"After you die, you won't enter the cycle of reincarnation, and you will turn into a yin soldier to make the imperial mausoleum forever!

Above the turbulent Chaos Sea, the golden gate of Guixu Tower pierced through the sky and the horizontal fence on the void platform. At the same time, the roar of countless soldiers from behind the door rang through the ears.

Then Yao, the sleepless man who stepped on the stairs and rushed wildly, heard the roar in his ears, his steps slowed down a little, and a muttering voice came out:

"This so-called Ying dynasty, is it a certain earthly kingdom in the Taixuan Land?"

When this word fell, Yao raised his head and stared at the golden gate that was becoming more dazzling in his line of sight. He immediately threw away the slightly floating thoughts, leaving only fanaticism in his eyes.

All sleepless people, at the moment of awakening, will completely sever all the fetters of their previous lives, including memories, so no matter how brilliant these souls have been, even the immortal gods of the fairy court, the holy palace, will return to the market. The towers are just ordinary little souls at the mercy of others.

"No matter what race you souls come from, or what identity they are, these are not important, because they will be completely swallowed by the deity immediately and become part of the deity's promotion to Chaos Lord."

A more reckless and arrogant roar came from Yao's mouth, and then his feet violently force, his whole body leapt up, and instantly appeared in front of the gate of Guixu Tower.

In the next breath, the sleepless figure who no longer hesitated, directly stretched out his right hand, mobilized the dead energy of the whole body, and pressed hard against the gate of the nine-story tower in front.


Under the huge amount of reincarnation and death, the golden gate of the ruins of the ruins tower did not cause much obstacle to Yao, and it suddenly separated from both sides. Then the former's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to raise his leg and step into it. .

As soon as he entered the Guixu Pagoda, all the oppressive force originally exerted on his body suddenly dissipated. As a sleepless man who has struggled in the Chaos Sea for unknown years, although Yao did not personally control a Guixu Pagoda, he did not mean it. He didn't know the structure of this tower.

In a sense, this nine-story tower is actually a shrinking city of Chaos!

Compared with the lonely chaotic sea, the Guixu Pagoda with exquisite buildings on each floor is undoubtedly a paradise in a paradise. Finding a safe and comfortable shelter is the instinct contained in the souls of all creatures.

Therefore, I completely entered the first floor of the Guixu Tower, looked around, the blue-gray eyes were full of intoxication, and when I thought of this in the Chaos Sea, the treasure that everyone dreams of is about to be controlled by myself. , Yao's body, which was completely composed of reincarnation, began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Lord, is this the fetish owned by the lord?"

An increasingly enthusiastic voice came out, and after a long time, Yao reacted and started looking for an upward channel.

There are rumors that the existence of the Tower of Guixu is the residence of the Chaos Death Mother in this world of death. Therefore, everything in it is the most exquisite appearance, and will never be corrupted or even damaged.

But for the sleepless person at this time, these dazzling and dazzling gorgeous items in front of him are not the point. Even in the eyes of sleepless people, the so-called beauty and ugliness are long gone.

What determines the rules in the Chaos Sea is only the difference between strength and fall. Therefore, after looking around, he was surrounded by lifeless Yao, directly ignoring the surrounding objects for decoration, and the muttering voice came out:

"According to the words of the lords before, if you want to control the entire Guixu Pagoda, you must swallow the Guixu core in this tower. This core should be on the top floor. In order to avoid long night dreams, the deity must speed up!"

When the voice fell, Yao no longer hesitated, and directly locked onto the light ladder in the deepest part of the first-story hall, turning it into a fuzzy shadow, appearing on the ladder in a blink of an eye, and continued to climb.

As a prerequisite for the Lord of Chaos, the Tower of Guixu, its internal role and function are extremely powerful, and each layer of the tower has an extremely powerful role.

But I have to say that this sleepless man, Yao, who was suddenly hit by a great opportunity, has an unusually firm will, regardless of the power of temptation around him, rushing along the way, without the slightest hesitation or pause.

Since stepping into this Guixu Pagoda, Yao, who has lived in the Chaos Sea for countless years, can feel that the space around his body has been completely stripped away, and the true height and scale of this Guixu Pagoda is even more The outside of the tower looks hundreds or thousands of times larger.

In other words, the mystery contained in this tower is even deeper than those in the middle of the Chaos Sea. When thinking about this, the sleepless man Yao will use his feet harder, like an arrow from the string, straight Straight up.

The second floor, the third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor and the sixth floor!

Under the circumstances where his mind was infinitely turbulent, Yao even forgot the passage of time around him. There was only one thought in his mind, which was to completely control the tower of the ruins and become the lord of the sea of ​​chaos.

Finally, after an unknown period of time, the seventh floor of the Guixu Tower was directly passed through by one of them, and then the blue-gray figure rushed directly onto the stairs leading to the eighth floor.

And at this moment, in Yao's ears, the roar of countless souls lingering before suddenly resounded again, and they became denser and louder.

"Yongzhen imperial mausoleum, kill and kill!"

These unwilling roars, together with the extremely strong iron-blooded evil spirit, rolled down from the top of the stairs, forming a sharp edge like a sword stabbing.

However, Yao's complexion did not change, because sleepless people are naturally immune to most of the supernatural powers in the Taixuan Land Yangjian, step forward and rush directly into the eighth layer.

After an instant, the former's slender body directly stayed in place, and a deep and extremely shocked color appeared in the blue-gray eyes.

I saw the very vast space center of this layer, the soul tide sucked in from the outside by Guixu Tower, poured in from top to bottom, forming a black storm pillar.

Looking at this pillar of the storm composed entirely of souls at such a close range is undoubtedly extremely shocking to the soul, but what makes Yao's mind more and more trembling is that the void below the tide of souls directly in front of him, unexpectedly appeared a round of black whirlpool. .

This vortex rotates clockwise, and countless souls rushed into it, all swallowed up, and at the same time, drop after drop of gray liquid, which was completely condensed by the soul's death force, condensed in the air.

"Chaotic Pool, this Guixu Tower is condensing the Chaos Pool as soon as it is opened. Doesn't this mean that a new sleepless person will be born in this tower!"

After the roar came out, Yao's complexion instantly became extremely cold!

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