"Ding Ding Dong Dong!"

The intensive sound like a heavy rain hitting a bell resounded on the central campus of Shenjing City, and it also struck the hearts of all those who were watching.

At the same time, on the wide martial arts school field, a figure holding a gun, flying almost close to the ground, moving back and forth like a ghost, in a short while before pouring down the magical powers, completely avoiding it in a dangerous and dangerous posture. .

The sword light, the howling sharp arrows and the magical powers that pierce the void, every bombardment burst, will make the countless people watching around the school ground subconsciously let out an exclamation.

But every time, that teleportation-like figure rushed out from the violent storm and made the surrounding cheers even worse!

"What a handsome body, who is this boy with a gun?"

Among the crowds in the stands around the school grounds, a middle-aged monk wearing a palace robe, stroked the beautiful beard hanging down his chest, the admiration in his eyes became more and more intense, and the sigh continued to be heard:

"A blockbuster, really a blockbuster!"

Before this sigh fell, the voice of the middle-aged Taoist priest was instantly drowned out by the deafening cheers:

"Good, good!"

I saw the young man charging forward single-handedly in the middle of the schoolyard. He raised his right hand, turned the scarlet spear in his hand, and pierced it straight to the side, directly tore a concealed arrow from the void like a poisonous snake. Shattered with a shot.

The gun was shot like a dragon, and it was extremely accurate, and saw a golden-red streamer pierced the void, smashing the cyan arrow!

Countless fragments of vitality exploded, and the young man's appearance was so heroic, so that all the eyes of all those who were watching this suddenly became particularly hot, and they couldn't help joining the cheers and shouts.

Under the deafening roar, the young man stepped on the ground with his right foot, his figure continued to move forward in an unstoppable posture, but the storm arrow that had just been smashed by the former was equally extraordinary, with many changes inside.

Even if the arrow failed to directly penetrate the target and was smashed by a shot in advance, it still completely turned into a tornado storm billowing into the sky in the next breath, swallowing the young man directly.

"Everyone, this kid has been trapped by the Tornado Arrow, and he will take action soon. If one of them picks our entire team, then our Canglan Academy will become a post-dinner talk in the vast land of Shenzhou, and we will be ashamed. Up!"

Arrows stormed into the sky, and a young voice sounded directly, and the person who spoke was well-proportioned, with a handsome face, standing proudly in the forefront, while holding a large bow surrounded by green light, and a light blue monk's robe flying in the wind. , His eyes are firm and sharp.

Behind the blue-robed monk stood four other young monks wearing blue robes. Among them, two of them held down the ground and cast a large formation directly to form a Canglan barrier, trapping the four rival monks at the other end of the school field. In it.

This is a battle for the qualifications to enter the ancient ruins!

As Daxia’s rare young generation's pinnacle duel in recent years, this relic battle undoubtedly attracted the attention of all Daxia’s citizens, countless people in the vast land of China, and even Wuxian Mountain in the two states outside the North Sea. The descendants are very concerned about this.

And the Great Xia court, which has always listened to the voice of the people, naturally took action and directly opened the largest school in Shenjing City for performances, not to mention, even mobilized the power of mountains and seas to project scenes of battles in major cities.

In other words, the number of people who saw the performance of the performance at this time was beyond imagination!

"Come here, just came out of the palace, how is this duel today?"

On the second floor of the Yueya Restaurant in Taiping Ruins of Shenjing City, in the private room of Jiazi, Sima Annan's white figure dancing in white hurriedly pushed in.

After Sima Annan's words fell, he randomly found a place to sit in the private room of the restaurant, picked up the teapot and filled himself with a cup of tea, then turned his head to look at the light and shadow of the battlefield on the Taiping Ruins, and fixed his eyes. After taking a look, he let out a soft voice:

"Interestingly, which showdown is this?"

"Today is Canglan Academy vs. Linping Academy."

After Li Yi's explanation fell, the same stared at the Taboo in front of him, with a smile on his mouth, and continued to speak:

"This is by far the most interesting game."

After speaking, Sima Annan raised his brows, and Yinglang's voice came out:

"Canglan Academy knows that all the academic palaces in Daxia are among the best in strength. This is the first time that Linping Academy has heard of it."

"Linping City, a small city in the western part of the state, there is no mountain or dew on weekdays."

Li Yi's response sounded, and then the former leaned forward slightly and continued to speak:

"This is a dark horse. Before the battle began, almost everyone thought that the disciples of Canglan Academy could win without any effort.

"It was true at the beginning. Only two disciples in the Canglan Academy were cast out, and the disciples in Linping Academy were trapped inside."

"This Canghai enchantment is a powerful method for Canglan City, and it is directly used when it comes up. It seems that Canglan Academy does not underestimate the enemy."

"The lessons of the White Tiger Academy in the capital city of last year are before us. This time no one dares to underestimate the enemy. After all, the treasures in this secret realm are so jealous that even the old people of us are extremely jealous. We have to sigh that these young people are really good. Luck."

In the voice of Li Yi's opening, the smile continued, and then he stretched out his right hand and pointed at the young figure shrouded in the tornado storm in front of him. The voice continued:

"I thought that under this sea barrier, those disciples from Linping Academy were self-defeating, but everything that happened after that was extremely unexpected because of this young man."

After speaking, Li Yi's face with two scars showed a hint of appreciation, lips opened, and the voice came out again:

"This person suddenly emerged. One shot, and he broke free before the enchantment was closed. Then he started to charge with his gun. With one person on the entire team of Canglan Academy, he did not lose sight of it, and even faintly took advantage.

"What's even more exciting is that this person's fighting style is particularly brave. Regardless of the magical powers of the attack, he will explode with a single shot. This kind of tactics will undoubtedly make all those around you appreciate it!"

When the words fell, Sima Annan beside Li Yi watched the tornado storm that was soaring into the sky, the young figure shrouded by countless arrows raging back and forth, and the scarlet spear in the figure's hand, frowning and thinking.

Then the second floor of the entire Crescent Restaurant gradually fell into silence, and at the next breath, a deafening shout sounded directly from within the Taiping Ruins, directly pushing the atmosphere of the restaurant to the top.

"Look, it's coming out, this kid smashed the tornado storm with another shot!"

After the words fell, the central schoolyard of Shenjing City, like a dragon blood spear reappeared, blood bursts and bursts within the tornado storm, and then a figure stepped out of the blood.

Like a young God of War!

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