Gun style, gun power!

Although the difference between the two is one word, there is a huge difference.

As the saying goes, the moon stick is a sword for a lifetime. It can be seen how difficult it is to practice a gun among a hundred soldiers, and every gunner practices this gun style at the beginning.

Hold the tail of the gun, hold the gun forward, exercise the stability of the lancet, and strengthen the connection with the long gun, so as to reach the realm of entering the room like an arm. This is the role of the gun.

And holding a gun is a realm that a practitioner can comprehend only after he has completely reached the realm of the unity of man and gun.

It is easy to persist in practicing, but the realization of the realm is too difficult. This requires a unique talent. Therefore, among the many people who use guns in Daxia, there are very few people who can understand the power of guns.

"With a gun as his power, he is immovable like a mountain. At this age, he can comprehend the power of holding a gun. This sub-gun talent can be described as the best of his peers!"

On the stand of the martial arts arena, there are many people who can see that. You can see the extraordinary situation around the boy with a gun at this time. There is even a major repair to see a mountain and a gun around the boy with a gun. mountain!

The young man in the martial arts field obviously only holds a gun, but in the induction of the rest of the people, there is a spear of nothingness that emerges, and then this dense spear is centered on the body of the young man, pointing like a hedgehog. in all directions.

The spear shines, and the edge howls.

At the next breath, the black-clothed boy moved forward with a gun, and took another step toward the three-headed supernatural water dragon roaring and biting down.


The earth continued to vibrate and roar, and as the young man moved forward, there was an entire sharp-edged gun mountain!

"Hit, hit!"

A cry of exclamation came from the school stand and all the people who passed through the mountain and sea picture scroll. Then everyone's eyes brightened. What's more, they stood up, held their breath, and stared at the front.

It is true that for this young man who is a gunner, the roaring and shaking water dragon in front of him is undoubtedly the strongest magical power he has encountered since the beginning of this relic showdown.

The so-called golden scales are things in the pool. Once the wind and cloud change the dragon, once you pass this hurdle, you will truly become famous all over the world. At the same time, I don’t know why, everyone is in the bottom of my heart for this thin body. The young boy squeezed a sweat.

After an instant, the three strangling from the three sides into the water dragon, along with the two brothers Bowen and Bo Wu violently stabbed swords, directly hit the young man and rushed forward to the gun mountain!


A loud and deafening sound like a bell, suddenly resounded in everyone's ears, and at the same time, the center of the martial arts field, the fierce opposing force, swept outward like a volcanic eruption.

Then the screaming strength, like a plow in a farmland, lifted the ground of the entire martial arts field one after another, and the speed of the lift became faster and faster. At the same time, countless sands of the land rolled up, forming a sandstorm.

At the next breath, between the grayish-brown gravel tumbling, a blue water vapor exploded from the inside out, and then three lifelike water dragons roared and rushed out, directly surrounding the young man with guns inside. , Entangled down fiercely.

"Gaj, Gaj!"

A very harsh sound came from the void of the school field intertwined with water vapor and gravel, and then one of the people above the stands stood up, leaning forward to carefully observe the appearance below.

In the next instant, two water-blue sword lights suddenly gleamed out of the chaos and void, and then the flying figures of the two brothers in blue robes, following the sword lights, jumped out of the water dragon, and immediately approached Young figure with guns up into the sky.

Then the two appeared beside the gun-bearing boy, carrying their swords, and stabbing them with all their strength.

"Canghai Great Tide Sword, stop waiting for me!"

With a solemn shout, it came from the mouths of the two brothers, Bowen and Bowu at the same time, and then the big swords in the hands of the two became extremely heavy together, and the rolling waves emerged outward, and even produced bursts of clear and incomparable tidal whistling. .

Just as Jiang Xingzhou, who was pulling his bow and arrow and desperately condensing his magical powers, said, this time the battle for ancient ruins is more than just a few places.

Because the entire Daxia hundreds of millions of people are watching here, and under the situation that the world knows the victory or defeat, victory or defeat is related to the glory of itself and the school behind it.

So at this time, the Bos brothers who used the Dachao Sword did not have any reservations, and even under this heavy pressure, they performed superbly.

The whistling sound of the waves hitting the tide reached its peak in an instant, and then a particularly vast force of the tide, centered on the two swords, wanted to lift up the young man alone in front of him.

At the same time, above the head of the boy with a gun, three water dragons, all open their fangs, waiting for the entrance of the former.

Interlocking, killing every step!

It has to be said that the Bos brothers in Canglan Academy have extremely rich combat experience on weekdays and firmly grasp the entire situation.

The two worked together and only used two short magical powers to drag the entire battlefield into their own rhythm, but the two brothers' faces were almost identical, without any lightness, and they were still extremely solemn.

Because in front of the two of them, the young man who rushed forward with a gun, wrapped in motionless momentum, suddenly began the most violent counterattack.

At the next breath, in the dark eyes of the young man with a gun, the glowing blood suddenly rises and falls, and then shrinks inward, shrinking to a point, the same shrinking, and the heavy gun movement of the young man.

The gun force that originally expanded outwards instantly disappeared, causing the opposing aura of the two parties to be completely broken in an instant. Then the two brothers opened their mouths and let out a muffled grunt, and the solemn expression on their faces became even more serious.

The sudden contraction of the guns, the Bos brothers happened to have exhausted the old power and the new power was not yet born, so this meant that the teenager had a fleeting opportunity to fight back!

For ordinary monks, it is extremely difficult to grasp such a short change of energy, but at this time, the boy with a gun, who stood firm under the billowing wave, has proved to everyone watching this duel that he has The invincible dark horse posture.

After a breath, a confident and steady low drink, resounding through the sky:

"A shot to break the falsehood!"

As the words fell, a blood gun slammed forward, and the young man's wrist shook the gun, causing the entire spear to tremble and press down with a violent posture, crashing onto the rising tide sword.


A loud noise as if the cloth was torn apart, the blood gun in the young man's hand was like a pair of scarlet scissors, cutting open the blue sea tide in front of him like a broken bamboo.

After an instant, the boy with a gun continued to rush forward, stepping on the ground with one foot, avoiding the slashes of the two brothers, while standing up into the sky, raising the gun upwards, stabbing out again, and the sound rolled out. :

"A shot broke the sky!"

This time, the place where the blood spear shot out was the roaring water dragon above!

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