The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1673: Winter wind a glass of wine

"Come, toast and drink together, spend the festive season together, the end of the world has this time!"

Along with the entire Shenzhou vast land, all the cheers sounded in unison, a smiling Daxia citizens raised their wine glasses together, together with the continuous sound of fireworks above the sky, and then drank with one mouth open.

"Madam, give me another glass of wine. Today is a good day, so I am greedy for a few drinks."

In the eastern outskirts of Shenjing City, in a courtyard near Dao Palace, Chu Zhengyang, with a handsome face and an elegant temperament, put down the wine glass in his hand gently, and looked at the extremely beautiful Mrs. Chu dressed in front of him, his voice continued. Rumor:

"In previous years, Wen Xiuqi, a lonely old man, would come to our house for the New Year. This year, he went to the White Emperor's Palace to have a New Year's Eve dinner with Your Majesty. It was a pity that he even had to drink peach blossom wine cautiously."

"Husband, Mr. Wen said before entering the palace, he will still come today, but he will be late, and he also ordered that the wine and dishes be warmed, and he has to drink with him."

After the gentle voice came from Chu Fu's population, this middle-aged young woman with the skin still as delicate as a girl picked up the flask, filled the glass in front of Chu Zhengyang, and listened to the latter's mellow voice.

"Madam, you don't know. Your Majesty has invited a large number of old people this time. These old people don't say otherwise, this drinking is definitely a good hand.

"Madam, you also know that Old Man Wen is a master at making wine, but he can't drink. This will presumably be on the ground."

"Then I'll cook a hangover soup, and I can drink it later when Mr. Wen comes back."

A gentle smile appeared on Madam Chu’s face, and then she put down the wine bottle in her hand and was about to get up, but watched another wine glass on the table gently push it, and the hand holding this wine glass was white and slender. It is Chu Yanyan who has become more and more generous.

"Yanyan, you?"

There was a trace of surprise in Madam Chu's eyes, and then the girl blinked her eyes playfully, and said in a crisp voice:

"Mother, I want to drink too."

"You are a girl who doesn't drink well at home. Besides, Yanyan, you are still young."

Before Mrs. Chu's last little character fell, Chu Zhengyang's voice next to him immediately sounded:

"Madam, Yanyan is a big girl now. At the end of last year, it was in time. According to the Daxia law, you can drink."

Although Chu Zhengyang's voice contained a smile, Mrs. Chu was still stunned for a few breaths at this moment, her expression changed, and after a few breaths, she reacted, and said in a very complicated way:

"My daughter, she really grew up in a blink of an eye."

After the sigh fell, Mrs. Chu still raised the flask and filled the glass of wine with great care in front of Chu Yanyan.

The pale pink syrup slowly fills up from the wine glass, and at the same time reflects the girl’s soft and delicate face. Compared with a few years ago, today’s girl has lost her childishness and slightly outlines the raised corners of her mouth, calm and stable. .

Then Chu Yanyan raised his hand to hold the wine glass, and the response came out:

"Mother, daughter and Qi are the latest among the people around. You still think I grow fast. Am I always a child in your eyes?"

After the voice fell, Mrs. Chu put down the hip flask, and a natural voice sounded:

"As long as you haven't married yet, you are naturally a child in the mother's eyes."

"Then my mother is going to support me for the rest of my life."

A smile flashed in Chu Yanyan's eyes, and then he lifted the wine glass, facing Chu Zhengyang in front of him with a single move, the crisp voice continued:

"Father, let's go with father and daughter?"

"Hahaha, I didn't think that Chu Zhengyang actually had a chance to meet her daughter, it's amazing, really amazing!"

Wearing a purple robe, Chu Zhengyang laughed up to the sky, then raised his wine glass and lightly touched the cup in Chu Yanyan's hand in front of him.


There was a soft sound, and the pink syrup in the cup rippled slightly, and suddenly a very mellow aroma of wine spread outward, filling every corner of the house.

Peach blossom wine is one of the two most prestigious wines in the world. The aroma is abundant, and after spreading out of the void, just a scent of the taste can make two red clouds float on the cheeks.

At the next breath, Chu Yanyan opened his red lips and toasted and took a sip of peach blossom wine. This was the first time the girl drank, and she drank the extremely precious Tao Gong peach blossom, and then a more ruddy luster appeared on the girl’s face. The eyes are directly narrowed.

"Cough cough cough."

Perhaps the first sip was a bit harsh, even though the peach blossom wine was much softer than other spirits, but Chu Yanyan subconsciously began to cough, and then Chu Zhengyang in front of him continued to open his mouth and let out a big laugh. Open the mouth:

"Girl, drink slowly. This wine is different from what you think. In our summer, even the softest peach blossom wine is strong."

After the words fell, Chu Yanyan frowned slightly, but still drank the jelly in the wine glass. After closing his eyes for a moment, he said faintly:

"Not bad."

The voice fell slightly, and the girl wanted to continue to speak, but her cheeks suddenly became more red, and she subconsciously opened her mouth to burp, making Chu Zhengyang laugh, and hurriedly waved her hand and said:

"Enough is enough, girl, just have a drink, or you will get drunk."

After speaking, Chu Zhengyang took the lead to stand up and walk towards the outside of the house. A voice full of magnetism came out:

"Come on, girl, accompany me out to see the fireworks, and let me sober up by the way."

After about ten breaths, the gate of the courtyard in the eastern suburbs of the gods opened slowly. The figures of the father and the daughter gradually walked out of the door. Then there was a wind with a thick smoke and fire, and the front was empty. Blowing from the street, blowing on the faces of the two.

The lingering wind cleared the girl's dizzy head a lot, and then Chu Yanyan turned his head habitually and looked at another small courtyard next to him.

Sure enough, this small yard that has never been opened in these years is still dark with lights and the door closed, like an old man who has fallen into a long sleep and may never be able to wake up again.

It is true that after the cotton-hat boy left this bitter tea courtyard, guarded by the imperial city guards, and entered the Baidi Palace with the power of surrender, the father and daughter understood that this small courtyard , Should not be turned on again.

Disappointment accumulates, and when it accumulates, it becomes numbness.

After that, Chu Yanyan turned his head, his face returned to normal, and he looked up at the fireworks blooming above the sky, as if he was hesitant to speak.

After a long time, the girl made up her mind and murmured:

"Father, there is something I want to tell you."

After the voice fell, the girl took another deep breath, and continued to speak in her voice every word:

"Next year I want to leave Shenjing City and take a look outside."

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