The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1679: Human spirit

An unknown place in the Chaos Sea, the Guixu Pagoda shrouded in dazzling light, layer after layer lit up.

It looks like this, just like the Sitian Pagoda in the capital city during the New Year's Day, accompanied by the splendid fireworks around it, under the gaze of countless people, the first step is lit up, which means step by step.

It's just that, at this time, the Great Xia God Capital is celebrating the whole world, and trillions of people are carnival to celebrate the festive season, but in the Chaos Sea, countless miles away, the scenes around the tower are completely different.

The roaring turbulent chaotic sea water, the tornado soul wave that obscures the sky, and the infinite sleepless man with his wings hanging in the air, while Yao's wanton roar, accompanied by the sound of soul, rolls out:

"Thank you for the mercy of Chaos Dead Mother!"

For all sleepless people in the Chaos Deity Sea, there is a supreme name in this world of death.

That is the mother of chaos!

It is no exaggeration to say that this place where death and chaos are intertwined is the imprisonment of the Chaos Dead Mother, and even the leader of Sleepless Sect is a subject of the former.

When every sleepless person is born, all the memories of his life will disappear, but the admiration of the Chaos Dead Mother is engraved to the deepest part of these dead souls.

Although the Death Mother of Chaos is the supreme ruler of this world, but for some reason, it has never come down for countless years, as if she was dismissive of this place, and she would ignore it no matter what situation she encountered.

And the sleepless person in this sea, the only thing that can establish contact with his dead mother is the Tower of Guixu in front of Yao at this time.

From inside the tower of Guixu Tower that shines outward, the vast will that spreads outward, even though it is far away, can still clearly feel the vastness and supreme power from it.

And when this will spread outwards and directly swept over the surrounding chaotic seas, the turbulent chaotic seas directly surrendered as if they had seen their own masters, becoming calm and motionless.

After a breath, the ethereal will directly swept over the sleepless person who was suspended in the air, like a burst of magical powers bursting out, making the latter's howling abruptly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Yao spread his wings and fell like a kite with a broken line. It fell into the sea and caused countless water waves.

After a while, the sleepless person, Yao, crawled out from under the sea, knelt directly on his knees, and kept kowtow to the tower of Guixu in front of him. At the same time, a pious voice came from his mouth:

"Mother Chaos is here, please receive my sincerest greetings."

After another breath of time, that lofty will instantly disappeared without a trace, and the sea began to boil more turbulently, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

The situation changed between the moments, and the sleepless person's face was in a trance for a moment, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

But in the next instant, the soul tide gushing out from the chaos rift has already turned into a storm that obscures the sky and the sun, and it is approaching quickly with a harsh whistling.

The closer the Soul Tide Tornado is to the Tower of Guixu, the stronger the suction from the latter, and at the same time the entire surface of the sea begins to sink. This indicates that the seemingly smoke-like Soul Tide in front of you actually has an incalculable amount. weight.

"My lord, the soul tide is here, and the tower of the ruins will be opened soon. Time is not waiting!"

Under the shocking vision of the sea shaking and the sky shaking, the long-awaited Mian Ninety-six voice sounded in Yao's ear, and the latter finally recovered under the magnificent will just now, and suddenly raised his head and stared. The front is like a violent scene of two stars blasting against each other, and the voices of each word are heard:

"Even the chaotic sea under our feet is sinking, enough to see how many souls are contained in this soul tide.

"If such a large number of souls can be swallowed by the deity, plus the ruins tower in front of me, let alone the Lord of Chaos, I can even jump into a bishop-level existence."

In the words of the sleepless person, Yao, there was a strong and extremely crazy mood. It is true that everything that happened before his eyes was a dream for anyone in the sleepless teaching.

First is a tower of the ruins that no one knows about, and the chaotic rift that is also unknown outside the tower, and then there are countless soul tides that spew from the rift.

In other words, this means that not only a luxurious palace that can settle down in the Chaos Sea has fallen from the sky, but it has even given a powerful cultivation base that can reach the sky in one step.

All of this is just like an arrangement in the dark. The two sleepless people standing on the sea were dizzy and felt particularly unreal.

"The Sea of ​​Chaos is an extremely barren dead place. There is only one explanation for such an opportunity to fall from the sky, and that is the favor of the Chaos Dead Mother.

"Wu Yao actually won the favor of Chaos Death Mother!"

After this word came out, the corners of Yao's mouth rose, and among the blue-gray eyes, a glow of heat suddenly rose, and he took a step forward, and the voice continued:

"Mian Ninety-Six, do you know that it is said that our leader nowadays is among all the immortal sleepless people, even the very young category.

"The reason why it can rise so quickly is that it has been favored by the Chaos Death Mother. In the Chaos Sea, the death mother's favor is the most heaven-defying opportunity."

After speaking, Yao, who had regrown wings on his back, continued to wave his wings fiercely, and his figure continued to move forward like an arrow from the string, leaving only a whispering word that became more and more mad:

"But now, look at the scene in front of you. What does this mean? It means Feng Shui turns around. This time, this opportunity finally comes to the deity!"

Before the words fell, in front of the two, the soul tide storm that ran through the entire world, between the moments, directly crashed into the tower of Guixu above the sea.

In the next instant, with this Guixu Tower as the center, a clear and incomparable vibration suddenly sounded over the surrounding large area of ​​sea.


After the sound came out, the soul wave and the Tower of Guixu completely blasted at the same place, but strangely, there was no earth-shaking violent noise in front, and at the same time, every layer of the Tower of Guixu was shining brightly. Put it down, and the suction from the center to the outside reached its peak in an instant.

In the next instant, the top of Guixu Pagoda opened outwards under a burst of dazzling dazzling light, and then, like an open huge mouth, directly began to swallow the endless souls in this soul tide.


The harsh sound that fell like thunder, resounded extremely densely in this chaotic sea.

At the same time, the energy and fluctuations produced by the Guixu Tower swallowing the souls rushed from the front, and then the two sleepless men looked up and began to stare at the horrible scene in front of them like a dragon absorbing water, and a muttering voice came out. :

"What kind of soul is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

The murmur fell down, following the sight of the two, you would find that the spirits rushing into the tower of Guixu at this time covered the sky and the sun, each of them was eight feet tall, with hands and feet, and wearing standard armor.

It is Human Race!

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