If it is said that the majestic cities on the Taixuan earth are the foundation for the foothold and development of the major forces, then in the Chaos Deity Sea, its status will be replaced by the Guixu Tower.

The turbulent chaotic sea water in the Miserable God Sea is completely condensed from the substantive reincarnation dead energy, which can dissolve and corrode everything in the world.

Even if it is a weapon of the gods that is galloping in the land of the profound mystery, under the turbulent flow of this dead sea, it will not last for too long, and it will completely turn into nothingness.

God soldiers are still like this, not to mention ordinary ships and earth tile buildings, so it is impossible to appear in this completely dead world, but the Guixu Tower is different.

No one knows the secret behind this tower, but its importance in the sea of ​​chaos is beyond doubt, especially for the sleepless people in the sleepless religion.

Because these towers, which are extremely rare in the Chaos Sea, are the only foundation for the sleepless in this Dead Sea, and the only little comfort left in countless years!

"The weight that remains unchanged for countless years is enough to drive people completely crazy. I no longer know how many years I have stayed in this chaotic sea."

Above the sea, a huge dead ship of reincarnation slammed forward towards the misty tower ahead, and then on board, the voice from the sleepless man continued:

"Mian Jiuliu, do you remember how long you have lived?"

As soon as this question came out, beside this sleepless person, a slender blue and gray figure called Mian Jiuliu, with a thoughtful look on his face, the response came out:

"Master Huiyao, after waking up from the Guixu Tower in the middle of the Chaos Sea, by this time, it is estimated to be more than 30,000 years."

"Thirty thousand years ago."

The murmured voice came from the sleepless person Yao, and then his eyes narrowed, and his hoarse voice continued to sound:

"It was a good time more than 30,000 years ago, and it was also a time when the number of sleepless sects was blown out, because at that time there was a great battle in the entire Taixuan Land, and even the Xianting Sacred Palace was completely destroyed. The unworldly wizard fell into the sand, and even the so-called six reincarnations were shattered because of the **** battle.

"Therefore, in the Guixu Pagoda in the Chaos Sea, countless souls are vomited out every day, and then swallowed by the congregation. Other things may be gradually forgotten because they are too long, but the carnival 30,000 years ago, this The seat is still fresh!"

When the sleepless man said this, his face was aftertaste, his eyes also shining with a look of nostalgia.

It is true that Tai Xuan Land and Chaos Sea are completely opposites, the two are declining and the other is growing, and the destruction and war in Tai Xuan Land is undoubtedly a complete carnival for Chaos Sea.

"My lord, thirty thousand years ago, the number of sleepless people who were thrown into the chaotic sea by Guixu Pagoda along with the next was actually quite a lot, but besides being corroded by the sea on the spot, most of them were swallowed by the rest of sleepless people. .

"Because I was taken as a sleeper by an adult, I was lucky enough to survive."

There is piety and respect in the voice of Mian Ninety-Six. As the only aboriginal in the Chaos Sea, the Mian Nian Sect, which consists of them, adheres to the naked jungle law.

There is no race, human relationship, or blood relationship. Any fetters in this chaotic ocean are floating clouds, and some only become stronger without breaking the method.

"It is said that the cultivators in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm do not compromise for the so-called immortality, and some even try to become sleepless people in order to obtain this ability. It is a joke.

At the next breath, the sleepless person named Yao opened his mouth and let out a disdainful sneer, and the harsh voice continued:

"This feeling of life or death is the cruelest punishment in the world. It's like being trapped in a lonely sea forever, unable to escape."

After speaking, the head of the sleepless person, Yao, directly stretched out his right hand and slapped his forehead heavily. After an ear-splitting roar, the head of the sleepless person was completely shattered without fancy, outwards. Exploded into countless pieces.

However, in the next instant, this headless body did not fall backwards, but instead raised both hands, lifted it upward, and rubbed out a head that was exactly the same as the original one.

Later, Lao put this extremely scary head back on his neck at will, and at the same time the two began to merge with each other, and in a blink of an eye they were completely merged into one, and the harsh voice continued to spread:

"They probably don’t know how vulnerable those sleepless people who are immortal and immortal in their eyes are in the Chaos Sea. Sometimes a big fish only needs a bite to eat a small fish. The only chance to change destiny is one. !"

At this point, the two sleepless people on the dead ship of Samsara, their blue-gray eyes became extremely enthusiastic at the same time, and the roar and roar rolled outwards:

"That is to completely occupy a Guixu Tower and become a Chaos Lord!"

The roar fell, and two eyes that suddenly became particularly hot and greedy, shot from the reincarnation ship, staring straight at the nine-story Guixu Pagoda hidden in the roaring and undulating sea, and the harsh voice continued to resound through the sea:

"It is said that once you become a lord, you can gradually restore the memories of the past. The deity wants to know who I am!"

After the icy voice fell, Yao, the sleepless man, raised his foot and stepped heavily on the ship of reincarnation under him, and then the big ship under him darted forward at a fast speed, and once again moved forward.

As the saying goes, Wangshan ran to death, coupled with the void above the Chaos Sea, because of the death air that spread everywhere, it produced a very strange distortion, so don’t look at the nine-story Guixu Pagoda just in front of the big ship. Place, but after a long time, it was still not completely close.

However, for the sleepless people in the Chaos Sea, time is the least valuable. Therefore, although the desire for the hot color in the eyes of these two sleepless people is getting stronger, they still maintain their indifferent appearance.

Finally, after the sleepless person headed by the so-called Yao smashed his head dozens of times as a pastime, the dead ship of Samsara rushed into a hollow space, and then the ship disappeared directly in place. .

When this ship of reincarnation drilled out again, it completely crossed the extreme distance and appeared on the sea not far from the bank of Guixu Tower.

The next breath came from the colorful camouflage light from the tall tower in front, shining on the blue-gray faces of the two of them, and at the same time revealing the appearance of the front.

After an instant, the eyes of these two sleepless people suddenly widened, because not far from the tower of the ruins, a huge gap appeared directly at the end of the line of sight.

This gap is not small in span, and at the same time, the billowing chaotic sea sinks down from the gap, as if it was swallowed directly by a huge mouth, and then the voice from the sleepless man came out:

"In addition to the Guixu Tower, there is actually a chaotic crack in the sea, weird, weird!"

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