"Behind these six gates represents the core of the earth in the three realms of heaven, earth and man, and if you look into the real mighty power behind them, although they are complex and vast, these six ancient bodhisattvas undoubtedly played a vital role."

Inside Zhenyu Palace, a voice from the Taoist Guanyun sounded, and then the middle-aged Taoist, who is now the mainstay of the Taoist gate, showed a little complex color on his face, and continued to speak:

"Although Dao Buddhism has been like fire and water since ancient times, it's just that the avenues built are different. Aside from those monks who are honest and respectful, such great powers as the Ksitigarbha His Holiness deserve my admiration."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him nodded. All the people present were extraordinary people. Naturally, they knew that there were too many involuntary people under this world, and the King of Hungry Blessed the Reincarnation. The behavior is worthy of admiration.

Then Jiang Yue, whose face also flashed the color of thought, turned his head to look at the Taoist Guanyun on the side, and asked:

"Dao Master Guanyun, I suddenly thought of a question. The Ksitigarbha Khmer in front of us, but has passed away for countless years, including these Bodhisattvas who have been summoned from the Gates of the Six Paths, who have mastered different times. Mighty.

"These mighty souls can be summoned by the disciples of the later generations of Feng Buddhism, but the many holy gods of your Taoist sect, but now you have not seen one, Taoist master, according to what you said before, this sect is powerful in the past. It's only a lot more than Formen.

"Or, how many people would you call to come and help?"

Jiang Yue's slightly humorous inquiry fell, and Taoist Guanyun's handsome face suddenly became very weird, his lips moved, and finally he uttered:

"My Daoist people are free and easy-tempered, they like carefree, and those powerful people are even more coquettish, unruly, and most of them don’t want to be disturbed after sleeping, and if I force them at this time Called out, it is estimated that I was the first to be beaten."

Taoist Guanyun's words fell, and some strange colors began to appear in the eyes of Xu Qing and others around him.

As the saying goes, there are no wonders in the world, and the unfettered Taoism and the disciplined Buddhism are ideologically opposed. This may be one of the reasons why each other has been at odds for so many years.

The rolling history is not only a long river, but also a mirror. On it are reflected the stunning talents of the generations, as well as the amazing great achievements, and among them, the Jizo The name of the Dharma King is destined to leave a rich and colorful stroke.

As everyone's thoughts were flying, on the other side, the Ksitigarbha Khiti, who was sitting on the ground with six seals, continued to raise the seal of his hand, and gently clicked on the third six gates above.

This time, it was the humanity among the six realms and the human realm among the three realms of heaven, earth and man!

After a breath, an even more ear-splitting roar continued to resound across the sky, and the door of humanity opened with a bang, creating a vision that far exceeded the two previously opened hungry ghosts and beasts.

Because in the entire Taixuan Land, the most complicated and noisy place is this world!

After an instant, the third Buddha's shadow appeared in the gate of human reincarnation, and under this Buddha was no longer the red lotus, but a huge stone bridge.

Then a very strong voice came out from the Buddha shadow on the stone bridge:

"Its load bears all beings, like the earth can hold all things, my name holds the earth!"

This is the first Buddhist powerful soul capable of possessing self-will after the Ksitigarbha Khmer King, enough to show the vast power of his life.

Then the Huang Huang consciousness of the Lord of the Landsman poured forward, and after locking onto the roaring great demon Lin Xiao, the vicious instinct in his will began to fluctuate wildly, and he continued to shout:

"I think I was a monk in the past. For all the dangerous roads and fields, I will fill it or be a bridge.

"Devil, be on duty!"

The shout was rolling, and it exploded like thunder. The sound was so great that even the void began to vibrate constantly.

At the next breath, the vague phantom of the King of Landholding, raised his foot and stepped heavily on the bridge under his feet.


A mighty wave of the earth began to start from the footsteps, and rushed forward, directly hitting the desolate kingdom that was pouring down like a tsunami.

"This demon is not humane, and even the six realms can't trap me, so the mere humanity is naturally not good!"

Lin Xiao continued to roar without fear, and even became more violent.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to open the devil's claws, and from the void in front of him, he grasped the law of tyrannical desolation, facing the Ksitigarbha Khiti in front of him, and once again blasted endless purple flames.

After constantly using the magical magical powers, at this time, the number of big demons standing in the center of Zhenyu Gong's mansion has reached a dozen.

Then the most tyrannical look appeared in the eyes of every great demon. At the same time, Lin Xiao's demon's body was leaning forward, violently condensed in one place, and perhaps in the next breath, he rushed towards the place where the Ksitigarbha Lord was in front. .

At the same time, Xu Qing and other taboos who had been forbidden outside, looked at each other, no longer reserved, but took a step forward together, killing intent soaring into the sky.

Today is the most important New Year's Day of the Great Xia year. The location of Zhen Yu Gong is in the center of the center of the capital of Great Xia.

No matter where it is convenient to look at, the Great Xia court will not allow this fight to last too long, and for the Ksitigarbha, time is also an extremely precious thing.

Therefore, more violent confrontations and fights are on the verge!

Afterwards, the Ksitigarbha Khiti took the lead, pinching the six seals and knocking to the fourth six gates above, and behind this gate is the Shura Dao!

"Ksitigarbha His Holiness wants to open the fourth door to stop him!"

Xu Qing's command sound rolled out, and at the moment of this moment, an extremely burly figure with a bright bald head suddenly appeared above the void of the Zhenyu Palace.

Then Liang Po, with a calm complexion, fell from top to bottom, tracing a clear arc above the void.

After only a few breaths, Liang Po directly ignored the violent opposing energy, and fell between the Ksitigarbha His Holiness and Lin Xiao.

Liang Po's burly body is like the deepest black hole. Whether it is shining the Buddha's light or the demon flames, everything that touches his body will dissipate, like a stone sinking into the sea, instantly extinguished, unable to turn over any wind and waves.

At the next breath, Liang Po, who had landed from the sky, stepped on the ground with his feet on the ground, turned sideways, clenched his fists, with a calm expression, and hit the Ksitigarbha Khiti in front of him and the fourth door of reincarnation that suddenly opened.

In an instant, above Liang Po’s fist, an infinite black light shone, and densely scaly armor appeared outwards, and the void was completely exploded, and at the same time, the one that was exploded was the one that walked out of the Asura Road. Buddha shadow.

I saw that the figure in the Asura Dao, which was located above Chilian, had not yet fully consolidated, was completely smashed back into the gate of reincarnation without resistance.

The passage of time between heaven and earth seems to fall into stillness directly!

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