The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1666: Sigh that all beings refuse to look back

The Palace of Zhenyu, where the originally extremely wide main hall was located, has completely disappeared, and at the same time the previous broken walls were emptied by the Sitian Supervisor monks, forming an extremely flat land.

The barriers of the ten directions still shine in the world, covering the entire center of the Zhenyu Gongfu from top to bottom. At the same time, at the center of the barrier, Daxia Fuyao the Great Emperor Zhao Yu and the Throne of Dizang Dharma spoke.

Regardless of whether the current Buddhism has changed its taste, but as the last Buddhist monk’s Jizo, it is undoubtedly a top-level major practice that truly practiced Buddhism to the extreme, and what he said just now is the word of the world, and it is indeed what he has cultivated. Buddhism.

"The Ksitigarbha Khiti, guarding the prison with his own body, no matter how the world is today, what you do will still admire me."

After Zhao Yu's voice fell, the young emperor raised his hand and gently pressed the table in front of him, his voice continued to spread:

"However, I have no ambition to save the common people, and my Daxia has no idea of ​​uniting with the rest of the Taixuan Land."

After speaking, the pressure in Zhao Yu's eyes became stronger and stronger, and Emperor Huang Huang's voice continued to be heard:

"I and the entire Daxia people are based on the principle that people will not offend me and I will not offend others. If anyone dares to invade my Daxia, then I and the soldiers and citizens of the entire country will screw the enemy’s heads off and not die. endlessly!"

The four words undying endlessly came from Zhao Yu's mouth, with a domineering attitude that could not be rejected, and at the same time, the emperor's might was rolling, sweeping outwards, and even rushing straight to the front of the Ksitigarbha.

Compared with the Buddhist aspirations looming on the body of the Ksitigarbha, the majesty of the imperial Dao that Zhao Yu poured out at this time was completely another extreme.

Domineering, calm, encompassing all things in the world and not being rejected, this is the emperor's way!

"During the time when this King was still alive, the entire world was initially divided by the Buddha, Dao, and Long Bo giant. At that time, some people practiced Buddha, some practiced Taoism, and some others practiced other sects.

"But all of the last three companies in Zhisuo fell short. Thinking about it now, there is also cause and effect."

After a few breaths of silence, the voice of the Lord Ksitigarbha, he slowly sounded, and in his opinion at this time, he has completely regarded Zhao Yu as a monk of his own level, so he unknowingly brought a little in his words. Sigh.

When he reached his realm and cultivation level, he naturally knew that the mere existence of the masses of beings under the sky and the earth was extremely difficult, and there was a path to practice in his heart, whether they were the same or not, they were worthy of respect.

Therefore, after Zhao Yu rejected the initial request for common ground, he stopped mentioning it, but continued to speak:

"My Buddhism once said that every drink and a peck in this world has cause and effect. The reason why the three families have failed is not because of their lack of strength or irreconcilable internal contradictions, but the final sigh of relief."

After the words of the Ksitigarbha His Holiness fell, a little thought flashed in Zhao Yu's black eyes, and he responded:

"In other words, the defeat of Buddha and Dao together is not a crime of war, but the heaven will die."

"This is also part of the factor."

After that, the Ksitigarbha Khiti Lord’s meditating movements remain unchanged, and compared with before, the fire of will burning in his skull has already declined too much. In everyone’s eyes, it looks like a candle that burns almost completely. , Leaving the last trace of sparks.

Then the voice that was difficult to distinguish between male and female continued to be heard from the Ksitigarbha His Holiness:

"His Majesty the Emperor of the North, the giant Long Bo among the three families will not mention it for the time being because of their own factors. If you have an understanding of Buddhism or Taoism, you will find that these two families have extremely distinctive characteristics.

"And this characteristic is the key to success for these two companies, but it is also the reason for the difference.

"Take my Buddhist School as an example. The extremely harsh temple rules and the Buddhist decree that strives to abandon all desires make every monk who attains Taoism possess extremely strong will and belief.

"It is said that there is no desire if there is no desire. In the case of a pure heart and few desires, the heart demon disperses. Therefore, the speed of the monks' practice has also increased by leaps and bounds. This has created a large number of Buddhist monks, and this is also a rapid rise. the reason."

The words spoken by the Ksitigarbha His Holiness were neither humble nor arrogant. From the perspective of a bystander, he analyzed the pros and cons very objectively. Then, as the Ksitigarbha's will fire became weaker and weaker, his head became lower and lower, and his voice continued :

"But under this avenue, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, yin and yang are mutually dependent, and discipline is the reason that Buddhism once prospered, but it is also the biggest shackle.

"After all, there are countless creatures in the world, not everyone is suitable, and they are willing to accept such strict constraints.

"So even if Buddhism wins in the end, it won't last long, because this kind of ascetic life will compress the entire world to the limit and cause the most violent rebound."

When this word came out, everyone was thinking about it, and then Zhao Yu nodded in front of the Ksitigarbha His Holiness, and the emperor's voice heard:

"So this world is actually making a decision, choosing the most suitable way to rule the world."

"That's natural. As a god, he must be willing to choose a force that can rule for a long time. After all, this is the most basic survival of the fittest!"

After the response of the Ksitigarbha His Holiness fell, the curiosity on the face of the Taoist Taoist Heinchuan beside Guanyun Taoist became more intense, and then the middle-aged Taoist priest who approached him heard the voice of inquiry:

"Daoist, since Buddhism is the discipline of success and the discipline of failure, what about our Taoism?"

As soon as this question came out, Taoist Guanyun just stretched a lot of brows and jumped up, then gently opened his mouth and uttered:

"Our Dao Sect's success or failure lies in freedom!"

After the voice fell, Guan Yun raised his right hand and held the small head of Listening Chuan aside, and the sighing voice continued:

"Taoism pays attention to governance by doing nothing. It is free and easy by nature, and has no strict rules. Therefore, it is accepted by most people. In its heyday, the number of people who entered Taoism even reached more than half. There are many people, and the strength is naturally strong !"

Taoist Guanyun's words fell, and the thoughts in the hearts of those around him once again violently fluctuated, and the next breath, the sound of Zhao Yu in front of him, once again made everyone look forward.

"French King?"

The young emperor’s inquiries did not receive a direct response from the Ksitigarbha Khmer King. At this time, the latter's skull was completely lowered, and the fire of divine consciousness almost completely dissipated.

After all, the Ksitigarbha in front of everyone is just a ray of will projection left before countless years of death.

After a few breaths, under the gaze of one after another, the fire of God's consciousness that had almost been extinguished by the Ksitigarbha Khiti King finally began to beat.

Then he raised his head and even stood up. The last word came out:

"The way of the emperor is for protection, but the heavens and the earth make good use of people, whether it is voluntary or forced, there will eventually be a few, just like the Buddha, the Tao, and the fairy palace, competing for the world.

"Therefore, the poor monk wishes the emperor, get what you want, stick to your heart, and guard the people who want to protect!"

Haoran Buddha's voice came out, and the Ksitigarbha Khmer King slowly turned around, sat down with his back to Zhao Yu, lowered his head, and the remaining fire of will completely dissipated!

"Dao Master, why did the Ksitigarbha His Holiness sit down?"

After being quiet for a long time, it sounded softly after listening to the inquiry of the little Taoist priest.

Afterwards, Sima Annan's fluttering figure in white clothes walked to the side of the crowd, stood still and stared at the Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha who began to dissipate in front of him, and responded with inexplicable thoughts:

"The Bodhisattva sat down, sighing for sentient beings, and refused to look back."

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