The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1659: The six bodhisattvas

During the time when the fairy palace ruled the world, the Taixuan land had three realms of heaven, earth and man.

The heaven is where the Xianting Sacred Palace is located, and the human world is divided into 108 prefectures for governance, and this final boundary is the reincarnation **** with the six realms as the core.

In a sense, the Ksitigarbha Khmer was the first to construct the six-path form, and he called the Buddha-minded Buddha to maintain the cycle of the six-paths, which is of great merit to the world.

Therefore, at this time, the six profound seals formed in the hands of the Ksitigarbha His Holiness can be called heaven and earth, unique!

In fact, if you carefully observe the six gates above the head of the Ksitigarbha, you will find that these six reincarnation gates that directly connect the region to the ghost, the gates are carved with very different patterns. Among them are the roar of the hungry ghost, the Shura proudly, and one Livestock ran back and forth and so on.

Every weird and mysterious pattern on the back represents one of the six realms. Then the Ksitigarbha Khiti, who is infinitely more luminous around his body, scans the will out of the way, and locks the front and conjures one illusion after another. Demon Lin Xiao became more domineering and majestic.

After a breath, Lin Xiao, who had four illusions in a short period of time, directly raised the devil's claws and slapped it out against the Ksitigarbha Khiti sitting on the ground in front of him.

Then all the people around who were watching this all showed surprises on their faces, and the sound of exclamation came out:

"This is an abyssal technique. After Master Lin transformed into a demon, he escaped from the shackles of close combat, and he could cross the vast distance and kill directly!"

As the words fell, within the claws of each Great Abyssal Demon, clusters of purple and black demon flames blazing out of the law of wild evil appeared, blasting forward, and in just a short moment, countless wild evil flames directly drew Breaking through the void, formed a vast sea of ​​meteors that crashed down.

Then the endless purple flame stabbing light completely occupied the entire void, and each of the purple flames contained the unimaginable power of the abyss and evil, spreading the Buddhist monk behind the six golden bowls. The power, all crushed and swallowed.

In fact, the power of Buddha's light and wild evil, which are completely opposed, is extremely pure and simple in nature.

Whoever is stronger, whoever is deeper, can completely swallow each other!

At this moment, the entire void of Zhenyu Gong's Mansion was covered by ten-sided barriers, as if it was drawn directly by the sky and the earth, and became two distinct parts.

Half is centered on the Ksitigarbha Khiti sitting on the ground, the six gates are floating in the air, with golden Buddha light shining, and the other half is a wave of purple flames waved by a great demon standing on top of the earth, simultaneously blasting forward. .

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Demon fanaticism!"

After falling into a frenetic state, the big demon spread its wings further to cover the sky and the sun, and immediately after the huge body of Lin Xiao, the mysterious, deep, and incomparably powerful Hell of Desolation was summoned out to form a substance. country.

In the next breath, this desolate **** began to rapidly erode the entire surrounding space, and at the same time, under the fierce roar of the demons, suppressed the entire front Buddha light and pushed forward.

Then the void balance that split in half began to tilt, but the skeleton of the Ksitigarbha Khiti was sitting on the ground, still straight, and his response was still not slow, and the male and female voices rolled out:

"The door of six ways, open the way of hungry ghosts!"

The sound of the Buddha fell, and above the head of the Ksitigarbha King, the huge portal that outlined the terrifying evil spirit began to tremble, and a deep roar resounded across the sky.

In an instant, within this opened door of the hungry ghost road, an extremely ancient will began to wake up quickly, and at the same time a creepy noise of ghosts came from behind the door:

"Hungry, hungry!

These roars that represent infinite hunger come from the countless souls sinking in the path of hungry ghosts. These are the unforgivable people before their lives, so they are exiled into this path after death, and suffer from hunger all the time.

Therefore, when the local Tibetan King opened this door and connected to the path of hungry ghosts, the extremely rich vitality made the countless hungry ghosts in this path plunge into complete madness for an instant.

"Hungry, hungry, eat!"

The frantic roar was even worse, and then countless hungry ghosts stuck out their tongues and fangs behind the door crack, trying to break out of the door and swallow everything that could be swallowed.

This is undoubtedly an extremely shocking picture, and if the Ksitigarbha His Holiness will open the door to the path of hungry ghosts and pour out endless tormented hungry ghosts in the capital city, then this must be a disaster. .

Therefore, at this moment, whether it was Xu Qing, the windrunner, Jiang Yue and Tie Zhu, and even Daxia’s other major repairs, who were watching with divine consciousness, all their complexions changed, and they were unable to stay still, and moved all over their bodies. The Qi machine instantly rises to its limit.

However, in the next moment, these people's expressions a little bit slower, because the Ksitigarbha Khiti did not dump out the countless evil spirits behind the door of the hungry ghost as the Daxia Taboo was worried, but opened his mouth and let out a majestic sound The scolding:

"Since you are exiled from the way of hungry ghosts, you have to atone for your sins, but also break the door in vain, presumptuously, and escape to this King!

As soon as this yelling Buddha sound came out, the noisy and terrifying hungry ghost's roar stopped abruptly, and then the long hungry ghost tongues suddenly retracted backwards as if burned by a hot flame, fleeing to the depths of the hungry ghost road. It disappeared instantly without a trace.

In the next breath, the door of the hungry ghost road suddenly opened outward again, gradually revealing a burly figure behind the door.

I saw this figure pressing his waist with his left hand, holding a lotus flower. There are three vajra on the flower, and there is a bead flame on the pestle. At the same time, the right hand rests the orb on the chest, and there is a huge red lotus, exuding extremely hot heat. , Spread out.

At the same time, the dignified voice of Taoist Guanyun immediately sounded:

"Specializing in the way of hungry ghosts, this Buddha should be a Bodhisattva with precious hands!"

As soon as the middle-aged Taoist priest’s voice fell, the Ksitigarbha Khmer King continued to raise his hand and pointed at the other six-way gate above, and the Huanghuang Buddhist sound continued to resound through the world:

"Beast Road, open!"

After an instant, the door of the animal path above the void suddenly opened, and another Buddha figure appeared from behind the door. This bodhisattva was in flesh-colored body, with his right hand bent and his palm extended, his fingers drooping, his left palm upright, the middle and index fingers holding the lotus. , There is also a huge red lotus under him.

Then Taoist Guanyun's explanation sounded in everyone's ears:

"This is another ancient Bodhisattva in Buddhism, Treasure Bodhisattva, who specializes in animal life."

"The way of hungry ghosts, the way of beasts, that is to say, after every door of the six ways of reincarnation, there is an ancient buddhist power to suppress it, and this Ksitigarbha Dharma king at this time is to summon the heroic spirits of these bodhisattvas. ?"

After Jiang Yue's question came out, Taoist Guanyun nodded directly, squinting his eyes and watching the action of the Ksitigarbha His Holiness continuing to raise his hand, and the response came out:

"This is the horror of the Six Dharma Seals of the Ksitigarbha. That is to say, in the ancient times, the Ksitigarbha Khmer was equivalent to seven Buddhist Dharma kings!"

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