this demon, broken!"

Along with Lin Xiao's increasingly violent roar, the dark purple demon claws completely pierced into the barrier, and then the terrifying blade demon shadow standing on top of the earth, its wings fully spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

At the same time, the power of the law of desolation and evil lingering on Lin Xiao's arms, like a volcanic eruption, completely exploded outward, and began to tear apart the six golden bowls with the piercing gap as the center.

As the so-called point and surface, once the impenetrable barrier is breached, it means that it is no longer strong, and then the Ksitigarbha Khiti sitting on the ground, within the pulsating fire of consciousness, the will that spreads out. Still stable.

Peacefulness is like the earth, and tranquility is as deep as a secret store. This is the origin of the name of Ksitigarbha!

After an instant, the Ksitigarbha Khiti, who continued to form the seal of the treasure bottle, once again held the phantom of the willow branch in the air, and gently flicked it forward, but this time, it was no longer the six golden bowls in front of it. It is to completely disperse this supernatural power directly.

Every top-level major repair in the world is absolutely bold when fighting life and death. In order to control and use every bit of vitality and law, he will not hesitate to disperse the magical powers that no longer work.

Therefore, under the gentle wave of the Ksitigarbha Khmer King, the six gold foils that were torn apart by Lin Xiao with huge openings directly turned into countless Buddha's lights and flew around, like the stars in the sky, extremely gorgeous.

Then the six gates of reincarnation above the golden bowl, upon the light call of the former, flew back and hovered directly above the head of the Ksitigarbha Khiti in the air. At the next breath, the seal of the treasure bottle in the hands of the Ksitigarbha was changed again. Another mysterious seal.

As soon as this Dharma seal was released, the Taoist Guanyun who stared at every move on the field, opened his mouth directly, blurted out and said:

"Six Dao Yin, it turned out to be Liu Dao Yin!"

After the words fell, Taoist Guanyun with an extremely solemn expression continued to speak:

"The Ksitigarbha His Holiness made an ambition to establish six reincarnations, but he is not alone, but six ancient Buddha relics and heroic spirits accompanied by each.

"The six ancient Dharma king relics respectively control the way of hell, the way of hungry ghosts, the way of animals, the way of asura, the way of humanity, and the way of heaven."

"The Daoist, that is to say, these six seals, are these six ancient bodhisattvas summoned out?"

Hearing the little Taoist Chuan opened his mouth and exclaimed a little uneasy, then his eyes rolled, and he continued to preach:

"In other words, in addition to the Buddhist power of the Ksitigarbha, there are six other Buddhist Bodhisattvas?"

As soon as this statement was made, the brows of those around him were frowned. Then Taoist Guanyun nodded, and the word by word response continued:

"The reason why Buddhism was able to obtain a ray of life under the siege of the Immortal Emperor and the Four Emperors of the Xianting Palace was based on these six seals."

After speaking, Taoist Guanyun paused, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded again:

"At the same time, the reason why the Ksitigarbha His Holiness passed away was also because of these six seals!"

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