The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1686: Holding a gun

Jiang Xingzhou's complexion was extremely solemn, and the blue Canglan Xuegong robe he wore on his tall and straight body was also bulging out because of the waves of vigor surging outward, hunting.


The atmosphere of the martial arts field in the middle of Shenjing City, as the duel unfolded like a raging fire, it was unprecedentedly hot. The roar of countless people on the stands of the martial arts field, together with the hot gaze, enveloped the ears of the children of the Canglan Sect. .

As we all know, when the hot gaze reaches a certain level, it will carry weight. At this time, these young practitioners standing on the martial arts field understand that not only the people in the stands, but also the countless children of Daxia The people will watch all this through the mountain and sea picture scroll.

Victory is known by the world, and defeat is also known by the world!

Under these pressures, as Li Yi on the second floor of the Crescent Restaurant said, no one dare to take it lightly, and the leaders of Canglan Academy are no exception.

Therefore, even if the opponent is the little-known Bingzhou Primary School Palace, as soon as he came up, he would directly blast out the sea barrier that blocked the world.

But then the trend of this ancient relic of Yanwu directly gave the head of the Canglan Academy a blow.

A figure rushing with a gun violently approached in Jiang Xingzhou’s black eyes, and at the same time the monstrous aura like a dragon billowed, just like the mighty tsunami flood photographed outside the city of Canglan. The power of blocking.

"This time I have a hard stubble!"

A whisper came from Jiang Xingzhou's mouth, and then he once again clenched the big bow in his hand and opened his mouth and let out a loud roar:

"Continue to maintain the Canghai enchantment, and deadlock the four monks in Linping Academy, Bowen and Bo Wu, you two have their sharp swords out of the sheath, and stop this kid who rushed over for me!"

After Jiang Xingzhou’s roar fell, he raised his large bow once again and pulled it away at the figure in front of him. At the same time, two identical young monks beside him had nothing to say, and pulled out a water-blue handle from behind. The long sword was severely cut out towards the front.

At the next breath, two long river shadows rolled out of the void, and then starting from the big swords in the hands of the two young monks, Bowen Bowu, they were intertwined and entangled with each other, roaring towards the gun-holding figure ahead.

"Ssangyong intertwined!"

After a low drink came out, the two figures of Bowen and Bo Wu were suddenly blurred, turning into a phantom into the roaring river in front of them, flashing forward at a speed that was almost teleporting.

"Brother Li, it is said that this Canglan Academy in Canglan City, its predecessor was Haicuozong, which was once located by the Giant Sea?"

On the second floor of the Crescent Restaurant in Taiping Ruins, Sima Annan was silent for a while, watching the two long rivers that suddenly began to show off on the school grounds, and the voice of inquiry sounded.

Then Li Yi, who was beside him, took a sip from the teacup in front of him, and said in response:

"Yes, in the battle against Bai Mingxiu at the shore of the giant sea, Sect Master Haicuo and Sect Master both fell.

"With the dragons without a leader, Hai Cuozong gradually withdrew from everyone's sight. Later, the court established a number of academic palaces in the major cities of Daxia, and the remaining Hai Cuozong disciples joined some other sects in Canglan City to form In today's Canglan Academy.

"With the background of the Sea Cuosong, the overall strength of the Canglan Academy has always been not weak among the university palaces, especially the water attribute supernatural powers, it is even more outstanding."

When Li Yi's words fell, the situation in the martial arts venue in the center of Shenjing City changed again. Two water dragons almost condensed into substance, roaring and crossing the void, directly one left and one right, appearing when the storm just blasted out of the tornado. Young figure standing beside him.

The murderous intent reached the limit in an instant, and at the same time, inside the faucet, two cold-bearing sharp swords, carrying piercing sharp edges, stabbed violently.

Ssangyong entangles and strangles together!


The shocking roar resounded across the fields, and the fluctuations pouring outwards even made the people shouting in excitement on the martial arts stadium stand, breathing together, and there was a momentary pause.

Then there was a monk who knew Canglan Academy better, with a look of excitement on his face, and said loudly:

"This type of double dragon strangulation is the unique knowledge of the two brothers Bowen and Bo Wu. Although the cultivation bases of these two brothers alone are not the top in the Canglan Academy, once they unite and fight, they can communicate directly. Several times of power burst out.

"This is also one of the reasons why the two were able to stand out and represent Canglan Academy in this martial arts competition for the relics."

As soon as this statement fell, a burst of gasping sounds suddenly came from all the population above the stands, because the school ground below had the supernatural powers of the disciples of the Canglan Sect, who had been strangling by two dragons, and changed again.

I saw the void between the roars of the two dragons on the left and right, the billowing tide rushed out of the void again, and then the head of another water dragon rushed out of it, and the roar was shaking.

"From Double Dragon Strangulation to Three Dragons Playing Pearl, these Bos brothers are really good at it!"

"The Boss brothers have formed a battle. This young man who has suddenly emerged may not be able to resist!"

A series of comments came from the monks who were watching, and then there was a monk who fixed his eyes on the young figure holding a gun below, and said each word:

"For some reason, I always feel that the young man below, who has never been seen before, will create a miracle that belongs to this spring, and let all Daxia know his name!"

Rising in the midst of the dying, with a weak posture, overturning the powerful, sometimes to gain the resonance of others, only one thing needs to be done.

That is to raise the gun, move forward, never shrink!

Everyone has their own dream of a strong man in their hearts, but the real realization is very few, so they are willing to put their enthusiasm into the unknown boy facing the roaring water dragon alone.

"War, war, war!"

Under the sound of unanimous cheering, the young man who clenched his spear and shattered countless arrow storms around him, lifted his head, pursed his thin lips, and stared at the front.

The juvenile's very ordinary black monk's robe rolled violently, and the only bright color on his body was the scarlet spear in his hand.

In the next breath, the red light became more and more dazzling, and even the water dragon that was besieged from the three parties, reflected a bright red.

At the same time, the young man stepped forward violently, his blood was as deep as a dragon, and even the ground under his feet shook fiercely.

Then the young man raised the gun flatly, held the tail of the gun in his hand, pointed the blood gun straight forward, and made a pose that is familiar to gun practitioners.

Gun style!

But after an instant, a heavy power that moved like a mountain began to radiate from the young body. In everyone's reaction, outside the young man's body, it seemed that an indestructible armor appeared.

"Is this holding a gun?"

At the same time, in the box on the second floor of Crescent Restaurant, Sima Annan leaned forward, shouting in exclamation.

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