The Bodhisattva sat down, sighing that all beings would not turn their heads!

The words that came from the belated Sima Annan's mouth made everyone in Zhenyu Gong's complex more complex.

It is true that Ksitigarbha's actions are not talking about himself.

The sentient beings under the sky and the earth are like chess. Although they can't turn their heads back, they can still look back. The Ksitigarbha Khiti's glance back after countless years after his death is undoubtedly a strong disappointment.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The celebration fireworks from all over the capital city once again roared and rose, and then burst out above the sky, blooming into blooming colorful flowers, shining everywhere.

The festive atmosphere of the Great Summer Festival is getting more and more enthusiastic, but few people know that there is a little-known but thrilling encounter between ancient and modern in Zhenyu Gongfu in Liuye Alley, Shenjing City.

At the same time, Zhao Yu and Daxia's taboos thoroughly appreciate the style of the overhaul of the ancient Taixuan land, even if it is just a projection of will, it is still powerful.

"It's a long journey, and there will be one home at the end. Send him to the Dizang!"

Accompanied by Zhao Yu's emperor's voice between the heavens and the earth, all the officials and monks in Daxia gave a salute to the front, and the tidy voice came out:

"Send the Lord Ksitigarbha!"

The loud voice lingered between the heaven and the earth, and then the body of the Ksitigarbha Dharma king sitting upside down in front of Zhao Yu, under the gaze of the young emperor, began to appear strands of red lotus karma.

Buddhism pays attention to cause and effect. Therefore, the great aspiration of the Ksitigarbha Khmer that once lingered outside the body of the skeleton has now become a karma fire that burns himself, and it has begun to spread out, and in a blink of an eye he completely swallowed the former half-buddha and half-devil body.


Those soft burning sounds appeared extremely clear in the extremely quiet Lord Zhenyu's mansion, and then Lin Xiao's figure appeared behind Zhao Yu, and the sound of a respectful report came out:

"Your Majesty, the little monk Jianhuai disappeared together with the Ksitigarbha."

"This Ksitigarbha Dharma King just used to sit down to show me that he turned his head, not only looked back, but also turned his head back to take away the last seeds of hope in Buddhism."

Zhao Yu's softly speaking response was still steady and did not carry too strong emotions. After that, the young emperor continued to keep his eyes on the Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha who was allowed to burn his body in front of him, and the emperor Huang Huang continued to sound. :

"I didn't stop the Ksitigarbha Khiti from turning his head!"

After the emperor's voice came out, the respectful color on Lin Xiao and others' faces became more intense, and they saluted the front together and said:

"Your Majesty is kind!"

The shouts of neat voices continued to linger in the sky, and then a relaxed Taoist Taoist watched and listened to Chuan Xiao Taoist's frowning, sad little face, and a soft questioning voice came into the former ear:

"Tingchuan is worrying?"

"Yes, Master Dao, we have another important purpose in coming to the Northland this time, so that it is for this Buddhism Buddha's appreciation.

"But now this knowledge has been removed by the Ksitigarbha, what shall you and I do?"

"As the saying goes, I am lucky, but I lose my life. Buddhism, as an ancient force with such a long heritage, this time almost all the most important information is used to save its Buddha. To be honest, listen to Sichuan, relying on you and me. Two people, really can't stop it."

After speaking, Taoist Guanyun did not show any obvious regrets on his face, and then he continued to keep his eyes on the Buddhism Karma fire that was gradually burning in front of him, and a deep voice came out:

"When you reach the level of the Ksitigarbha, he naturally understands that he has already crossed the boundary, so he should leave behind a secret remedy. For this kind of person who was once full of common people, even if it is a worldly feud, he does not hate it. stand up.

"Furthermore, this little monk Jianhuai was not removed unscathed. He had his arm cut off. What's more difficult is the overhaul of his arm. He has the ability to control blood, so his wounds The **** evil in the middle is not easy to remove."

After the words of Taoist Guanyun fell, he raised his hand to receive a new Taoist robe handed over by the Taoist priest from Sichuan, draped it over his still **** body, and spoke again:

"This Dao estimates that unless Buddhism finds another projection of the will left by the Dharma King Realm, otherwise this little monk of Jianhuai will be burned with blood every day like mine for a long time to come. The pain, that taste, is not easy!"

The sighs of Taoist Guanyun came out, and the eyes of the surrounding taboos showed a little strange color. It must be said that Guanyun after expelling the Buddha's flames from the body, the high-level monk's breath exuding from the inside and outside of the body is not small. watch for.

"The karma fire on the body of the Ksitigarbha King will be burned out."

Following a reminder from Xu Qing, the windrunner, the red lotus karma fire completely dissipated after a soft bang.

At the next breath, the body of the Ksitigarbha Khiti sitting upside down disappeared into the world. For the long time that could only be rolled forward, the appearance of the Ksitigarbha Khiti was equivalent to a loophole that was destined to be repaired and smoothed.

Then, where the fire of karma dissipated, a small object came into the eyes of everyone around him. Upon closer inspection, it was a short finger bone.

"Relics, this is the real Buddhist relics, not the shadow bones. The Ksitigarbha has left the real relics in place!"

The voice of Taoist Guanyun was full of horror. It was because this Buddhist relic was too precious.

After the Ksitigarbha His Holiness passed away, the countless Buddhist monks struggling in the Western Regions and the Central Plains monks who went west out of Dayanguan, turned over almost every part of the yellow sand in the sky, in order to find Ksitigarbha Hispanic left before his death. Relics.

However, after tens of thousands of years, apart from the discovery of a few shadow bones, it was still impossible to find the real Buddhist relic, but these divine objects appeared in front of everyone without warning.

Even if it is not all of the relics of Ksitigarbha, at least part of it!

"It turns out that this is the so-called Buddhist relic."

Under curious or horrified gazes, Zhao Yu, who was still sitting cross-legged on the ground futon, lightly attacked the plain phalanx in front of him.

The breeze of heaven and earth rose on the ground, and the relic was engulfed by a gentle wind, and flew upward, gently drifting towards the young emperor, and then steadily falling on his hand.

Then Zhao Yu lowered his head and stared at the dull Buddha bone relic on his palm, and his voice came out:

"This relic is not complete, only half of it. It seems that half of it should be hidden under the yellow sand of the Western Regions."

After Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu rolled up his palms and wanted to put away the half of the relic. At this moment, the young emperor's ebony pupils suddenly shrank, and his face also showed a very shocked look.

Because in Zhao Yu's mind, a voice that had been silent for a long time suddenly sounded:

"Detected whether the great aspiration force carrying the eternal force is condensed, the condensable item is the Aeon Disk!"

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