The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1683: Dragon Spear Weeping Blood

Although the sleepless are immortal, do not lead to life, and awaken from the chaos, they are also divided into three, six or nine classes under the basic rules of the weak and the strong.

And the most intuitive talent that distinguishes a sleepless person is whether he can remember his name when he wakes up.

But those who remember their name undoubtedly gained more favor from the Chaos Death Mother, and they could use it as a name for countless years to come, such as at this time in the corner of the eighth floor of the Ruins Tower, slowly reorganizing their body的垚.

The name has an extraordinary meaning for every sleepless person, because it may be the only connection and fetter in the previous life.

"Damn it, **** it!"

The cold and tyrannical voice continued to come from Yao's mouth, and at this time, he almost fell into a complete madness.

Guan Zhengqing, who was in the Chaos Pool just now, opened his eyes at the moment when the Chaos Pool boiled out, engulfing the boundless power of reincarnation, blasting Yao's body to pieces without fancy.

The purity of this reincarnation force is far beyond imagination. Although the body of the sleepless person can reorganize, it is extremely slow.

After a long time, Yao's head gradually condensed, and only two streams of gray-blue liquid flowed down from his eyes, making the former's entire face especially ferocious, and the harsh whistling sound continued to roll out:

"The just-born sleepless person, don't you pay homage after seeing the deity?"

The roar resounded throughout the eighth floor of the Guixu Pagoda, and it kept lingering, but the figure lying on his back in the Chaos Pool did not reply. Guan Zhengqing just lay quietly and gradually became boiling. The gentle pool water was motionless.

Guan Zhengqing, who has become a sleepless person, has blue-gray eyes clearly reflecting the large formation of Yin soldiers lined up above, and even if these Yin soldiers are familiar to him at this time, they can't remember any information.

"who am I?"

The muttering voice continued to be heard from Guan Zhengqing's mouth, the former's thin lips moved, and the ordinary face was still blank.

The sleepless person will forget all the memories of the previous life, and Guan Zhengqing is no exception, but the pain of splitting the memory from the soul makes this young sleepless person a little unaccustomed.


I have to say that the appearance of Guan Zhengqing and his disregard for everything around made the sleepless man, who thought he was in power, plunged into a violent moment for a moment, and then he ignored the lower body that had not yet fully condensed, with his hands into claws, lying in front of him. The figure that was moving was torn severely.

After an instant, in the void on the eighth floor of Guixu Tower, two ferocious sharp claws appeared directly, and they grabbed Guan Zhengqing straight down, almost trying to tear the latter into two halves.

Compared with these two violent claws, Guan Zhengqing's body is so small, but there is no joy on Yao's hideous face, because the Yinglong spear lying next to Guan Zhengqing will suddenly radiate outwards. Incomparable blood light.


In the next breath, a stunned dragon roar, accompanied by the chaotic pool water bursting and boiling again, blasted into the void, and then the entire chaotic pool water began to rotate, bursting out of a huge and incomparable dragon head with fangs exposed.

The blue-gray Yinglong opened his big mouth, and directly smashed the claws he had grabbed with one bite, followed by the huge longan, and stared at the sleepless man who changed wildly in front of him. The vast and endless chakra death spirit began at Condensed within its mouth.

"Impossible, this is impossible. The deity has never heard that in the Sea of ​​Chaos, there will be sleepless people who will be accompanied by weapons as soon as they are born. This is not in line with common sense!"

A strange cry came from Yao's mouth, and then his fists were clenched, and countless fists were blasted at the front.

The void oscillated, and the sleepless death energy turned into a violent storm and rain generally poured out toward the front. At the same time, Chaos Yinglong opened his huge mouth and exhaled the mighty breath of chaos toward the front.


Under the confrontation of the two death powers, the ear-piercing tearing sound blasted into the ears, and the eighth-layer void of the Guixu Tower was like detonating a nuclear bomb composed entirely of reincarnation death energy, bursting out unimaginable violent moments Vaillant.

Then in the turbulent void, the sleepless man waved his wings, tearing apart the chaotic shock wave in front, and stabbing straight ahead like a sharp blade, his roar was shaking the world:

"You are just a sleepless person of the lowest level. Why do you compete with the deity? This opportunity belongs to the deity and no one can take it away. I will not only swallow the core of the ruins tower, but also you."

Before the roar fell, Lao cut through the void figure, and once again approached the Chaos Pool in the center of Guixu Tower. Then, the more and more violent aura began to explode outwards. For this unprecedented opportunity, the sleepless man began to do nothing. Burning his countless years of accumulation without reservation.

Facing the bombardment of the former violent storm, the figure lying in the Chaos Pool still didn't say a word, but in response was a more deafening dragon roar.

After an instant, a scarlet light and shadow suddenly pierced out of the undulating chaos, and in the chaotic sea where the entire void was blue-gray, this different red light was so vivid.

In addition to bright colors, there are powerful, and infinite edges!

The weeping blood dragon roar resounding everywhere clearly showed the loyal will of this dragon spear.

Whether his master is alive or dead, a creature with a beating heart and hot blood, or a sleepless person who has awakened from chaos like this.

The Weeping Dragon Spear never left it, and then appeared where it should appear.

That is before the enemy's chest!

After another breath of time, the weeping blood that appeared on the chest of the sleepless person should respond with a dragon spear, and the **** glow roared, directly tearing away the death breath of reincarnation surrounding the latter and piercing it into it.


A roar of broken glass sounded, the Weeping Dragon Spear completely pierced Yao's chest, and all the way out, nailing the latter to the eighth-story wall of Guixu.

"The deity is a sleepless person, and can be reborn even if the body is broken. How can the ward spear hurt me!"

An increasingly harsh roar came from Yao's mouth, and then he raised his hand and grasped the Weeping Blood Dragon Spear on his chest, trying to pull it out completely, but his expression changed wildly.

Because a blood-red reincarnation death aura suddenly gushed out from the gun, directly transformed into a lifelike weeping blood Yinglong, winding and tightening Yao’s body, and at the same time began to swallow the reincarnation force within the latter’s body. .

"Impossible, why does a gun have the unique swallowing power of the sleepless, you are just a dead thing, you cannot be favored by the Chaos Dead Mother!"

Yao's screaming strange screams continued to be heard continuously, and at the next breath, a steady voice sounded in the center of the Chaos Pool:

"It's noisy."

When the voice fell, Guan Zhengqing, who was lying in the pool, raised his hand and gently shook it. The blood entwined outside the body of the sleepless Yinglong directly opened his mouth and bit Yao's head in one bite.

The roar stopped abruptly, and the whole Guixu Tower on the eighth floor suddenly returned to silence!

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