The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1682: My name is Guan, and my name is Guan Zhengqing

The vast Chaos Sea, if counted by its pure attribute structure, is undoubtedly a world of death.

Since death is the main theme of this world, there should not be anyone with wisdom, so in a sense, the existence of sleepless people is a loophole.

No one can fully understand the secrets and mysteries behind the sleepless people, and even these sleepless people don't even know them, but the birth of the sleepless people cannot be separated from one thing.

It was the Chaos Pool that was gradually condensed on the eighth floor of Guixu Tower at this time!

Sleepless in the Chaos Pool, immortal and immortal for hundreds of millions of years.

This short sentence circulating in the Chaos Sea directly reveals the role of the Chaos Pool.

Every sleepless person was born in the Chaos Pool, so for Yao, who had a heavy face at this time, the gray pool that was gradually condensing under the Soul Surge Storm Pillar was not unfamiliar.

Until this time, even after countless years, Sleepless Zheyao could still remember the scene when he opened his eyes for the first time in the Chaos Pool.

"Damn, damn!"

The harsh and tyrannical curse came from Yao's mouth, and then he watched the terrifying vortex of the increasingly condensed water in the Chaos Pool under the impact of the continuous soul tide. The fierce color in his eyes suddenly appeared, and the voice continued to be heard. :

"The favor of this chaotic dead mother belongs to the deity. No one can compete with the deity, even the new sleepless ones born from the chaotic pond!"

This sentence came decisively from Yao's mouth, and then the sleepless man raised his right hand, almost trying to make a fist, but was unable to make up his mind to shoot.

For countless years, the number of sleepless people born in the Chaos Pool in the entire Chaos Haigui Ruins Pagoda is still unknown, but one thing is certain, the number will certainly not be too many.

On the other hand, the Chaos Pool is like a mother for every sleepless person. Therefore, for countless years, the Chaos Sea Sleepless Sect has passed down a rule.

Any sleepless person is not allowed to attack the Chaos Pool!

It is said that this rule comes from the Chaos Dead Mother, and all sleepless people who break the rule will be obliterated.

In the eighth floor of the Guixu Tower, standing in front of the Chaos Vortex, with his right fist clenched, the sleepless man Yao, who is surging from his body, naturally knows this rule, so the turbulent murderous intent within his blue-gray body rises and shrinks. , The heart fell into infinite entanglement.

It's really because the opportunity in front of him is too jealous. For this great opportunity, since he can kill even the sleeper he can completely control, he is even more reluctant to see a stranger bred in this chaotic pool. Sleepless people.

But the innate awe of the Chaos Death Mother in his heart made Yao hesitate to blast the punch in his hand, because the sleepless man is the masterpiece of the Chaos Death Mother, and the will of the Chaos Death Mother in the Taixuan Land is impossible. Violation of the iron law.

Then a more frenzied qi-cracking machine emerged from the sleepless person Yao, and finally he slowly lowered his fisted right hand and stared in front, and a colder voice came out:

"The teaching stipulates that you can't move after the Chaos Pool is condensed, but it doesn't say that the sleepless can't move after the birth. The deity will completely swallow you the moment you take shape."

This sentence seemed to be trying to persuade himself to fall, and Yao, who had slightly suppressed the turbulent Qi, began to really watch the vortex that was rapidly condensing the Chaos Pool in front of him, and the soul tide tornado that continued to rush down from above.

Then the strange color in Yao's blue-gray eyes emerged, and he opened his mouth and let out a soft voice:

"The soul of this strange race is really strange, even being swallowed by the vortex of chaos, so orderly!"

When the voice fell, I saw that within the soul-tide tornado that penetrated the sky and the earth, human spirits in armor lined up in a neat and uniform line, roaring into the huge whirlpool of shattering souls.

In this way, it seems that these spirits are not lonely and wild ghosts that have been swallowed, but a powerful army galloping on the battlefield, with an order engraved in the soul.

"Not simple, these souls are not simple."

In the memory of the sleepless man, every time a soul wave erupts from a crack for so many years, the endless souls in the tornado storm that soared up to the sky are all wailing and roaring fears, and they are as fast as an army marching. Such a battle is really rare.

In many cases, abnormality means variables, and then the sleepless person Yao takes a step forward, getting closer to the condensing chaotic pool, with his right hand claws, ready to go.

Time passes forward every minute and every second. Although for the sleepless person, the passage of time is almost meaningless, but at this time, for Yao, who is waiting for the chaos vortex to converge, it is the first time he has experienced the long waiting time. torment.

The soul tide rushing down from the top of the self-guixu tower is endless, and after countless Ying Dynasty Yin soldiers lined up into the chaotic vortex, the volleyed Chaos Pool continued to expand outward at a speed visible to the naked eye. One point gradually became a big lake.

Inside the lake, violent waves swept outwards, indicating that the chaotic pool was not calm, as if something special was condensing.

At the next breath, the sleepless man's eyes narrowed fiercely, because a particularly dense bubble began to rise from the depths of the Chaos Pool, and then the swallowing power of the entire Chaos Vortex reached its peak directly between the moments.

More and more souls began to be sucked into the Chaos Pool, and at the same time, denser bubbles rose as if the water in the Chaos Pool was completely boiled. All of this indicated that the Chaos Pool in front of us had condensed and had reached the final juncture.


An increasingly harsh vibration sounded along with the infinite vibration of the void in the eighth floor of the Guixu Pagoda. The next breath, the chaotic pool at the center of this floor began to crack, and the swallowing power of the chaotic vortex gave out an ear-piercing whistle. Even the entire tower began to tremble.

"This is the original core of the Ruins Tower, belonging to the deity!"

Sleepless Yao opened his mouth and let out a sharp roar, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place. After reappearing, he already appeared above the boiling Chaos Pool. At the same time, a shadow slowly emerged from the Chaos Pool.

However, this shadow is not the origin of the Guixu Pagoda expected by the Sleepless Zheyao, but a figure, and as the chaotic pool rolls, the appearance of the former is gradually revealed to the world.

The whole body of this person was a bluish-gray unique to sleepless people, and his face was ordinary, but his posture was particularly upright, and his face with closed eyes had thin lips.

Generally speaking, thin lips also mean life is hard.

His life is indeed bitter!

It is worth mentioning that this figure did not emerge from the Chaos Pool alone, because there was a gun lying next to it. The gun was scarlet and bloody. On the gun, a dragon was entrenched, but perhaps it felt the killing coming from above. The bloodthirsty Yinglong directly looked up to the sky and let out a roar:


Under the dragon roar in the sky, the entire Chaos Pool seemed to have sensed it, and it boiled and burst directly upward, blasting the body of the sleepless man, and slamming it on the wall of the eighth-story Guixu Tower.


There was another loud bang, and the sleepless person Yao's body was blasted into countless fragments, and finally slowly condensed under the force of reincarnation, with a terrible roar:

"Who are you?"

"who am I?"

A young and steady voice came from the mouth of the figure lying on the Chaos Pool. After the voice fell, the murmur continued to sound:

"who am I?"

Perhaps because the memory of the sleepless person was cleared, the figure suddenly fell into silence. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, his lips continued to open, and a voice came out:

"My name is Guan, and my name is Guan Zhengqing."

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