The meaning of the New Year to the people of Daxia, apart from reunion, there is another particularly important meaning, that is, the memory and memorial to the ancestors.

As Zhao Yu once said, Daxia human race does not worship ghosts or gods, and does not believe in gods and Buddhas, but only pays homage to ancestors and cherishes the memory of martyrs.

As the Zhao clan ruled by Daxia, there are few people, and there are only a few people. As the now well-deserved emperor, Zhao Yu will go to two places in the afternoon every year.

The first is Jingling, outside the city of Shenjing, where the former prince Zhao Jing and the old queen are buried, and the second is the old house in Qingyi Lane, Gwangju Metropolitan City, and the hillside behind the city.

Because that's where Zhao Yu's mother landed.

In fact, some memories will not become blurred with the passage of time, but will become more and more clear, just like the young emperor sitting in a carriage and driving under the yellow leaves in Tsing Yi Lane at this time. The gentle and strong figure that emerged was more clearly outlined under the precipitation of time.

"Broken, my mother used to tell us both when I was young, with an umbrella, even if you can escape a cold rain, you can't escape the entire rainy season, so you need to support each other."

After the carriage steadily stopped at the gate of Tsing Yi Lane, Zhao Yu's voice continued, and then Liang Po nodded, and said in an extremely rare voice:

"Your Majesty, I miss my mother."

"I want too."

When Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu opened the curtain and stepped off the carriage, and tore open the teleporting scroll. The flying body of the emperor's robe, together with the beam's bald head and bright, burly body, slowly disappeared into the teleportation flower that went straight into the sky.

From beginning to end, the young emperor and Liang Po are like two people holding umbrellas under the violent storm, supporting each other and never giving up.

The sun is slanting to the west, and the sky above the sky of the capital city, the fireworks that bloom out every hour of the New Year are once again in full bloom, and they are more gorgeous, and more lively than the roar of fireworks, they are from every household. Laughter.

It is true that the larger the family and the larger the population, the more lively the New Year holidays. In comparison, some large families with sparsely populated families seem a little deserted.

"Second sister, I actually don't like New Year's Day."

In the backyard of the official residence of the State of Wei, a slightly low voice rang from among the lush trees, and then Xu Hao narrowed his eyes, letting the setting sun shine on his young face, and continued to speak:

"It's normal, every New Year's Day, there will always be only a few people in the family, it seems to remind us at all times that you have been alone."

After Xu Hao's voice fell, Xu Jin, who was a slender figure on the side, raised his drooping eyes, and a response came out:

"Grandpa is here this year, it's already a lot of fun."

After finishing the sentence, Xu Jin turned her head and watched her younger brother's increasingly mature face, and continued to speak:

"All the children in Zizhu Alley have agreed that they will gather in our mansion after the New Year's Eve dinner. Hei Pi, Xiao Yuan and others will come."

As soon as he said this, Xu Hao's face showed a little excitement, and his voice improved a lot and then came out:

"Since the **** battle in the North Sea a few years ago, our children from Zizhu Alley went on their own. Many people haven't seen one side for a whole year. I just want to see the cultivation level of this guy. No growth."

"Heipi joined the Wild Army, and in just one year, he has been promoted to a captain, Xu Hao, you are not enough to fight with one hand."

Xu Jin's unhurried voice directly poured a basin of cold water on Xu Hao, and then he raised his hand and patted the latter on the shoulder, a much softer voice followed:

"You don't have to belittle yourself. Every stage of our practitioners is different, and it's not all rising steadily. At different stages, there are different stages to do.

"The age of the black skin is the stage of the thickest accumulation, and you, at a young age, are still in the accumulation stage and cannot be compared with each other."

After speaking, Xu Jin raised her head and looked at the big sun in front of him almost completely sinking below the horizon, and said in a suspicious voice:

"The disciples from Zizhu Alley will come later, and I don't know whether the older sister will participate."

"The eldest sister is always easy-going. If there is no call in the palace at night, she should come. By the way, what about the eldest sister?"

Xu Hao's question fell, and Xu Jin continued to step forward, responding:

"The eldest sister is still there in the tomb of Houshan. You should know that when the parents were involved in the accident, you and I were young, so even my memory is a bit vague, but the eldest sister is different. She has a deep memory of her parents, so the eldest sister has a deep feeling for her parents. ."

After the words fell, the brothers and sisters of Wei Guogong's mansion sighed together, and then there was a burst of fireworks. The two sisters and brothers were a little lonely, slowly disappearing into the avenue of active and broad, but few people. within.

If you talk about the entire Shenjing City, who appears the most lonely during the New Year, then the Wei Guogong Xu family, who has only one old man and three young people, can be ranked in the forefront.

In the winter of the **** capital, once the sun has a sign of sinking below the horizon, the world will be plunged directly into darkness in the moment.

But the night is what the New Year really looks like!

The vast sky of the vast land of Shenzhou, after nightfall, is completely filled with brilliant fireworks. The colorful lights cover the sky and the sun. Not only do they cover all the stars above the sky, but also the lights on the ground. , Each other shines.

This is undoubtedly a magnificent sight, because whether it is the stars in the sky or the stars on the earth, they are all masterpieces of the people of Daxia.

Although manpower is exhausted, once the collective force creates a great feat comparable to heavenly work, the shock it brings is even more popular.

Under the blooming fireworks, a slender shadow stood quietly in front of a tomb in the backyard of Zhenyu Palace.

The colorful firework streamer, reflecting on Xu Qing's delicate face, also made the sadness in the girl's eyes revealed at this time.

The young girl was worried and thoughtless, only in the dead of night.

In fact, since joining the Radiant Army, Xu Qing, as the commander of the Radiant Army, has never shown any similar emotions in front of the others.

Because in front of everyone, she is an extraordinary, bold and calm windrunner!

As a taboo on behalf of the sky, he must be as strong as the scorching sun and punish all evil charms.

The Radiant Sun will never show its fragility, unless it is dark and no one can see the night.

"Boom boom boom!"

With the sound of fireworks blooming in the ears, Xu Sheng's burly body slowly appeared in the shadow behind Xu Qing.

He stared at his granddaughter's suddenly thin back, his eyes full of guilt.

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