The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1689: Lively spring

"This kid, his surname is Guan."

Taiping Ruins, the second floor of the Crescent Restaurant, when Xu Qing's voice lingered in his ears, all the taboos in the entire private room suddenly felt a lot of ripples.

At the same time, a thin and tall figure appeared directly in the hearts of Li Yi and others.

This person also holds the Weeping Blood Dragon Spear, standing on the Netherwing Beast, his eyes are steady and powerful, and his body contains talents and cultivation skills that are astonishing.

He once occupied the top three rankings, and he once overwhelmed a generation!

The thing that creatures are best at is forgetting. Therefore, as time goes by and the waves of the Yangtze River push forward, some people and things are destined to be forgotten, but for the taboos who accompanied Zhao Yu's rise all the way, they were once idols. , Deeply in my own memory, even at this moment, still fresh in my memory.

"This kid is also surnamed Guan, what is his name?"

Sima Annan's voice was hoarse, and a trace of complexity flashed across his face, and then Xu Qing put away the zipper in her hand and gently tossed it to Li Yi, who responded:

"His name is Guan Shanbei, from Linping City, Bingzhou."

When the voice fell, Sima Annan's lips moved. As soon as he wanted to ask, Xu Qing's voice immediately sounded in the private room:

"Master Sima, it's not what you think. This kid has nothing to do with Guan Zhengqing. There is a Guan family in Linping City who used to be a spear-family family, but he declined for many years.

"This Guan Shanbei is the grandson of this family. Since our birth in the Taixuan Land, we are affected by the initiation of vitality, and his talents are completely explosive, and now it is a blockbuster."

After the words fell, Sima Annan took out a folding fan from his sleeve, shook it gently, and opened his mouth with a sigh:

"Could it be that this surname is Guan, who is naturally good at using guns?"

After the words fell, the situation of the young generation's confrontation changed again in the middle school of the Shenjing City. After the cocoon was completely broken, the Canglan Wind Butterfly spread its especially huge misty wings and let out a loud hissing in front.

The wings of the Canglan Wind Butterfly, the left wing is the blue awn containing the power of the ultimate water attribute, while the right wing is the wind wing with countless blue awns.

At the next breath, the wind butterfly, whose wings stretched out to the full, slammed toward the bottom.

Left wind and right water, both wings shook, it was a tornado storm!

After an instant, dozens of storms and tornadoes rising straight into the sky, instantly torn apart the void and rolled out, shrouded in the young figure below.

In just a few short moments, he directly moved the huge martial arts field, as if completely moved to the roaring sea of ​​anger and the ancient ocean that was ravaged by storms.

"It's a strong storm power, shredding everything. The cultivation base of the leader of the Canglan Sect is also not weak. I didn't expect today's matchup to be so passionate, exciting, and truly exciting!"

Sighs came from the monks above the stands, and then the other monks patted their hands with the same hands, and the voice sounded:

"This type of Canglan Wind Butterfly magical power should be the trump card used by the leader of Canglan Academy, Jiang Xingzhou, to press the bottom of the box. I didn't expect to use it directly at this time. Whether this matchup is won or lost, for the Canglan Academy. My disciples, it’s definitely not so easy in my heart."

"I met a dark horse that has suddenly emerged. Whoever replaces it can only lament the bad luck."

When these words fell, the monk who wanted to continue to speak, his eyes jumped suddenly, and he blurted out:

"Come here, this final battle of martial arts is about to be staged!"

When the words came out, a loud roar suddenly sounded in the center of the schoolyard. I saw a blood-colored thunder shining out in the center of the storm intertwined with tornadoes. After an instant, the blood thunder spread out like a spider web, crackling lightning and thunder. The sound is endless.

Storm, tornado, blood thunder!

Such a world-shattering vision of warfare is not at all like the sight that the younger generation can have in war, but like two top-level powers, summoning the ancient kingdom to fight.

The intertwined light of blue, blue and red shines on the faces of all the people watching around. Although the light is dazzling, almost everyone opens their eyes hard and stares down, fearing that they will miss any of them. The change.

It takes only a few moments for a duel between the strong to decide the trend of victory or defeat.


Dense, ear-piercing thunders resounded across the sky, and then below the Azure Wind Butterfly, among the storm tornadoes that pierced through the sky and the earth, countless blood thunders climbed more and more outwards, and then this blood-colored thunder power directly reached its peak. Exploding outwards.

"A shot of thunder and anger!"

When the young and familiar voice sounded between the heavens and the earth, the blood-colored thunder burst together, and the storm tornadoes burst into pieces at the same time.

Then, between wind, rain and thunder, the blood-colored spear once again tore through the void, piercing out together with the flying figure of the young man in black robe.

The gun is like thunder, the gorilla is overwhelming!

Under this thunder shot, the void in front was almost completely blasted into a vacuum state, and at the same time, a pitch-black tearing and scratching rushed forward, smoothing out all directions, completely annihilating the boiling power of wind and water.

After a short while, the thunderous thunder spear suddenly appeared in front of the Bo Wu who was quickly withdrawing, and when he picked it up, the power of thunder broke out, blasting the latter directly into the sky!

One shot, one shot!

After taking Bo Wu out of the martial arts field with a single shot, this young man named Guan Shanbei did not hesitate to continue holding his gun forward. The thunder spear moved with him, crossing a large distance in an instant, and quickly approaching Jiang Xingzhou.

"Canglan storm, arrows are like rain!"

In front of him, Jiang Xingzhou's complexion was extremely dignified, and then he couldn't take care of the sinking heart, and continued to bow and shoot arrows, pouring out a large number of arrows directly in front of him.

At the same time, the Canglan Wind Butterfly above the martial arts field continued to shake its wings frantically, facing the martial arts school field below, indiscriminately blasting countless tornadoes.

This was Jiang Xingzhou's last magical power method, and this combination of magical powers also gambled on the glory of himself and the entire Academy.

The sound of the storm is noisy as ghosts, and the void of the entire martial arts field, under the tornado storm, seems to be upside down!

"Such supernatural powers, even the Grand Master of Palm Fate Birth and Death Realm, is nothing more than that!"

Under the roar of the violent storm, the people in the stands of the entire martial arts field held their breaths, and then some monks continued to subconsciously murmur:

"The younger generation of monks now is so terrifying?"

"This should be the last and strongest blow of the Canglan Academy cultivator. I wonder if this dark horse boy can resist it?"

"Whether it can be or not, I have a hunch that this spring is destined to be extremely lively!"

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