The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1680: The roar in the ruins

At the corner of the endless Chaos Sea, everything that is happening at this time is not known to the rest of the people except for the two sleepless people standing under the tower of Guixu.

But no one knows, when countless years, this first storm surge filled with human spirits, gushing from the chaos gap and rushing into the tower of the ruins, will bring to this world of death only. .

The rotation of all things in the whole world is always interlocking. Perhaps at this time, this very inconspicuous butterfly on the sea of ​​chaos, the wings slightly inflamed at this time can set off infinite waves in the future.

This huge wave will not only engulf the Chaos Sea, but even sweep the entire world!

Everything is full of unknowns. Even the top-level overhaul cannot guarantee to see every change in the future. However, standing in front of the Tower of Guixu at this time, the two sleepless people who witnessed the violent changes in front of them have the same heart. There was a boundless storm.

The tower of the ruins in front of me, which has completely changed its appearance in an instant, does not have the silent appearance of the turbulent waves just now. It is like a sharp sword that has been dusted for countless years, and it begins to explode. Edge.

The vast and unparalleled suction power came from the tower, allowing the unimaginable weight within this soul wave, it was still completely swallowed by mouthfuls without resistance.


After the steady stream of souls was swallowed by the Guixu Tower, a violent and strong aura began to roll out from the resurrected Guixu Tower, and even the sleepless person who wanted to step forward, Yao, back Boom flying one step.

"Mian Ninety-Six, it seems that I have underestimated the Guixu Pagoda in front of me, even if it is not as big as the central ones, but the power of reincarnation contained in it is not inferior."

The voice that came from Yao's mouth gradually took on a solemn color after being wild.

Everyone knows that every sleepless person must have been a great person with a shocking deeds before his death. Even if all his memories are erased, the instinct engraved in the soul is still reminding Yao that what is happening before him may not be as good as As he had imagined before.

But there are things under the sky and the earth, even if there is a little hope, people can't help but try.

For the two sleepless people, this is the situation in front of the Guixu Pagoda that is constantly devouring the soul tide. Then Yao no longer hesitates, and starts to mobilize the reincarnation death energy accumulated in his body for countless years, facing There was a roar in front:

"No matter what the mystery is, this chance is destined to belong to this seat!"

Before the roar fell, the sleepless man made a fist and blasted a punch directly at the void in front of him. With the next breath, the power of returning to the ruins pouring out in front of the former was directly torn open a huge hole.

After that, Yao and Mian Ninety-Six both pressed their feet and stepped on the sea, rushing forward with waves of energy.

"Open this seat!"

Shaking his wings, Yao rushed forward, while blasting countless punches in front of him. Even in Sleepless Sect, his cultivation was superior, so he tore away obstacles all the way and moved faster and faster.

After more than a hundred breaths of time, the turbulent and tumbling waves in front of the ruins tower exploded directly to both sides, and then two figures directly rushed out of it, and not far in front of the two, it was layers of shining light. The moving tower of the ruins.

Only when you come directly below Guixu Pagoda can you experience the vastness and magnificence of this tower. At the same time, after the tower is fully revived, a line of stairs made up of mists stretches down from the first tower and spans the entire The void appears directly above the sea level.

"The ladder to the ruins, my lord, the appearance of this ladder means that the tower has been completely awakened, and it also means that it has established a connection with the reincarnation of the surrounding seas. Once the tower is controlled, it can directly become noble. Incomparable Chaos Lord!"

In the voice of Mian Thirty-Six's opening, there was excitement and an inexplicable look.

Then he just wanted to speak, his face suddenly changed wildly, his eyes widened, his eyes filled with incredible colors.

I saw a ferocious arm, which stretched out from the front and pierced directly into his chest.

After that, Mian Niu-Six slowly raised her head, staring in front of him and turning around, his eyes were extremely cold, and an incredible voice came out:

"My lord, I am your sleeper, why?"

"Although Mianshi's life and death are in the hands of Mianzhu, there are exceptions in everything, and such an opportunity is ahead, and the deity does not allow such an exception to exist in front of such a great opportunity."

After the icy hoarse voice fell, Yao's right hand that pierced into the chest of the figure in front of him suddenly clenched, and then squeezed it hard, and the latter directly let out an extremely painful muffled grunt.

After the next breath, Yao's extremely cold voice continued to sound:

"Among so many sleeping ambassadors of the deity, you are just a trash who can't even remember your name when you wake up, but you are trying to step into this ruins tower with your deity. Are you worthy?"

As the voice fell, Yao opened his mouth, grinning rapidly outward, and then opened wider and wider, directly swallowing Mian Ninety-Six in front of him.

In this chaotic sea, there is an absolute surrender relationship between the sleeper and the sleeper, and this is the rule followed by this place of death.

But as Yao said, there are exceptions to everything, and the situation where the Mianshi counteracts the Mianzhu has not never happened in the history of Chaos Sea for countless years.

"Kika, Kika!"

A terrifying chewing sound came from Yao's mouth, and then it completely swallowed Mian Ninety-Six, and then the unclear voice came out:

"Although Devouring you will be censored by the teachings, but compared with this big opportunity, all this is worth it!"

After the voice fell, the entire face was plunged into a distorted Yao no longer hesitating, he turned around, raised his foot, and stepped heavily on the stairs of Guixu behind him.


After this step, the entire Guixu Tower seemed to roar directly, and after an instant, Yao's eyes became frantic.

Because in his induction, everything that was originally extremely violent began to disappear, the boiling sound of chaotic sea water, the howling sound of energetic energy sweeping outward, and the roar of soul tide being swallowed all disappeared.

The void in Yao's body, bounded by the ladder of return to the ruins under his feet, composed of faint light, was divided into two completely different worlds at this moment.

Then the whole body reincarnates dead, and Yao boils violently at an unprecedented level, and continues to lift his legs up, step by step up the stairs.


A long howl continued to roll out of Yao's mouth, and then he continued to dash forward. After a hundred breaths, a huge portal to the ruins stood in front of the sleepless person.

At the same time, within the portal, deafening roars passed down:

"The soldiers of the Wuying dynasty made a vow that their souls will enter the imperial mausoleum to transform the yin soldiers after death to guard the community for generations to come!"

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