After the chaos, Lord Zhenyu's mansion, after the taboos and Sitian monks dispersed, returned to calm.

It's just that in the center of the original mansion, the main hall that connected the four sides was completely flattened, leaving only an empty space, which looked a little abrupt.

The Zhenyu Palace has always been low-key, and under the care of Qing Niantong, one of the Sun Moon Sect double arrogances of Hexu Mountain, both the maid and the small servant have maintained a minimum level, and the entire mansion has the largest number of people. , Is also like the old steward Wu, Zhenyuhou family general who has experienced many battles.

Therefore, even if Lin Xiao fought an earth-shattering fierce battle with the Ksitigarbha Khmer, the entire Guogong Mansion was only slightly confused for a short period of time, and then started to operate again.

The generals began to clean up the battlefield, and the maids once again arranged the red lanterns and silk cloths that were blown away in the mansion, in a hot and orderly appearance.

It was half the afternoon, and a carriage full of ingredients slowly stopped at the back door of Zhenyu Gongfu, indicating that today's New Year's Day is gradually moving towards the most crucial moment.

That is reunion!

At this time, the shops and restaurants in the major market markets of the Shenjing City and the rest of the city of Daxia will be closed together, and the people playing on the street will return to their homes to help prepare for the evening. New Year's Eve dinner.

At the same time, the avenues extending in all directions in Daxia will become extremely empty.

Returning to the family and being with the family is actually one of the meanings of the Daxia Human Race New Year.

Since the main hall in the center of the Zhenyu Gongfu was turned into powder, Lin Xiao and Qing Niantong used a small hall not far away as a host to the Taoist Taoist Guanyun and Taoist Tingchuan.

Then in the side hall, Qing Niantong's gentle voice sounded:

"Elder Wu, tell the kitchen to cook a few more dishes during the New Year's Eve dinner. Today, the two Taoists Guanyun and Tingchuan will have the New Year's Eve dinner together in our mansion."

Hearing the long words Qing Niantong in the air, Tingchuan stood quietly, his young face suddenly became extremely embarrassed, and he waved his hand quickly:

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, boy, I am a Taoist leader, I am just a little Taoist."

After the voice fell, the old butler Wu, who stepped in from the outside, bent over to salute the few figures in front of him, and responded:

"Madam, I have already notified the kitchen. It just so happened that the Queen Empress had arranged for each of us in Zizhu and Liuye Alley the vegetables grown by Crescent Moon Restaurant, which was completely enough."

"Then there is General Laurin and his wife."

Daomen always pay attention to being casual, so the unshaven Taoist Guanyun is not cautious. After a thank you, the voice continued:

"On the way I am waiting to go north, I have been listening to people in your country talking about this year's Guanjia Festival. I have long been longing for it."

After the voice of Taoist Guanyun came out, Lin Xiao, who took a bath and changed his clothes, appeared in the side hall with a tall and straight figure, and then his calm voice came out:

"New Year's Day is the most important festival of our great summer. I think it will not disappoint the Daoist Master. Please sit down."

After finishing the sentence, Lin Xiao stared at the middle-aged Taoist priest in front of him without being polite. He followed his usual style and continued to speak straight to the subject:

"Dao Master, please, Lin has something to ask. My brother has suffered a serious injury in the past few years, and has been in a muddle through these years. I don't know if there is a cure for Chang?"

"Even in the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land, the Divine Soul's Disease is extremely difficult to treat. Divine Soul is different from the physical body, and it can be said to be the most vulnerable part of the creature. Therefore, I cannot guarantee it, but I will do my best."

"Then thank you Taoist Master Guanyun!"

A very rare smile appeared on Lin Xiao's face, turning his head and speaking loudly:

"Tielan, bring Lin Xiao."

The voice fell, and outside the door of the Piantang, the girl who had been waiting for a long time appeared, leading the figure of the blindfolded boy, and then everyone stood up and spread to the sides, clearing a large area in the middle of the Piantang. .

Under the gaze of one after another, Tie Lan's lips were tightly pressed, indicating that the young girl's heart was tense, and then Taoist Guan Yun looked at Lin Xiao behind the girl and opened his mouth with a whisper:

"General Lin, my brother's body contains an extremely powerful source of power, and if you guessed correctly, it should also be a pure and incomparable Fudo Ming Wang Yan!"

"Exactly, this flame was left in front of my father."

Before Lin Xiao's response, the Taoist Guanyun whose complexion gradually became dignified, stepped to the cloth-covered Lin Xiao, raised his right hand, directly summoned a white cloud, and waved his hand into Lin Xiao's brow. within.

At the next breath, a hissing sound after the water mist evaporated suddenly came from Lin Xiao's body, and then a large amount of white smoke directly rose into the sky from the top of the latter's head.

"So strong, so pure, immovable king fire!"

After a sigh came from Taoist Guan Yun, he turned his head to look at Lin Xiao beside him, and continued to speak:

"General Lin, I just used Daomen Qiyun to test Ling's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and found that his self-enclosed Sea of ​​Consciousness is part of it, and there is another part because of the immovable King Fire in the Sea of ​​Knowledge. The implied laws are too powerful."

When the voice fell, Taoist Guanyun raised his right hand and drew a square against the void in front of him, and the voice sounded again:

"It's like you live in a house, just opened the door and wanted to go out, but found that the whole place was completely covered by fire.

"This is also the main reason why my brother has been unable to recover his mind. In other words, it will be very difficult to directly recover."

"In other words, according to the Taoist commander's words, if you want to immediately restore your mind, you must pull away the Fudo Ming Wang Huo from the Lin Xiao Consciousness Sea?"


Taoist Guanyun nodded, and then stared at the motionless, extremely quiet young man, and continued to speak:

"General Lin, in fact, Brother Ling's state is extremely delicate, because Fudo Ming Wanghuo's taste is very domineering, this is deeply felt by the Taoist, let alone in the spiritual sense.

"So Ben Dao can even suspect that Brother Ling may be using this Fudo Mingwang Huo to sharpen his will.

"As the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. This situation is an extremely rare opportunity for the promotion of the power of the soul!"

After speaking, Taoist Guanyun showed a faint smile on his face, and said again:

"Therefore, this Dao feels that it is not a bad thing to make my brother in this state. As the saying goes, Bao Jianfeng is out of sharpening. Under the constant tempering of the Immovable King, once he fully recovers his will, his spirit power will become extremely powerful.

"Everyone must be very clear about the importance of the power of the soul to the cultivators, so if you want to pull away from the immovable king fire, you still need to grasp it yourself."

As soon as Taoist Guanyun said this, the entire Zhenyu Palace fell into deep silence.

Many times in life are full of choices. Sometimes the hardest thing is not to choose for yourself, but to choose for others.

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