The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1684: Yin Soldier Reincarnation

Somewhere in the Chaos Sea, the eighth floor of the Guixu Pagoda standing above the turbulent waters took only a few moments from the sharp whistling to the silence again.

Every scale on the body of the Weeping Blood Yinglong is full of chaos and death that is completely different from the surrounding environment, and at the same time, the scarlet lines are densely intertwined and sharp.

In a sense, in the chaotic pool condensed from the center of the eighth floor of the Guixu Tower, the sleepless ones are not one, but two!

In addition to Guan Zhengqing, who was lying motionless in the Chaos Pool at this time, there was also the headless body that entangled the sleepless man, raised his head and roared, weeping **** spear!

In the infinitely long history of the Chaos Sea, it is not known whether a weapon has become a sleepless person, but there is no doubt that this situation is particularly special, at least for the sleepless person, it is unheard of.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

An extremely inaudible voice came from within Yao's body. The latter tried his best to condense his body with chaos and death again, but with little effect.

Because within the body of the Weeping Blood Yinglong wrapped around his body, the power of swallowing swept outwards, and began to assimilate this sleepless man, who was trembling and trembling.

The sleepless one is immortal, but there is a premise, that is not to be swallowed by the same kind!

"Let me go, please let me go!"

The dead force of reincarnation in the body was pumped away at the speed of a flood, and I felt the increasingly weak sleepless man Yao. After riding in the Chaos Sea for countless years, I once again felt the taste of facing death.

Although this feeling is extremely ironic for a sleepless person, this great terror still destroys Yao's line of defense like a ruin, causing the former to open his mouth and beg for mercy:

"Let me go, my lord, I am willing to be your sleeper, my lord, you appear in the Chaos Sea for the first time, and you need a servant, and I know the secret of the Guixu Tower, and I want to completely control this tower, and The surrounding waters must be controlled by the core of the ruins."

An increasingly anxious voice came from the sleepless man Yao's body, and at this time, both his limbs and body began to melt, dripping drops of black reincarnation juice with the same breath. Getting weaker.

"My lord, you need me. Without me, you don't know how to get the core of the ruin, don't swallow me, don't!"

Even if the sleepless man roared with all his strength, his voice was still extremely weak, and then Guan Zhengqing, lying in the water of the Chaos Pool, made a move for the first time, and he began to slowly erect his upper body.

After Guan Zhengqing sat up, strands of chaotic pool water slipped from her muscular body, and then Guan Zhengqing, with an ordinary young face, turned her head to the side where the sleepless person was, and a steady voice came out:

"What you mean by the core of the ruins is this thing?"

When the voice fell, Guan Zhengqing opened his mouth, spit out, and directly spit out a small tower exuding fascinating light.

I saw that this small tower was nine stories high, and each level was connected and shining like a ladder. It was a reduced version of Guixu Pagoda.

As soon as this small tower came out, the roaring sound of the sleepless man suddenly stopped, and then continued to make a strange cry:

"How come, the core of the ruins is directly in your body!"

After speaking, Yao seemed to have thought of something, and his whole body trembled more violently, and his voice rolled out every word:

"It turns out that this opportunity, this unknown Guixu Tower, including the Chaos Crack and these soul tides, are all prepared for you.

"Who are you, why are you so favored by the Chaos Dead Mother? Could it be that you are the heir of the Chaos Dead Mother?"

A voice of intense fear came from Yao's mouth, and then Guan Zhengqing, who was sitting up in the Chaos Pool, had no change in her young and ordinary face, her thin lips were pursed, and her hand reached out to support the small tower floating in the air.

At the next breath, this small tower seemed to have some induction, and the fascinating light radiating from all over the body was even greater, and at the same time began to appear one after another mysterious runes.

And with the appearance of this rune, the entire nine-story Guixu Pagoda standing on the surface of the Chaos Sea, the same rune appeared on each level, and if you look closely, the location of this dense rune appears , Exactly the same as the small tower in front of Guan Zhengqing.

"This is the core of the ruins, it turned out to be the tower spirit, but strangely, it seems that the tower spirit belongs to me by nature!"

After finishing the sentence, Guan Zhengqing stretched out his left hand and opened it, and shook it hard against the small tower in front of him. Then the runes on the small tower turned into chains of runes connected end to end, like a snake swimming, Extending into Guan Zhengqing's body.


After an instant, the entire ruins of the ruins tower began to vibrate to an unprecedented degree, and then almost full of reincarnation death aura, together with the soul tide above, turned into a huge rotating vortex, from top to bottom, poured in mighty In Guan Zhengqing's body.

At the same time, this unknown and mysterious sea area of ​​the Chaos Sea seemed to have begun to react. A huge vortex centered on the nine-story Guixu Pagoda appeared directly, and it expanded outward at a very fast speed, and it was covered in a blink of an eye. The entire sea.

"Lord Chaos, this is a sign of being promoted to Lord Chaos. I am not convinced. This opportunity belongs to this seat. Why do you give you such a newly born sleepless person!"

Seeing that the opportunity that was almost obtained was taken away abruptly, coupled with the self-knowledge that there is no hope of survival, the sleepless person Yao was completely desperate, and there was deep unwillingness in his roars.

At the next breath, the dense runes continued to extend into the body from the tall towers around Guan Zhengqing, standing up in the Chaos Pool of the tall and straight body.

With a tall and straight body, countless reincarnation death guards, at this moment, Guan Zhengqing seemed to have become the supreme **** in this Guixu Pagoda.

Afterwards, Guan Zhengqing lowered her head slightly, and for the first time looked at the sleepless person Yao who was ailing below.

Emotionless gaze pierced the void, and at the same time, there was no emotion in this gaze, and some were just indifferent.

When the sleepless person wakes up, he is deprived of all his memories, which means he is deprived of all his emotions.

At the next breath, all the runes surrounding the Guixu Pagoda turned into chains and rushed into Guan Zhengqing's body. At this moment, the entire body of the huge sea had undergone profound changes.

From the original chaos, Qi Qi surrendered to an extremely young will.

"So this is the Lord of Chaos."

The still emotionless voice came from Guan Zhengqing's mouth, and then he raised his right hand and shook it lightly in front of him. The voice continued:

"Billions of Yin Soldiers to be reincarnated!"

The voice fell, and the chaotic vortex below Guan Zhengqing revolved in an unprecedented degree.

Then, under the horrified gaze of the sleepless person, one after another soldiers in armor appeared!

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