The wind is everywhere and cannot be stopped. In other words, the wind must drift.

In the Shenjing City, a gust of wind from nowhere, blowing from a distance, first brushed the smoke rising from the kitchens of every household in Shenjing City.

Blow over the countless gorgeous fireworks blooming above the sky, and finally spread out along the streets and alleys of the entire Shenjing city, blowing into thousands of households.

The Dongfeng night puts flowers and thousands of trees, and blows down, the stars are like rain!

"I'm one year older, and I will be more obedient next year."

The kind voices of the elders resounded in the ears of the little dolls, and then, under the gaze of a series of winged eyes, they carefully took out the red envelopes that had already been prepared from their arms, and distributed them one by one.

"Why don't you thank Grandpa?"

Under the kindly reminded by my mother-in-law, the little children who had just reacted knelt on the ground together, and bowed their heads respectfully at the old man in front of him, and the childish voice came out:

"Grandpa Xie, I wish Grandpa good health!"

"Well, all get up."

The old man's wrinkled face was full of smiles, and then he motioned to the children and grandchildren under his knees to stand up, and the old voice continued:

"Grandpa also hopes that you can practice well in the academy. In the future, we will not seek to become rich and prosperous, but we hope that when Daxia needs us, we will not shrink, not be timid, and not add chaos!"

The words that the old man spoke were extremely simple. Although he didn't have too many bold words and ambitions, it made people feel admiration.

Perhaps in this new era, some of the older people in Daxia are not able to keep up with the rhythm, and their ability to accept new things that change with each passing day is not as good as that of young people.

But the same thing is their passion for this great country!

Shenjing City, White Emperor Palace, Royal Garden.

The Xuantian Shenmu that covered the sky and the sun, perhaps also changed because of the fiery atmosphere of the New Year, began to sway its huge branches and leaves, making a rustling sound.

Then outside the imperial garden, a figure with white beard and hair, wearing a black robe, stepped between the roads under the leadership of an imperial city guard, and then the old voice of the former came out:

"Xie Xiaozi, your Majesty called for this year's New Year's Eve dinner besides the old man, who else did you call?"

After Li Chunfeng's slightly smiling voice fell, the young captain who led the way in front of him also showed a smile on his face, and then responded:

"Who was invited? Master Li will know by himself later."

"You little bastard, you have been sold off with the old man. It seems that when you were in the Sitianjian, you were very kind to you."

After Li Chunfeng's laughter and curse came out, he stopped questioning, but solemnly took out a jug from behind, and continued to move forward while speaking again:

"It's rare to enter the palace this year to celebrate the New Year, but I brought the wine that I have kept for a long time."

After speaking, Li Chunfeng stroked the white beard on his chest, looked forward, raised his eyebrows, and immediately accelerated a lot.

At the end of his sight, a figure was stopping and waiting.

Although this person's beard and hair are as white as snow, his face is extremely ruddy. It is in the depths of the Taoist Palace, that extremely low-key palace lord, Wen Xiuqi.

"Well, you guy, old man, it's you!"

Before the person arrived, Li Chunfeng's voice sounded first, and then Wen Xiuqi, who was wearing a brand-new Dao Gong purple robe, turned around, smiled, and responded:

"Why, today your Majesty invited me to wait for these old people who have no children and no girls in the capital to have a meal together. If you, Li Chunfeng, can come, can't I come?"

After finishing the sentence, Wen Xiuqi saw the hip flask in the hands of the former, his eyes turned, and he raised his eyes to the sky and laughed, and a relentless voice came out:

"Co-worker with Old Man Li, you even brought wine by yourself, then let me see what kind of wine Li Chunfeng can dare to take out and show his face in front of Your Majesty."

As soon as he said this, Li Chunfeng's face immediately showed a little complacency, and he raised the wine jar in his hand, and then his voice came out:

"It's ugly!"

Li Chunfeng's voice fell, Wen Xiuqi with a ruddy face lowered his head and took a closer look, and then let out a soft voice, the voice came out:

"Is this wine that has almost disappeared from the world, Fanxue?"

"It's still old man, you know wine, and you can recognize it at a glance. This is the wine that I buried in the ground in my early twenties, and now I have almost never seen a bottle in Daxia."

After he finished speaking, Li Chunfeng's white beard trembled, and he continued to speak quite contentedly:

"Although this fanxue wine is not as good as Xuantian and Taohua, it is very suitable for this time. Xuantian wine is too strong and peach blossom wine is too soft. My fanxue happens to be in the middle. It's best to use it to add to the fun!"

As soon as he said this, Wen Xiuqi, who knows more about wine than Li Chunfeng, nodded, did not refute, but agreed with him:

"It is said that the essence of this snow-turning wine lies in the word "Snow". The water used to make wine is the purest and sweetest ice and snow on the top of the snow-capped mountains, and the technique is very complicated. Therefore, over time, it gradually disappeared.

"If the old man can have the opportunity to taste this wine tonight, he would be lucky!"

Wen Xiuqi's sigh just fell, and in front of the two, an equally old and mellow voice came directly:

"Xia Xia is also longing for this snow wine, it seems that I have a good taste today!"

The voice fell, and the lord of the Great Summer Academy, Dong Guo Lezheng, walked out of the imperial garden slowly wearing a black Confucian cedar. After saluting the two in front of him, he continued to speak:

"Two of us, your Majesty is waiting inside. I'm not going to enter the house with the old man. It is said that Master Liang personally cooked this New Year's Eve dinner. The cooking skills of Master Liang, together with his cultivation, are regarded as a myth by the world."

As soon as Dong Guo Lezheng made this statement, Li Chunfeng and Li Chunfeng, who also saluted, hurriedly raised their hands to the phantom, and the voice came out:

"Then please ask Dongguo to lead the way."

At the same time, under the Xuantianmu in the center of the Royal Garden, a large round table was placed, and on the round table, a dazzling array of dishes were being placed hot, exuding a mouth-watering fragrance.

At the dining table, Zhao Yu sat on the main seat, leaning back and flipping through a book, while the young emperor sat with a smile on his face beside the young emperor, and in his arms, he held two pink jade carvings. Little Doll.

Seeing the lively Wei Young, Wu Lingling's eyes rolled in her eye sockets, staring at the delicious food exuding the delicious fragrance in front of him, and swallowing secretly.

There was a piece of carved and lifelike fruit in front of Wei Young, and at this moment it exuded the temptation that the little girl could not resist, and then a little hand secretly stretched out, taking advantage of the rouge behind him, and quietly stretched out to the fruit in front.

But at the next breath, before Wei Young's little hand was firmly grasped, a book went from top to bottom, gently patted on the back of the former's hand, and then the gentle voice of the young emperor came out:

"Xiao Weiyang, people are not yet there, so you are not allowed to steal food."

Then the little girl withdrew her little hands, put her hands behind her back, her face was ashamed.

"I know, father!"

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