The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1671: There is no wind nor sunny wind

Turning the time back to six years ago, it was also the night of the New Year's Day, and the fireworks above the sky rushed to bloom, reflecting the appearance of the whole Shenjing city celebrating the whole world.

At that time, the city of Shenjing was still a frontier fortress in the Waisanguan Pass. On the eve of the New Year's Pass, Zhenyuhou Linlang made a great victory at the endless mountain Yulong Pass, which made the festive atmosphere of this year even more exciting.

Countless people rushed to the streets spontaneously, shouting Lin Lang's name.

Although Lin Lang and most of the soldiers did not return to Beijing to celebrate the New Year because of the war on the front line, a team with a large number of rewards set off from the Baidi Palace to reward the three armies, accompanied by gorgeous fireworks shining all over the sky. Go to Jade Dragon Pass of Endless Mountain.

This mighty team is quite large, and in addition to the food in the restaurant, there is also a phoenix order from His Majesty Taizu hidden in it.

After the empress dowager entered the soil and the eldest princess Zhao Xiuyuan went to search for the traces of Taizu, almost no one remembered the entire Daxia court today. This time the award team came from Wei Guogong Xu Sheng.

Feng Ling, the wasteland, that road is not tall, but the flames linger like the figure of the gods and demons, and the **** battle within the goose feathers!

These scenes began to interweave back and forth in Xu Sheng’s black eyes, and even uttered louder than the sky above the sky. All subsequent illusions, under the cold and stern rebuke of the old lady, turned into deep guilt. .

"From now on, the Qing girl of your Xu family can no longer enter the palace as a concubine!"

This eloquent shout caused Xu Sheng's tiger body to tremble slightly, and the next breath, a voice from the front, pulled Xu Sheng's thoughts back:

"Grandpa, haven't you gone back yet?"

When the voice fell, Xu Sheng's black eyes disappeared in an instant, and after showing a smile, he stepped to Xu Qing's side, and the response came out:

"Grandpa sees you as if something is on your mind, so come and see you."

Although Xu Sheng's voice was strong, but gentle, then the former bowed his head and stared at the two extremely simple cloak tombs in front of him, and the voice spread:

"Grandpa knows that you little guys don't like New Year's Day when they were young. To be honest, I don't like New Year's Day either. I spent the New Year in the military a few years ago and didn't feel anything. But this year, I feel a little uncomfortable. Get old."

"Grandpa won't be old."

Xu Qing's response was determined, and in the eyes of the Xu family's children, the appearance of this old man had hardly changed over the years. Although his beard and hair were all white, he was full of energy and blood, comparable to a tiger.

"Grandpa is a human being, and he will definitely get old. All the creatures under this world will get old, because this is the rule set by the Dao for everyone."

After the response fell, Xu Sheng sat down on the stone chair beside him, raised his hand and patted the table beside him, motioned for the girl beside him, and the old voice continued:

"Compared to the rest of the creatures in the Supreme Profound Land, the life span of our human race is extremely short, so it's like the gorgeous fireworks in the sky, flashing away."

After finishing the words, the grandfather and grandson raised their heads together, looking at the sparkling fireworks that were vying to bloom one after another, and their eyes showed thoughtful colors.

The bright and dim light reflected on the faces of the two looking up to the sky. In fact, the eyebrows of Xu Qing and the old man Xu Sheng are very similar. The most characteristic of them is the eyes like tiger eyes of the Xu family.

No matter how firm she is on weekdays, the girl’s heart is always soft, especially when she sees the colorful fireworks shining all over the sky, so Xu Qing’s eyes unknowingly show a trace of yearning. .

Then Xu Sheng retracted his gaze and stared at the fleeting luster in Xu Qing's eyes, then suddenly spoke, and a low voice came out:

"Girl Qing, grandpa can't help you."

Xu Sheng's voice was extremely small. As soon as it came out, it was directly covered by a roar from the sky. Then Xu Qing retracted her gaze and asked with doubts:

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?"

"It's okay, grandpa is old, you will have to take care of your younger siblings in the future."

Father Xu used a hearty laugh to cover up the strangeness on his face. After the voice fell, before Xu Qing could speak, the former stood up, and the voice continued:

"The old man estimates that at this point in time, the New Year's Eve dinner is almost ready. Don't stay outside for too long. By the way, our family has not been together for a long time."

"Since Grandpa went back into battle, he has been in the barracks all these years."

"In this life, the old man wants someone with a clear conscience, even if he knows that he has done something wrong, he is willing to pay the price, but he is the only one, sorry to his family."

After Xu Sheng's sigh fell, he raised his hand to close the shirt he was wearing, and continued to speak:

"The old man was the most powerful fourteen family when he was young. By this time, there are almost no families in the thriving family.

"Not to mention those clans that have cut off their inheritance, even the Zhao clan, where your Majesty is, is only a handful of people."

After the word Your Majesty came out of Xu Sheng, Xu Qing's eyes moved, and she muttered:

"The area of ​​the White Emperor Palace is much larger than our mansion, so your Majesty is actually much lonely than us, right?"

"For the emperor, most of them have to be company with loneliness. This is the fate of the emperor's family."

After speaking, Xu Sheng raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the girl next to him, and the voice continued:

"After the New Year's Day, the court will immediately hold an ancient mystery trial, and the old man will ask Xu Jin and Xu Hao two little guys to try it.

"If you can stand out, you may be able to enter the Baidi Academy, which your Majesty personally founded. Once you enter this Academy, you can say that half of your foot enters the gate of the Radiant Nightmare, and the old man can be completely relieved."

At this point, Xu Sheng paused for a while, then stared at the colorful sky, calmed down a lot of voices, and then spread out:

"If you don't have this ability, then you will recognize it. After all, there have been too many outstanding young people during this period of Daxia. These two little guys have been compared. It is because the skills are not as good as the others. I feel a little relieved."

"Under the Night Dire of the Radiant Army, whether it is the Black Dragon Guard or the Wild Army, they are all extremely powerful legions. As a member of the army, Grandpa should be very clear."

After Xu Qing's response fell, she added a lot of firm words and continued to sound:

"And I have confidence in my younger siblings, this time in the ancient secret realm trial, no matter how strong the opponent is, the two of them can definitely stand out because they are the Xu family's children."

"Well said, my Xu family, I have never been weaker than others in my life, even if it is to die on the battlefield, I will be the first!"

Wei Guogong Xu Sheng let out a long scream, just as Mr. Xu said, almost all of the Xu's children who died were killed in battle, and the Xu family was full of loyalty!

After the howling, the old man laughed and stepped away, leaving only the girl sitting in front of the cloak, sitting quietly in place.

Then Xu Qing continued to look up, watching the fireworks flying all over the sky, and in the girl's eyes, she could also see strands of flowing blue wind in the colorful night sky.

The next breath came from the girl's mouth:

"I am not a flashing firework, I am the wind, there is no wind, and there is no sunny wind.

"Don't be sorry, grandpa, maybe this is fate."

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