
Accompanied by the earth-shattering roar of the chaotic sea under the feet, the huge dead ship of reincarnation galloping above the surging sea, the entire hull was pushed into the air, and then crashed down.

Although turbulence and violent turmoil are the normal state of the Chaos Sea, what made the two sleepless people on the ship frowned, the closer to the nine-story Guixu Pagoda, the sea became more violent.

"Master Yao, there is a strong breath of void in front of it, indicating that the chaos gap is a real way to the void outside the domain."

After the hoarse voice of Soul Ninety-Six fell, the sleepless person Yao, whose face gradually became dignified next to him, stretched out his hands again and tore it outward against the tumbling sea in front of him.

But in the next breath, the originally expected appearance of the chaotic seawater cracking outward did not appear, and the roaring seawater still raged in front of him. This situation indicated that this strange sea area could not be kneaded by the former at will.

"This power of the void is so powerful that it can even be compared to the extremely fiercely contested chaotic gap."

After the sleepless man Yao finished speaking, he fixed his gaze at the seawater gap that gradually enlarged in his eyes, and continued to speak:

"It is said that a few days ago, a gap between the Chaos Sea and the Taixuan Land returned to a sleepless god's Ao, which set off a huge wave in the entire Chaos Sea, and even the power of the religion must avoid its edge."

Although the Chaos Sea and the Taixuan Land are two opposites, neither the sleepless people nor the living creatures in the Taixuan Land can enter the opposite world without special conditions, but this does not mean that the two Those are not without contacts.

And among them, such as the fragmented void crack above the nine heavens of the northern realm, it is one of the channels connecting the two realms.

These passages are large or small, some are just formed, and most of them already existed when the heaven and the earth were born.

Just as the sleepless person said, these passages are the focus of the battle between Taixuan and Chaos Sea, and the two sides have been fighting for countless years around these areas.

If the internal fighting in the Taixuan Land is a civil strife, then fighting against the Insomnia is a real foreign enemy!

"Although the chaos gap is very important, its going is full of danger. No one knows what will rush out of it at some point. Perhaps it is the **** of sleeplessness.

"However, this Supreme Profound Land has been fighting against each other for so long and we have been in a stalemate, but there have been some very subtle changes in the situation recently."

After the harsh voice continued to come from Yao's mouth, Mian Nii-Six next to him, his eyes moved, and the response sound came out:

"My lord, are you talking about the 300-year truce ordered by the leader?"

"It's not just that."

After Yao finished speaking, he continued to raise his foot and stepped heavily on the big ship below. At the next breath, the dead ship of reincarnation began to sail to the side, trying to bypass the chaotic gap in front of the rail, and the sound came out again. Road:

"For the immortal and immortal sleepless people I am waiting for, 300 years is almost a blink of an eye. It’s just that the teachings have not been peaceful recently. The appearance of the sleepless gods in the North Sea has caused chaos in the teachings. People are eager to move, and on the other hand, there is a very hot news that is faintly circulating."

Speaking of this, this Yao, who is also quite capable in Wumianjiao, did not sell Guanzi, but directly spoke:

"It is said that Lord Master and the Holy Court of Taixuan Land reached a three-hundred-year truce, but they were severely pitted. After the projection of will fell on Taixuan, they were directly shattered!"

After the sound came out, the sleepless person Yao sighed forward and said quietly:

"You and I were arranged to be in such a remote place this time, perhaps because there will be a big change in this teaching, and I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse to stay away from disputes!"

"My lord, it looks like blessing at the moment. Look, there is movement ahead!"

After a sound of horror came out of Mian Ni’s mouth, he raised his hand and pointed at the Guixu Pagoda in front of him. In an instant, next to the nine-story Guixu Pagoda surrounded by turbulent seawater, the chaotic rift, Suddenly, a mighty storm tornado gushes out.

The gray-black tornado rises vigorously. From a distance, it looks like a spear piercing the sky from above the sea. At the same time, within the spear, countless spirits flew back and forth, and emitted bursts of spirits. Extremely frightened breath.

"The soul tide, there is a soul tide, this is a great opportunity for heaven to descend, first the tower of the ruins, and then the soul tide, such a chance against the heavens, did you win the favor of the Chaos Death Mother?"

After the murmur of Mian Ninety-Six fell, Yao, the sleepless person beside him, could no longer remain calm, and uttered a long scream from his face:

"The Chaos Dead Mother will go up again and sleeplessly teach Yao, willing to live forever as your servant!"

After a breath, Yao's slender body soared up into the sky, got out of the black ship directly below him, and began to run wildly on the violent sea.

Afterwards, above this chaotic sea area, two black shadows pierced through the void and rushed forward, directly like two arrows from the string, tearing apart the tumbling sea water in front, and quickly approaching the nine-story tower of Guixu in front.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, a more violent roar was accompanied by the soul tide sweeping upward like a hurricane, bursting from the chasm of the Chaos Sea, resounding throughout the world.

Then an extremely vast suction power came from the Ruins Tower, and it began to draw the soul storm closer, and tried to swallow the tornado soul wave directly.

"The Guixu Pagoda is devouring the soul wave. This is simply a perfect opportunity. Godsends me, and Godsends me!"

A whistling sound with excitement came from the sleepless man Yao, then he lowered his body and squirmed behind his back before spreading out a pair of huge hideous wings.

Compared with his own, the blue-gray wings behind Yao are particularly huge. After occupying more than half of the sea, he slammed into the nine-story tower of Guixu.

After spreading his wings, Yao, the sleepless man, his forward speed almost reached the extreme.

Although the surface of this chaotic sea cannot be torn into the void due to the existence of chaotic rifts, the former, whose power of sleeplessness has been raised to its limit, is like a teleport every time it inflames its wings.

"If you want to swallow the soul tide, this Guixu Tower must be opened, and as long as the deity can enter the tower with this, becoming a lord is also within easy reach!"

More and more violent and evil voices resounded through the sky, and after just a word, the figure of the sleepless man waving his wings appeared outside the Guixu Tower.

At the same time, as the soul tide tornado approached, this nine-story tower, which had been silent for so many years, suddenly began to shine.

The misty and splendid light began to appear on the first layer, followed by the second layer, layer after layer upward.

After an instant, returning to the Ruins Tower, a will exploded and swept outward.

"This seat is really favored by the Chaos Death Mother!"

Yao roared again, full of infinite madness!

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